Chapter 403

"This is where?"

Hua Yongmei's doubtful voice sounded, but she stared fiercely at Mei Bao'er.She really wanted to kill them in the past, but now she understood that no one of them could do anything to them now, besides, it looked very scary here.

Surrounded by khaki stone walls, I don't know what kind of material it is.In the stone wall, there was also the continuous sound of fighting, which made them vigilant.Mei Baoer is also not interested in getting entangled with Hua Yongmei, they seem to have arrived at a strange place again.

"Master, look!"

Hua Qingling's voice was a bit cold, but a kind of panic could be heard from her voice.Everyone followed Hua Qingling's voice and looked over, and what appeared in their vision were pieces of stumped limbs.

Yes, it was the stump, and the death was very miserable.Although fights often occur in the fairy world, there are really not many people who die without arms and legs.

However, in front of them, everything is like this.

Some people couldn't help but vomited, but Mei Bao'er looked very normal, and walked over cautiously, staring at the stump in front of her for a while.

"it is true."

The voice echoed, but it made people feel a little gloomy.At this moment, no one wants to come over to take her life. Unknown places always give people a certain degree of fear.

Originally, she thought that these might be phantom formations, but she checked and found that these corpses were real.It seems that he died not long ago. One thing is very strange, these people are obviously strong in the fairy world, but when they died, they were just killed by someone with a sword.

"Master, this..." Hua Qingling's eyes widened suddenly, "Master, look at this!!" Hua Qingling, who had always been calm, couldn't sit still. She saw a familiar face inside. The man is a certain disciple of their Hundred Flowers Sect.In fact, after entering, many people were lost.

Originally, Hua Yaji was with them, but Hua Yaji was not here at the moment. After searching carefully, she found that there was no figure of Hua Yaji, so she breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is no junior sister."

"This is... isn't this Xuan Mingzi?"

Gui Yuanzi seemed to be seeing a ghost. You know, Xuan Mingzi had the strength of the middle stage of the Immortal King, and he couldn't believe that his death was so miserable.Immediately afterwards, everyone discovered people they were familiar with one after another, and they were all about the same strength as them, and there were even people stronger than them, and there were many immortal emperors among them.

This time, everyone who didn't care much started talking about it in fear.Who is it that can kill these people?
Mei Baoer also had doubts in her heart, if these people were very powerful, how could they be killed for no reason?

Everyone was not in the mood to entangle the grievances with Mei Baoer, and countless fears arose in their hearts.

They walked out along the sound of fighting, and not long after, a piece of golden light appeared in front of them, among which there were countless fairy stones and crystals, and there were countless jade boxes, which were full of heavenly treasures, and countless jade bottles. Open it, and you can feel the fragrance in it, bursts of fragrance, no one is not greedy.

The people who were fighting and killing seemed to be ignored by them.

"Xianjing, there are so many fairy crystals here!!!"

"This... this is a elixir, it seems to be a elixir that can break through the bottleneck!!"

"This... so many, so many treasures, so many treasures, they are all mine, mine."


Many people fiddled with those things and stuffed them into their rings with all their strength.There are people who immediately lose consciousness, and there are people who are calm.Among them, Hua Qingling is considered calm.

She restrained herself from moving her eyes, and immediately found a very familiar figure among the people fighting over there: "Junior Sister!!"

"Master, there is a problem here!!"

Hua Qingling roared angrily, waking everyone up.

Mei Baoer was awake from the beginning to the end, and the things in front of her really didn't have the slightest temptation.As long as she is willing, it is easy to get these things.

In fact, what she thinks is that this is a phantom array, even if everything here is real, those who kill each other are also fighting in the environment.It seems that he didn't use any celestial power, but just fought vigorously on the side, and he could understand.

Taking a look, Hua Qingling woke everyone up. She chose to step past these tempting things and continue walking inside.When she just stepped into the door, she only felt a lot heavier on her body.

Her complexion froze, and she lost her immortal power again, which was not a good feeling.But she thought, maybe this is a phantom mirror, so she calmed down and walked forward.

After walking through the dark and narrow passage, there was nothing in front of me: "This?"

Another dead person, she was a little confused, the dead people in front of her were people like Hua Yongmei.The first reaction was disbelief. She took a look, and compared with those people before, there was no slight difference.

She doubted her judgment a little.

Stepping over the stump one by one, she suddenly caught sight of several familiar figures, which made her heart skip a beat.

"Bai Su, Wu Xing, Mr. Li?" She couldn't believe it, and lost her voice, "How is it possible?"

Impossible, it's not true, it can't be true?
Squatting down, she restrained her trembling hands and checked the three of them. The death conditions of the three of them were also extremely miserable.When the inspection was over, her face turned pale and she was dead.

it is true.

At this time, out of the corner of her eye, she saw another person in a noble black robe. That handsome face impressed her the most, and she hurried over.Looking at that face greedily, the originally terrified heart calmed down instead.

"It turned out to be fake."

She couldn't help laughing, being able to arrange the phantom formation so realistically, I'm afraid it really is the relic of the formation emperor.Even if she knew it was a fake, she still felt pain in her heart when she saw that fake person with a lifeless look.

Suddenly, a kind of fear arose in her. When the ruins came out, she couldn't wait any longer. She must go find him!She didn't want to wait any longer, so she ran over quickly, forgetting all the things she had just encountered.

Immortal stones and fairy crystals, magical treasures and elixir, beautiful men, all kinds of desires appeared in front of her eyes, and even the deepest secrets in her heart seemed to be dug out.If she hadn't seen people who couldn't die here at the beginning, she might really be confused by everything in front of her.

However, she broke through.


A cold voice sounded in her ears, she didn't have much joy.Suddenly a soft light lifted her up, and she lost consciousness instantly, but she didn't panic at all, it's fake, everything is fake.Now she has only one wish, to go out and find her lover.

(End of this chapter)

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