Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 381 Should have been bombed to death

Chapter 381 Should have been bombed to death
No matter how threatened behind her, Mei Bao'er just kept silent, which made the elder very angry.After all, she is a powerhouse in the late stage of the fairy queen, and it took so long to catch up with a mere junior at the peak of the fairy king, it is too embarrassing!

Thinking that she would be laughed at, she moved her palm slightly, stirring the fairy power around her.Mei Baoer seemed to have noticed something, her expression turned cold.The figure suddenly sped up, and the Xianli attack behind her also rushed over. Although she escaped quickly, she was also affected, and her heart was sweet on the spot, and a mouthful of blood was swallowed.Then he quickly escaped from the potion and drank it. After feeling a lot better, the speed increased again.

The Great Elder was strong, and while surprised, he was even more angry!
Even let the other party escape.

Finally, Mei Baoer fled to the side of a teleportation array again, took out the fairy stone and quickly put it into the groove.Seeing this, the Great Elder accelerated his speed, and with a bang, when Mei Bao'er stepped into the teleportation array, he rushed in suddenly.He grabbed Mei Baoer's body with one hand and wanted to lift it out, but he couldn't resist the suction of the teleportation array at all, and the two of them were sucked in like this.

"The Great Elder has caught Mei Bao'er, let's go up quickly."

Mei Baoer felt the claws grasping her shoulder very hard, and snorted coldly: "Great Elder, you are really in a hurry."

"Now you have fallen into my hands, follow me back to meet the sect master."

In the transmission channel, the two faced each other angrily.The Great Elder's eyes were full of joy, after all Mei Bao'er was captured, and her face could be regarded as regained.As long as you bring it back to the sect, you can retire with success.

"Your speed is very fast, hand over the secret method!"

She sneered, these people are really greedy: "Grand Elder, you should care about your own safety, instead of asking me about some secret technique."

The Great Elder finally felt that something was wrong, but before she could ask anything, he suddenly heard a sound of explosion, his expression changed, but he didn't let go of Mei Baoer: "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I guess the entrance of the teleportation array was blown up. I don't know if the other members of your Xuanbingmen took the teleportation array. If so, I guess they were unlucky and should have been killed."

Her eyes were very cold, since Xuanbingmen didn't give her a way out, she didn't want to leave any way out.

"You...I'm going to kill you!!"

"Great Elder, don't worry, I'll tell you a secret, do you want to know?"

Mei Bao'er's smiling face made the Great Elder's heart feel cold, she always felt that she was being calculated.

"What secret?"

"Grand Elder, you grabbed my shoulder too hard, let go first, anyway, you can't escape in the teleportation circle." The Great Elder really wanted to know what the secret was, so she would not believe it when he let go. At such a close distance, the other party will run away.

Mei Baoer chuckled: "Great Elder, come here a little bit, I will tell you quietly, if you know this secret, it will be better than being an elder of Xuanbingmen, this secret contains infinite benefits."

The Great Elder did not suspect him, and she felt that the other party must want to use this secret in exchange for her own life.Of course she knew that the sect master just wanted to use Mei Bao'er to know Kong Hao's whereabouts, and the other party's fate would not escape his death in the end.

Hearing that it could bring her infinite benefits, she subconsciously believed it, with a greedy look on her face, and she discovered just now that the secret method used by May Baoer to escape is very advanced, and should be a top-level means of escape.If I can get it, I don't have to be afraid of being chased and killed in the future.

Thinking of this, her heart became hot, maybe the other party has other good things, and when the time comes to keep all of them for herself, it is really much better than being an elder of Xuanbingmen.

"Say it."

Mei Bao'er felt a glimmer of light in front of her: "Elder, I'll tell you in private, but it's agreed, you have to let me go when you get out later."

"Okay, I promise you."

The Great Elder's heart skipped a beat, and he lied without blushing.When she gets this secret, and then captures the other party back, if the sect master accepts her benefits, he can also get it.

A ray of light flashed across Mei Bao'er's eyes, and seeing the elder's ear approaching, her expression froze, and suddenly her palm moved slightly, and something appeared: "Elder, in fact, the secret is that I got an inheritance before, which contains... ..."

"How is it in there?"

"Of course there are good things in there."

The Great Elder's heart moved, and he leaned closer again: "What good things are there?" She became nervous, looking very greedy.

"Well, what's inside here is what will kill you—"

Suddenly, Mei Baoer slapped the Great Elder's chest with her palm. This was all the strength in her body, and with the help of inertia, she leaned towards the exit of the teleportation array.The Great Elder was very angry, knowing that he had been tricked, he grabbed Mei Bao'er angrily, and felt that he was about to go out, so he moved even faster.

However, Mei Bao'er's meaningful gaze made her feel bad. Seeing the other party throw something, she only felt her ears ringing, and she couldn't see the channel of the teleportation array in front of her.

Mei Baoer clapped her hands, endured the weakness of her body, appeared outside the channel of the teleportation array, and said to the people around: "There are powerful monsters inside, everyone be careful."

After saying this, she fled quickly.No matter what other people's gazes were like, he entered another teleportation array again, this time directly teleporting to White Mist Star.After a few mouthfuls of medicine, he finally recovered a lot of immortal power.

When she arrived at Baiwuxing, before she had time to contact Yu Xing and the others, she suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind and hit her on the back. The woman looked at her coldly.

Seeing Meng Qiangwei next to the woman again, she knew it in her heart, stepped back a few steps, and wiped away the blood: "I didn't expect the head of Ximen to be so fast."

"Where is Kong Hao?" Xi Shuang didn't talk nonsense, but went straight to the point. From her point of view, the character in front of her was just a little Luo Luo.Her ultimate goal is to kill Kong Hao and regain Xuanbingmen's face.

Mei Baoer narrowed her eyes: "Master Xi, I don't know where he is, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person."

"Really? I heard that you have a very close relationship with the Peacock Sect. Miracle Doctor Mei seems to be a nobleman who forgets a lot. If it wasn't for Ziyu's reminder, I would have let you escape."

At this moment, Mei Baoer realized that Mei Ziyu was actually in the crowd, so she knew it.This Xi Shuang has a very close relationship with the Qiankun Sect. Mei Ziyu is the granddaughter of the other party, so of course she is towards Xi Shuang.Besides, the last time they met, Mei Ziyu didn't get along well with her.

(End of this chapter)

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