Chapter 374 Swamp
It's been ten days, and the two of them stayed on the bodhi golden fruit tree for ten days. During the period, they also searched around, but they couldn't get out at all. It was really impossible to walk over. The thick fog seemed to block their footsteps.In addition to the place where it appeared before, it is also possible to move around not far away, and this place seems to have become a cage.

The two were a little anxious at first, but now they are much calmer, no matter how anxious they are, they can't go out. They ate and drank in the tree, and they didn't see any other monsters or anything during the period.

The fruit on the tree is much less.

"Miss Mei, what should I do if I can't get out?"

"Monk, are you in a hurry?"

"I was anxious at the beginning, but now I am not in a hurry."

It's been so long, I should be anxious, I've already been anxious.No matter what, it can't change the result.It's better to be plain and open-minded.Just like Miss Mei said before, she might be able to go out when it's time to go out.

Mei Baoer was lying on the branch, looking up at the golden Bodhi fruits one by one: "Monk, do you think these fruits are missing a lot?"

Hearing this, Monk Huanxi really looked up: "It is indeed a lot less. If we finish eating, we will probably starve to death."

"I guess not. After eating, maybe we can go out."

Mei Baoer said with a smile, "Look, what's the difference in the place where a piece of fruit disappeared."

He looked up, and there was no golden light in the place where a piece of fruit disappeared. It seemed... It seemed that all kinds of white light were seeping out, but they tried it before, and they couldn't get out of here, let alone climb over the Bodhi fruit tree. , This place is really like a cage.

At this moment, I also discovered an incredible thing, that little bit of white light seemed to seep from the leaves. Could it be that they really had to eat the fruit before they could go out?
The two looked at each other, their figures flickered, and they quickly picked the fruit.They also discovered that only after eating the fruit will the white light appear, and if the fruit is thrown away, new fruit will grow on the tree, so they have to eat it.

"Sure enough, Miss Mei, it's true, Miss Mei, I still think you have a predestined relationship with Buddha."

"Monk, stop joking, let's eat the fruit first."

Mei Baoer couldn't help laughing, this monk really didn't have any bad intentions.The two quickly picked the fruit, peeled it, and ate it. No matter how full they were, they stuffed it in. Only when they couldn't get it in, would they stop moving. When their stomachs were empty, they climbed the tree to eat the fruit again.

Repeatedly, just like this for a month, when they ate the last fruit, all the golden light on the top of the tree disappeared, replaced by a little bit of white light.

The two were overjoyed, and quickly climbed up, and they were able to push away the branches and leaves with ease. When they felt a fresh and strange air, they were overjoyed in their eyes, without hesitation, jumped out.

The cold and humid air hit, the two stabilized their figures, and finally found themselves in a desolate area.Now they really don't know where they are, and the only thing that comforts them is that they can come out.

Staggering to his feet, Mei Baoer tried to activate the celestial power, but it was still in vain: "Monk, the celestial power has not recovered, it seems that it is not so easy for us to go out." It looks like a plain here, the grass is very deep, and it is basically invisible. Road, the sky is gloomy, as if it is about to fall.

"It's better than staying inside all the time." Monk Joy also got up and observed the surrounding situation. His monk robes were already dirty. Fortunately, he was bald, otherwise he would be very embarrassed.

But he glanced at Mei Bao'er, and she didn't look too messy.

"Let's go!"

Mei Baoer is also much calmer, now that things have passed for so long, no matter what happens outside, she is not something she can worry about now.All she can do now is go out.

When she just stepped on the first step, she felt the ground was soft, and she was startled; "Wait, monk, something is wrong!" However, it was still too late, and she turned around and saw that both legs of the happy monk had fallen into the swamp Among them, the body is still sinking.

"Monk, don't move. The more you move, the faster you will sink. Wait, I will come and pull you up." She tried to move slowly, step by step, for fear that she would also step in. Then the two of them Today is really going to explain here.

Finally, she checked all the places around her that she would not sink into, and quickly grabbed Monk Joy's hand.At this moment, the swamp was about to submerge his waist, and she pulled it hard, only feeling that the other party weighed a thousand catties.But she didn't give up, she used all the strength in her life, gritted her teeth, and pulled hard.

Monk Happy has calmed down a lot from the panic at the beginning.The body also moved up with Mei Bao'er's strength, and he looked at the woman in front of him seriously, the tenacious expression shocked him.Obviously, he had only met a few times, and he even knew that the other party didn't have much affection for him at first, so he would save him at this time.

He felt a little complicated, the master said, there are no kind people in the fairy world.In times of danger, everyone is in danger and will never take into account the lives of others.It seems that his experience tells him that what Master said is correct, and he has saved many people in the fairy world, but he has never received sincere thanks, and some will come to harm him because of interests.

Of course he was slapped to death.

However, everything in front of him made him not understand.

"Monk, use your strength, why are you in a daze, do you want to die?"

Hearing the cursing from beside his ears, he quickly woke up, and saw that he had been pulled halfway out by the other party. He tried to support himself and moved up.Mei Baoer felt that it was easier than before, so she pulled hard and finally pulled him up.

"You monk, you are going to die and you are still in a daze!"

She scolded boringly: "Don't you want to see the Buddha so much?"


The happy monk was very embarrassed, he didn't mean it.When facing other people in the fairyland, he was very eloquent, but in front of her, facing every time such a question, he didn't know what to say, how to answer, it seemed that no matter how he answered, he was not a satisfactory answer.

"Okay, take a break and clean the mud off your clothes. This place should be a swamp. Now that you and I don't have immortal power, if you want to go out, you have to be careful. If it happens again , I’m afraid you won’t have such good luck.”

Her expression became serious. If the other party didn't just fall on the edge, she could still reach it, otherwise, the other party would have died long ago.The surrounding area is barren, not to mention vines, there is not a single tree, all of them are like fragile grass.

(End of this chapter)

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