Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 386 Your Comprehension Is So Strong

Chapter 386 Your Comprehension Is So Strong
Bai Su seemed to be asking for credit, his face full of excitement, "Even if someone invites Wu Xing's life and wants me to come back to frame you, I will come back and tell you, let's go rescue Wu Xing together, and then kill him!"


"Cough cough cough..."

Mei Baoer spit out a mouthful of water, and Bai Su stared blankly, "Master, is this subordinate thinking right?"

"No," she wiped the corners of her mouth, her eyes crookedly smiling: "I just didn't expect that your understanding is so strong." From the corner of the eye, she glanced at the way Wu Xing twitched the corners of her mouth, "Wu Xing, do you think there is a way? How about it?"

"Master, although it's a bit insidious and a bit detrimental, it's indeed a good way. Now I'm mourning for our enemies, and I hope they can stop as soon as possible and don't offend the master."

Wu Xing's serious nonsense made her look at each other with admiration. She never thought that the two subordinates who were randomly accepted could have such a strong understanding.How does she feel that she has earned it?Still earned it?
Both of them could feel that Mei Baoer was very satisfied with them, and felt relieved. It seems that following the master in the future, they don't have to take any ordinary paths.It is also what they like to act so freely.

After the two got the order, they arranged everything.

Within a few days, rumors about the discovery of the remains of the ancient immortals spread in the fairy world.Who wouldn't want to get the relics of the ancient immortals?

People in the entire fairy world became turbulent and rushed to the location of the ruins one after another.When Liu Guangzong and other sects knew that someone was spreading the news, it was too late to stop them. They couldn't kill all the people in the fairy world, right?

Although it was impossible to do so, the person who spread the news was caught by them.

It turns out that there are many sects in the Liuguang Starfield, and they have the eyeliners of the Xuanbing Sect and the Qiankun Sect, and this is a big deal.They found out these things by accident, and subconsciously felt that these people had leaked the news.

"Xingguangzi, how do you think these people should be dealt with?"

Xuan Mingzi's face was not very good-looking, "I didn't expect that Qiankunmen and Xuanbingmen's hands are so long, and they put so many people in our school, what exactly do they want to do?"

Gui Yuanzi couldn't help it anymore: "I see, they want to invade my Liuguang Starfield!!"

Xing Guangzi squinted his eyes: "Who said we found out who they are? These people are just traitors of the sect. They just leaked the news. Wouldn't it be better to dispose of them casually. The immediate priority is to get the remains of the ancient immortals. It is said that There is likely to be a powerful technique in it, as long as we get the resources, are we afraid that he will fail in the Qiankun Sect?"

"Hmph, ever since Mei Chen left the Qiankun Sect, his sect is no longer what it used to be. Do they really think it's the original Qiankun Sect?"

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they felt that what Xing Guangzi said was very reasonable.Those spies, they pretended not to know the identity behind each other, just killed them directly.Since Qiankun Sect dared to do this, they shouldn't show any shame.

Therefore, the sects of the Liuguang Sect used very cruel means to kill all the spies of the Qiankun Sect.Originally, they didn't intend to publicize anything, but as a result, both Qiankunmen and Xuanbingmen knew about it.

Not only this matter, but also know something else.

"They are too arrogant!!"

Xi Shuang's face was much more ferocious than before, "How dare you kill my Xuanbingmen's disciples openly!!"

"Mother, calm down." Xi Junsi hurried over, "I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter," she frowned, "Why did this matter leak, those spies should just tell Xing Guangzi and the others about the ancient Reported back about the ruins."

"Junsi, you think too simply."

Xi Shuang felt a little aggrieved, she had been too unlucky recently.I finally found an ancient relic, and I was going to share it with my son-in-law, but I don’t know who leaked the news, and let the whole fairy world know. .

"Is there anything wrong with it?"

Xi Junsi really didn't understand the essentials, since she married into Qiankunmen, she didn't care about things.

Xi Shuang patted her hand afraid of her: "It is estimated that Xingguangzi found out that we are already fighting the ancient immortal relics, and he was afraid that we would not be able to compete, so he came here to break the net and spread the news. Let everyone know the existence of the ancient relics." , and then took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, hmph, by the way, I also found an excuse to clean up all the people we placed.

Good trick! !Good calculation! ! "

Xi Shuang thought about it, but only thought of this point.Thinking about it this way, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, I can't wait to slap everyone in Xingguangzi to death! !

Xi Junsi thought about it, and felt that this might be the case, so she suppressed her doubts.Then I remembered about the Qiankun Gate, and couldn't help but worry.

"Mother, after so many years, I still haven't found the token of Qiankunmen. The people sent by Jingyuan haven't found it either. Where do you think Mei Chen hid the token?"

Xi Shuang's face darkened: "Is there still no news?"

"No, there are only two people left in a certain Mei family in the lower realm, but this token will definitely not be in their hands." Xi Junsi sighed, "There is also that map, I don't know if it is still there, by the way Mother, what on earth is that map?"

Xi Junsi asked puzzledly, "I have searched for so many years and there is no news, should I continue to search?"

Xi Shuang glanced at Xi Junsi: "Junsi, it is rumored that this thing can make people become gods, especially the tokens of the Qiankun Sect, and can also mobilize the hidden forces that belonged to the former Qiankun Sect. These forces only look at the tokens and do not recognize people. Even If you can’t find the map, you still have to find tokens and mobilize your hidden strength, then in the fairy world, who else would dare to bully the Qiankun Sect and my Xuanbing Sect?”

At the beginning, she single-handedly helped Mei Jingyuan secure the position of the head of the Qiankun Sect, and even this position was calculated by her.After so many years of hard work, she couldn't give up.When she heard that hidden strength could shake the entire fairy world, she was planning.

It's a pity that after so many years, there is no result.

"By the way, you said the Mei family in the lower realm, who are the remaining two? Is this Mei family the person Mei Chen once took refuge in?"

"It should be. One of these two is called Mei Fanzhi. He is currently staying at the Qiankun Gate. I have already found someone to test it out, and the thing is not on him, and he doesn't know it at all. As for the other person, he just provoked the girl before Miss Mei, I originally wanted to talk to my mother before, but the situation has changed, and the relics of the ancient immortals are always more important."

"Mai Baoer??" Xi Shuang's eyes sparkled, "What is her identity?"

(End of this chapter)

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