Chapter 405 Your Nose Collapsed

"May Boa, if you have a chance, run away!"

Fang Ajiao threw away the broken sword in her hand, and a long sword appeared in her hand again, which seemed to be of better quality than the previous one.After Meng Qiangwei saw it, there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes: "Junior Sister's treasures are really endless, and Master really loves you!!"

"Oh, Meng Qiangwei, these things are only mine, and have nothing to do with the head of the sect. Since today it's either you or me, let's see what happens!" Rose got entangled.

Meng Qiangwei did not show weakness, and said to several elders: "Catch Mei Baoer, and kill that man!!"


After Mei Baoer looked dazed, she saw the ferocious female elder rushing towards her. She was called a ferocious woman with a terrifying face.The long sword in his hand carried immortal power, and seemed to tear the air apart.In an instant, the three elders surrounded her.

As for Mei Fanzhi, the other party didn't seem to care. They were besieged by two other ordinary disciples, but they were still able to resist.On Meng Qiangwei's side, Fang Gillian was able to compete with Meng Qiangwei, it was really hard to tell.

Therefore, Mei Bao'er is not too polite anymore, and Xi Shuang can be regarded as her enemy.Of course, these old women who chased and killed her didn't kill any good things.

"Mai Baoer, I let you escape last time, this time you have no chance!!"

One of the elders said viciously, if those eyes could kill people, I don't know how many times she died.

Mei Baoer sneered, clenched her fists tightly, and there was a rushing sound.Before waiting for a few old women to make a move, they took the initiative to attack.Seeing this, the three of them attacked her vital parts with three swords at the same time.With a leap, she stepped on the sword of one of them. Before the other party could react, she punched the man on the nose. That pretty good face swelled up in an instant.

"Old lady, your nose is collapsed, you are so ugly!!"


"Fuck you!!"

Another kick kicked the opponent's chin, kicking his whole body into the air.By the way, a bottle flew over and exploded with a bang.Just now that person was not prepared at all, he was about to pass out after being bombed like this.

Seeing this, the two outsiders showed fierce expressions on their faces.These three should be regarded as the weakest elders, and their strength is just at the early stage of Immortal Emperor, otherwise Mei Baoer would not be so easy to succeed.

Over there, Mei Fanzhi had already dealt with a few ordinary disciples. Seeing that an elder had been blown away, he hurried over to make up for it.When Mei Baoer saw it, she was happy.

The remaining two elders attacked her crazily. Whether the opponent's strength was in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, she was still a little embarrassed facing the two of them.The opponent uses a sword, but she uses a fist, but on the fist, wearing gloves is her magic weapon.

The fist banged on the long sword, sparking strong sparks.

Suddenly, one stabbed her neck head-on with a sword, and the other stabbed her chest from behind.In desperation, she held the long sword in front of her with one hand, turned her whole body over, and kicked the other person's sword away with one foot.However, after the sword of the man behind fell, it didn't slow down and punched her in the back.

A pain in her back made her stagger and fall to the ground.

Seeing this, the two men's eyes lit up fiercely, and they rushed over quickly, punching hard with both fists.In an instant, they felt Mei Baoer's strange smile.The secret path is not good, and they wanted to escape, but they didn't expect the other party to throw two bottles. They kicked them away quickly. However, when they kicked them up, the bottle stuck to their feet, and they couldn't get it off anyway. .

The two showed panic, but before they could react, countless bottles were thrown over and stuck to their bodies fiercely.At this moment, they also know that they have been tricked. This Mei Baoer has not only increased in strength, but also has endless means.They quickly circulated their celestial power, putting up a protective cover on their bodies.

Mei Baoer desperately threw the bottles one by one, Mei Fanzhi was stunned.

Fang Ajiao paid a little attention to the situation here, except for the two elders and Meng Qiangwei, everyone died.The attack became more serious, and Meng Qiangwei clearly felt that the battle between the two was getting more and more intense.

There was only a bang, and the sound came from the two elders.There was a puff of smoke in front of him, and when the smoke cleared, the figures of the two elders appeared.Accompanied by their smiles, they smiled proudly.

"It's just a small skill, Mei Bao'er, do you think you can hurt us like this?"

Although the defensive cover didn't keep them intact, they only suffered a little bit of minor injury.Except for some wounds on his body, his strength was not damaged at all.So now, they have to take care of Mei Bao'er.

"Bao'er, what should I do?"

Mei Fanzhi looked defensive, the strength of these two elders was incomparably strong.At least in his opinion, it is impossible to deal with.

Who would have known, Mei Baoer sneered, and counted slowly: "One."

"Two, three down!"

The three of them were all surprised, Mei Fanzhi just saw the two elders fell to the ground with cold smiles.Foaming at the mouth, the skin on the body gradually festered, the two people who were still alive just now, just like this.

Mei Fanzhi took a step back in fear, and became even more afraid of Mei Baoer's methods.Should he be thankful that he didn't deal with her much before, otherwise would he still be able to live well?
Mei Baoer rubbed her back, the two old women were not light-handed, and she had already suffered some injuries from the punch just now.She has never underestimated the power of the Immortal Emperor.It was also these people who underestimated her, which made her count.The main reason for being able to fight in the hands of the opponent is her fast speed, even the Immortal Emperor powerhouse cannot catch her up easily.

Stepping up to the front of the two, a celestial power appeared on the fingertips. After searching for a while on the two, several rings were strung on the celestial power and she took it into her hands.Mei Fanzhi watched her movements the whole time, feeling a little admirable in his heart. He was able to easily kill three immortal emperors. In the immortal world, only Mei Bao'er had this ability when he was at the peak of the immortal kings.

If it were someone else, they would have been killed long ago.

"Junior Sister, if you kill me, Master will not let you go!!"

Hearing the commotion over there, Mei Baoer looked over and saw Fang Ajiao's expressionless face, stabbing Meng Qiangwei's chest with a sword.The opponent was killed on the spot, and Fang Ajiao took the sword back without hesitation, neatly.

"Mei Bao'er, you must have something that destroys the corpse, right? Give me some!!"

(End of this chapter)

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