Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 410 This Old Man Is Really Difficult To Coax

Chapter 410 This Old Man Is Really Difficult To Coax

"Master, how are you doing?"

At this moment, Fang Ajiao hurriedly came to Xi Shuang's side, her face became ruthless, and she slapped Xi Shuang's forehead with a palm. This palm exhausted all her strength, and if she hit it, Xi Shuang would definitely die. .She had waited too long for this day. It had been too long. The hundreds of people in her Fang family were all killed before the other party calmed down.

Xi Shuang, go to hell! !

Who knew that Xi Shuang remembered what happened before, and in a flash, she slapped Fang Ajiao's shoulder with her backhand. At the same time, Fang Ajiao's palm also slapped Fang Ajiao's shoulder. Xi Shuang was also photographed.Fang Ajiao was also slapped out by the opponent's palm. She looked angry and jumped up quickly, with a ferocious expression on her face.

"After raising it for so many years, I didn't expect it to be a white-eyed wolf!!"

Here Mei Bao'er also sensed Mei Jingyuan's killing intent, she felt bad, and threw a lot of bottles casually, exploding in the air quickly, and immediately the whole hall was engulfed in thick smoke.Vaguely, she saw a door and quickly jumped in.

The damn voices in my ears disappeared.

"This is where?"

Mei Baoer observed the surrounding situation, and it seemed that it was very different from the main hall.Arrays are everywhere, and arrays can be seen everywhere.It didn't look like it was uninhabited, when suddenly a mirror appeared in her field of vision.

"Senior Emperor?"

Emperor Zhen wanted to pretend to be mysterious, but he was exposed by a broken mirror. If he had known, he would not have put the mirror here as usual.Embarrassed, he walked out. Of course, when he saw Mei Bao'er, he had a fairy face, like an expert.

"Junior, how did you come here? I don't think you have any talent for formations?"

Mei Baoer twitched the corners of her mouth, saw two futons with the tip of her eyes, and sat down on them without politeness: "Senior Zhenhuang, don't pretend, you think you pretend to be an expert, I believe you? You have made so many people, and you have already exposed your true nature. So, let's keep people open and don't do secret things, and just speak up when we have something to say, how about being straightforward?"

Zhenhuang's old face twitched, this little girl is not afraid that he will kill her with one palm?
"Little girl, how did you get here?"

The formation emperor was very depressed, he clearly set the conditions for coming in, this girl didn't look like someone who knew how to form formations, but she was the first one to come up.It's strange, what is the background of this girl.

"Senior, what are you thinking?"

Mei Baoer suddenly approached the emperor, frightened him so much that he almost fell back on his back.Looking at this strange girl with lingering fear, he asked the question in his heart: "Girl, who is your master?"

"Senior, pass your legacy on to me, and I'll help you find a suitable candidate," she said with a smile. "The people here are probably not very good, and you don't like them. I have a good eye, and I will definitely help you." Pick a suitable candidate. How about it?"

"Bah! You little girl, you are not honest at all, and you still want to inherit the emperor. You said that you want to help the emperor find a successor, but the emperor does not believe it. Could it be that you girl wants to swallow up the emperor's relics, and you are going to Take it out for auction?"

Look at this girl, she looks like a money fanatic, she is not very honest at first glance.Zhenhuang immediately became wary of Mei Baoer, speaking of this girl, she was the weirdest person she had met in so many years.

"Oh, Senior Zhen Huang, it hurts my heart when you say that. Look, do I look like a liar?" Mei Baoer rubbed her face, "Although I don't look like a nice person, I'm not Like a bad guy? Senior, I really have a candidate here, he is proficient in formations, and his talent in this area is estimated to be surpassed by few people. In short, I think no one can match him." Seeing the formation The emperor's face was a little strange, and he quickly changed his words, "Of course, I'm only talking about his peers. He is still far behind for someone as wise and talented as Senior Huang."

She silently added in her heart, as long as she gives him strength, she will definitely be able to surpass the Emperor of the Emperor. She has absolute confidence in him.

Zhen Huang blinked and looked at it carefully.He is still clever, but there is no lie in his eyes, and his expression is extremely serious.This girl doesn't seem to have lied to her, so is the candidate she said really as she said?
"Girl, who is this person, did he come here?" the emperor asked, his consciousness secretly checking everyone in the ruins.Shaking his head regretfully, there is indeed no one he wants to find here, and the talent is simply not enough.He was afraid that his vision would be wrong, so he would set up the last level, let these people find a way to break in, and then look slowly.

Seeing that he paid more attention, Mei Baoer quickly said: "I am more familiar with this person, senior, why don't you pass on the formation to me, I will bring it to him, he is not here. I guess he will be able to come here soon , when he comes over, I will bring him to see you, how about it?"

I thought, this old man is really not easy to coax.

The emperor glanced lightly: "Little girl, first tell me about the relationship between this person and you. The emperor needs to think about it."

"Oh, senior, this person is actually my husband. His talent is really good, and he will never let you down. You are the emperor of the formation, and you must be able to set conditions in the inheritance of the formation. You give it to me, Then I handed it over to him, if he has the ability, he can naturally get the inheritance of the formation, if he doesn't have the ability, it's useless to hold it, right?"

"Okay, after a long time, you girl is doing it for the benefit of your own people," the emperor was a little funny, but he was thinking deeply. This method seems to be good. Instead of waiting here for the successor to come, it is better to let the inheritance go. , Maybe he can really meet a destined person. Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, but when he saw the girl's eyeballs rolling, he stroked his beard and said pretending to be serious, "Girl, your method is really good. , but the people who came today, maybe there are people who the emperor likes, let's wait for them to come up and see!"

"Okay, senior, then there is no one you like at the moment, are you going to pass it on to me?"

The emperor pondered for a while, and said: "Okay, if there is no suitable candidate, I will pass it on to you for the time being." His things are useless if they are not destined for someone.This girl gave him a good idea, and he would no longer have to show up regularly to find his successor.

Such a good idea, why didn't he think of it before?

Mei Bao'er looked at the old man thinking deeply, and she was also thinking about it. She reckoned that the old man would not like the people outside.At that time, the other party should pass it on to her, so how should she run away?Judging by the old man's appearance, he probably won't help her.The old man's temper is a bit strange, and he might give her some problems.Don't ask her how she knew, the old man looked at her with cold eyes, wasn't he planning something in his mind?

(End of this chapter)

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