Chapter 394
The two were very grateful, and they both felt that they had made a profit by following this master.I've never heard of it before, but the master asked his subordinates to take the treasure by themselves.

Even if it is the current sect, which one didn't allow himself to take the treasure and hand it over to the sect, and then give corresponding rewards?

Li Yujiang naturally heard the conversation of several people, he was surprised and understood why these two people were so loyal to Mei Baoer.


Fang Ajiao's voice suddenly reached her ears, and the person quickly flashed in front of her, looking at her with a pair of clear eyes, "So you are here too."

"It is you!"

"It's me." Fang Ajiao smiled, "You still have some skills, no wonder you don't want to come to Xuanbingmen. You are also very trustworthy, if you can't say you can't come to Xuanbingmen, you won't come."

Mei Baoer thought over and over again, if it is said that she has been in the fairyland for so long, the only person she meets who can't keep up with the rhythm is Fang Ajiao in front of her.He is obviously very smart, but his speech is completely uncoordinated.

She didn't understand whether Fang Ajiao was thinking too much or not.

Looking at the other party again, those clear eyes are very dazzling: "Why don't you see your senior sister?"

"She, she is with the head of the sect, how could she be with me?" Fang Ajiao suddenly moved closer and stared at Mei Baoer, "By the way, Mei Baoer, you are here too For the ancient ruins?"

"Yes, don't people in the fairy world like all kinds of ruins? Maybe you can find some treasures here!"

Fang Ajiao was silent, and after a while she suddenly said: "I don't think there are any good things, even if there are some good things, there are too many people here, so it may not be easy to distribute."

"When will the people of the fairy world still distribute things?" Mei Baoer suddenly laughed, "Isn't it all robbing things, whoever is capable can get them?"

Fang Ajiao was stunned, and then realized: "You're right, the fairy world never pays attention to the distribution of things, it's all about grabbing, whoever grabs wins, whoever has the means, is the winner, no matter what method you use." Maybe because she realized that her tone was a bit serious, she suddenly smiled dazzlingly, "You think I understand right?"

Mei Baoer's eyes were deep in thought, but she didn't show it on the surface: "You are right, it is true. If you are strong, you can snatch it. If you are weak, you can't snatch it, or even lose your life."

Squinting eyes, Fang Ajiao?
It doesn't look like that on the surface!

However, at present, this person does not seem to have any bad intentions for her.

Fang Ajiao looked to the other side: "The master of the sect seems to be a bit busy, the elder sister has been appointed by the master as the next master of the Xuanbing sect."

"Mei Bao'er, I heard that you are the daughter of Mei Chen of the Qiankun Sect. Why don't you go back to the Qiankun Sect? After all, you are also a great sect. The fairy world is so dangerous, and the great sect can protect you as you grow up."

"I feel that I have grown up, and it is because of everyone's 'help' that I can grow so fast. Maybe there is no such opportunity to enter the big sect."

Listening to Mei Baoer's words, Fang Ajiao laughed: "Perhaps, you are right!" So she did not speak, and Mei Baoer did not find a topic.The conversation between the two was a little inexplicable, even nonsensical.

"Master, is this person from the Xuanbing Sect?"

Wu Xing suddenly sent a voice transmission, "Master knows her?"

"Yes, when I first arrived in the fairy world, it was thanks to her that I was able to escape faster." Thinking of the situation at that time, she smiled a little, and she didn't know whether Fang Ajiao really didn't pay attention, or did it on purpose. In short, because of the other party, she did escape with her life, and only waited for Zhuo Xuanyu to appear.

"Master, doesn't she have any purpose?"

"Maybe, but she's different, she won't hurt me." That's her instinct.

"What are you thinking, Mei Bao'er, I feel that your mind is much deeper."

Only Fang Gillian can be so outspoken, she doesn't consider other people's feelings at all.But she didn't feel embarrassed. Her scheming had always been deep, but most people didn't notice it.

"Are you going in too?"

"Yeah, I want to go in too, so I have to go in and see!" I don't know if I was telling her that Fang Gillian today is a little different from the original Fang Gillian.

"I heard that you once saved a mother and child who were unknown to each other, Mei Baoer, you are not bad-hearted."

"Who told you I have a bad heart?"

"Come on, you must have a purpose."

Mei Baoer chuckled: "Naturally, I have a purpose. If I don't have good intentions, I will save some cats and dogs at will. Then I will die of poverty."

"Oh? Are you poor?" Fang Ajiao blinked, "Tell your conscience, are you poor?"

"It would be great if I could meet you sooner." Suddenly said something in a low voice, ignoring her, "Okay, Mei Baoer, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go to the master's side first, by the way , you should stay away from my master and senior sister! Since Qiankunmen doesn’t want to go back, it’s better not to go back, just stay away. If you insist on entering the ancient ruins, it’s better to stay away.”

After saying this, Fang Ajiao ran into the crowd without anyone responding.Not long after, Mei Baoer saw her return to Xi Shuang's side.However, those words made her think deeply.

What does Fang Gillian mean?
"Miss Mei, this Miss Fang seems to be telling you something."

Li Yujiang was also deep in thought, he had also heard about Fang Gillian.It's just that I didn't know this person well, I heard that she was a relatively innocent little girl, but when I saw her today, she was quite different from the rumors.

"She kept me away from Qiankun Gate and Xi Shuang."

Mei Baoer lowered her eyes, why did Fang Ajiao tell her like this?

Li Yujiang did not continue the conversation, and naturally fell into deep thought.He is still more interested in any issues related to May Baoer.He couldn't help looking at Fang Ajiao, and saw her smiling and talking with someone, she looked like a heartless little girl, far from the person who said that before.

Somewhat strange.

"Even if she doesn't say it, I think I will stay away from them."

Mei Baoer said suddenly, but secretly paid attention.She grasped a few key words, Qiankun Gate, Xi Shuang, ancient immortal ruins, stay away, enter.What Fang Ajiao meant was that after entering the ancient immortal ruins, she had better stay away from Qiankun Gate and Xi Shuang.The real order should be like this. If she guessed right, what will Xi Shuang and Qiankunmen do after entering the ancient ruins?
After wrinkling her eyebrows and thinking hard, she still didn't figure it out, but secretly took precautions: "Mr. Li will go in?"

"I want to see it too."

It turned out that he didn't want to go in, but when he saw that she wanted to go in, he couldn't help but follow her.

(End of this chapter)

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