Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 376 I want to, but not in this way

Chapter 376 I want to, but not in this way

"Thank you!"

Mei Baoer glanced strangely, "Monk, after this experience, you seem to have become a vulgar monk, do you still want to see the Buddha?"

"Yes, but not in this way."

She laughed happily, supported herself vigorously, and felt that her body had regained a lot of strength. Then she slowly cleaned up her wounds, most of which were on her feet. Surprised her a little.

"did not think of……"

Monk Joyful heard her exclamation and didn't know what to say.It turned out that she didn't even know that her foot was broken, and when she saw this, she even made a sound of wonder.

"Monk, are you not hurt?"

Mei Baoer took a look and found that the other party was not as embarrassed as she was: "Sure enough, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick."

"What do I have to do?"

"Can you find some elixir for me?" She glanced around, but she was still able to find some elixir to heal the wound.Monk Huanhuan didn't refuse, turned around and ran away, and came back with a lot of grass in his arms after a while.

Mei Bao'er picked out the ones that could be used. At this moment, she had already cleaned her legs, and her feet could no longer look the way they were before. She only realized how painful it was when the medicine was applied.

Seeing her grinning in pain, Monk Huanxi couldn't help her in a hurry.If they regained their immortal power, they would not have such troubles. In the eyes of immortals, such injuries were nothing more than skin injuries.However, without celestial power, they are just mortals. If such wounds are not cleaned properly, they will be very dangerous.

After a long time, Mei Baoer finally wrapped her feet into two rice dumplings.She was distressed. In this case, she might not be able to walk.If she were to walk, the injury at her feet would probably get worse.

"If Bao'er doesn't mind, I'll go there behind your back. Anyway, we are also life and death friends. Bao'er saved my life before, and now I should take you out."

She hesitated, then agreed.

Monk Huanxi helped her up and put her on his back lightly, feeling that there was no weight at all.Thinking of that pointed chin, since she fell off Chuxianya, she probably lost a lot of weight.There was a strange feeling in his heart, but he ignored it.

Fortunately, the stream was not deep, his trouser legs had been rolled up, and he walked slowly over with Mei Baoer on his back.Soon they reached the opposite side, and in front of them was a lush green forest, which they had seen before.

"I don't know if there is any danger inside." That's what he said, but he didn't stop, walking slowly into the forest.

"Monk, look at a stone tablet over there."

Mei Bao'er saw it clearly, so he stopped and walked over. There were three words clearly written on the stone tablet: Peacock Forest

"Where is Peacock Forest?"

The happy monk was a little surprised: "I heard that there is a peacock forest not far from Bixiaxing, but no one has ever explored the peacock forest. I don't know if that peacock forest is this peacock forest."

"Bixia star?"

Mei Bao'er was surprised: "I am familiar with this place, let's go in and have a look first, maybe there are still many people who can go to Bixia Star!" Knowing that she might have reached a familiar place, she felt much more at ease.

Monk Huanhuan was also happy now, and ran quickly with Mei Baoer on his back without hesitation.All the small animals in the forest were frightened by him, and the chattering birds also moved quickly.

"Monk, do you feel something is not right?"

Mei Baoer suddenly felt a palpitation, "Monk, it's coming, there is danger behind."

Hearing Mei Baoer's words, Monk Joyful ran away without thinking too much. Where the two of them had just run, she looked back and found a few ferocious peacocks running towards them.She also clearly saw that a certain peacock had a person in its mouth, and swallowed that person with a single grunt.

"Monk, it's a peacock that eats people, run away, or we will be eaten!!"

She stared, this was the first time she had encountered such a thing.In my impression, the peacock is a very beautiful and arrogant animal, but what happened to this man-eating peacock.It was so terrible that it swallowed people whole.

Monk Joyful also smelled the smell of blood, and the sound of footsteps coming from behind also made him have no extra thoughts to think about the reason for all this.They only know how to run, if they can't run, both of them will be eaten.

After running for half an hour, Monk Huanxi was already sweating profusely, not to mention carrying a person on his back. Although Mei Baoer is very light, in this highly tense situation, no matter how light it is, it still has weight.

A few peacocks of different colors chased after him so hard that they didn't dare to stay for a while.Both of them couldn't help cursing in their hearts, but they had to concentrate.

Mei Baoer watched the peacocks behind and reported the situation at any time. Monk Joyful was in charge of escaping. If it weren't for the current situation, she really wanted to say that they must be the best teammates and they cooperated very well.

"Monk, I feel Xianli, run faster."

Mei Baoer was overjoyed, looking at the increasingly lush trees in front of her, perhaps, this is really the peacock forest of Bixiaxing, right?Monk Joyful felt it too, but before he could be happy, a few peacocks chased after him.

When Mei Baoer saw that the other party was about to bite, she quickly grabbed the peacock's mouth and tore it hard, then heard a scream, she threw the peacock back, and the peacock fell to the ground. companion's body.

Even though the peacock's angry voice was heard in his ears, the happy monk did not stop.

As for the rush of Xianli, the two of them felt refreshed.The celestial power in the body is also fully restored at this time.Mei Baoer was overjoyed, seeing the peacock running over, she became conscious, grabbed a handful of poisonous powder and sprinkled it behind her.

Those silly peacocks couldn't dodge, they were all hit, and fell to the ground with a bang, bleeding all over their bodies, and they were so dead that they couldn't die anymore.At this moment, she breathed a sigh of relief and got off Monk Joyful's back.

The two immediately practiced the exercises, because they had eaten the Bodhi Golden Fruit before, and they had shared the Bodhi Golden Fruit from a tree.The energy accumulated in their bodies seemed to explode them.

Without hesitation, both of them entered the state of cultivation. When they were in meditation, Mei Baoer even threw out a formation plate and sprinkled a lot of poisonous powder around to ensure that there was no danger, so they felt relieved.

She only felt that there were countless forces erupting in her body, as if she was about to burst her body, and following the operation route of the exercise, she transformed these forces into herself step by step, and her strength continued to rise. Even in the state of meditation, she There was also a strange look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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