Chapter 384
Bai Su and Wu Xing nodded quickly, they had seen Mo Ming before.That man's strength is unfathomable, and they believe that the other party can reach the fairyland safely.He glanced at Mei Baoer who was worried, but didn't know how to persuade her.

"By the way, Liu Guangzong, what are these people like Xuan **** doing now?"

It's time to settle the accounts. Since these people want to play her tricks, she doesn't mind helping them add some material.Although it is not possible to anal directly, it is still very good to use some means secretly to cause some trouble for the other party.

Feeling her sinister smile, the two of them trembled in unison, silently lighting a candle for the dozen or so sects in their hearts. It is not good to offend anyone, but their master.

Bless yourself!
"After they knew that the master was still alive, there was no movement at present, but the communication between them was very close, but it seems that they were discussing something at the moment. The action was also very close, and we haven't found out what it is yet."

Wu Xing has already told what he knows, and now the two are more familiar with Yu Xing, and they are also very concerned about the sects that persecuted Mei Baoer in the past.

"Well, let Yu Xing pay attention to it, and if there is any news, let him pass it on immediately."

Mei Bao'er's eyes lit up, she was so cautious, could she be plotting to get some treasure again?She is not interested in the baby, if these people can not get the baby, she should be very happy.

The corners of her lips twitched: "Okay, you guys go down first, I'll go see Li Yuling." Li Yujiang did her a big favor, and hadn't dealt with the follow-up treatment after accidentally falling off the fairy cliff before.

Although there shouldn't be any problems, she still feels more relieved to take another look.

The two had no objection, and after resigning, they went to Yu Xing's place and told all Mei Baoer's words.Now everyone in Momei Palace hates the Liuguang Sect sects very much. If it wasn't for Mei Baoer who had her own plan and didn't want to expose her own strength, they really wanted to kill them with their knives.

However, they can't ruin the master's hard work because of this.

"Miss Li, how do you feel?"

Li Yuling's eyes lit up a little when she saw Mei Bao'er.Now she is able to walk, but she has not been able to practice movement skills, and her condition is naturally much better than before.In her heart, she was very grateful to Mei Baoer.

Knowing that the other party fell off the immortal cliff, it is also a bit regretful.I also remembered that my elder brother seemed to be a different person because of this incident.I had to sigh secretly in my heart, but I didn't know how to solve this matter.

"Miss Mei, it's good that you're fine. Fortunately, you're back, and my elder brother is still worried about you! It's great that you're fine now." She said with a smile, "I'm already fine. Miss Mei is indeed a wonderful doctor. Yuling really doesn't know how to thank you for letting me stand up again."

"I don't need to be thankful. It's thanks to Mr. Li's help several times." Mei Bao'er walked over, felt her pulse, and saw that her complexion was rosy, and her body had regained vitality. The force in it warms and nourishes the meridians by itself.It only takes some time to fully recover, no different from ordinary people.

In this way, she was relieved.

"I'm fine now. Miss Li is taking good care of her body these days. Don't be in a hurry to practice. The body is the foundation of cultivation. It's best to warm up for a year."

He also said some things to pay attention to, and Li Yuling wrote them down one by one, not daring to be sloppy at all.She used to be desperate and became a useless person, but now she is finally able to be like an ordinary person, and she really doesn't want to cause any problems with her body.

"Thank you, Miss Mei."

Li Yuling paused, and suddenly said: "It's been so long, why haven't I seen Miss Mei's husband?" In fact, she was guessing that when Mei Baoer fell off the fairy cliff, she didn't see her husband. Could it be that the other party is not in the fairy world, or There are other reasons?
If it was due to other reasons, the cultivation world was changing rapidly, and my eldest brother might not be able to fulfill his wish.It's not to blame for her selfish thoughts, who is not for her family.

"He'll be here in a while."

Mei Baoer's eyes moved. If Li Yuling had asked this question before, she would not have reacted.But when I saw Li Yujiang's appearance before, I kind of understood it.She didn't have much resentment either, as long as she made things clear.

I hope the other party can understand.

Sure enough, Li Yuling didn't mention this matter anymore, and mourned silently for her brother. There are so many women in the fairy world, but they just like a married woman.However, she believed that her elder brother's excellence would lead to an even more outstanding woman, and her elder brother would definitely find a good sister-in-law. Thinking of this, she put Mei Bao'er behind her, and no longer had the intention of trying to persuade her.

Mei Baoer bid farewell to Li Yuling, and met Li Yujiang as soon as she left the house.

"Miss Mei, how is Linger?"

"It's all right now. It's best to take care of it for a year. You don't have to worry too much, Mr. Li. There will be no problems in practicing in the future. In addition, she has taken a lot of panacea, and there are still many medicines that have not been absorbed in her body. It will also be very helpful for future training.”

Li Yujiang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly looked at her with burning eyes: "Thank you, Miss Mei."

"You're welcome. After all, Mr. Li has helped me a lot, so he should be a friend, right?" She said with a smile, "Friends should help each other, so there is no need to thank you."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Li Yujiang's eyes, remembering that the other party already had a lover.His heart was extremely lost again, but he was powerless to change all of this. He could only suppress his throbbing. Perhaps, on a certain day, he would be able to forget this feeling.

However, the more he came into contact with her, the more extraordinary he could feel her, which made him unable to forget her no matter what.It seems that the harder you try to forget, the easier it is to recall her goodness.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, he quickly suppressed his random thoughts: "Then I'll go and see Linger first." He didn't have time to hide his greeting, for fear that the other party would notice something strange, and the relationship between them would become unfamiliar.With such a distance, it is best to be afraid of death.

Mei Baoer felt Li Yujiang's emotions, and frowned, thinking that she should leave here in two days, so as not to cause trouble for others.Looking up at the sky, the white clouds were floating, as if they carried her thoughts to the distance, to someone's heart.

I don't know what happened to Ming.

It seemed that she was missing him more and more.

Whenever she misses her, she always thinks back on the days they spent together. Looking back, she suddenly felt that he was really a very patient man to her.At that time, at the beginning, he was so patient.

Ming, you must come here quickly, and nothing will happen.Touching the black lotus seeds hanging around his neck, his heart warmed up.

(End of this chapter)

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