Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 412 There Are Already Candidates

Chapter 412 There Are Already Candidates

Thinking that what he did back then would become the laughing stock of the fairy world, especially Mei Jingyuan and Xi Shuang, who had already decided to kill Mei Baoer.They don't feel at ease if they keep Mei Baoer for a day.With the opponent's growth rate, that is really terrifying.

Mei Bao'er felt two strong killing intents again, and a chill rose in her heart. She had to think about how to escape when she went out later.

At this moment, Zhen Huang's eyes also fell on her, what is this old man going to do?
"Although no heirs have been found, I feel that the Immortal World is so big that there must be my heirs. Therefore, I decided to hand over the inheritance to one of you and bring it back when the time comes. If there is someone who meets my requirements, I will naturally get it." Inheritance. This emperor thinks this idea is really good, what do you think?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed. No matter whose hands the inheritance fell into, they would just have to grab it back when the time comes.

"The juniors have no opinion."

At that moment, Mei Jingyuan made his statement. With Mei Jingyuan taking the lead, the rest followed suit, and no one objected.Even if everyone opposes it, it is actually useless.But the emperor's decision was very much in line with their wishes.

"Who is the senior going to hand over the inheritance to?"

Hua Yongmei couldn't help asking, with longing in her eyes, she certainly hoped that she would be the candidate.At that time, even if you don't get the inheritance, you can still take advantage of it.Of course, everyone thought the same way, and each of them seemed to be trying more and more, which made Zhenhuang frowned.

It seems that the inheritance can only be handed over to that girl.The eyes of these people are full of greed. Although the girl also wants to get the inheritance, her eyes are very clear, as if she really wants to pass the inheritance to the person in her mouth.In this way, the xinxing is not bad, and it is also true that the person who can make Dan Huang's kid look good will not be bad.However, if the girl wants to get this thing easily, she has to go through some trials, right?

"The emperor has already been selected."

After the words fell, a glittering golden booklet appeared in the hands of the emperor.The aura of the formation coming from above was profound and mysterious, and the formation masters present were all lost in thought. The aura of the formation alone made them comprehend a lot of things.It can be seen that the emperor is so powerful, no wonder he can be called the emperor.

Mei Baoer suddenly felt a chill rise from the soles of her feet, she stared at the smiling old man vigilantly, feeling a little bad in her heart.The old man glanced at her, and that deep smile made her even worse.

What is this old man going to do?
She secretly sent a voice transmission to Bai Su: "Seeing that the situation is not good later, run for your own life, this old man will probably punish me."

Bai Su was startled: "Master, then..."

"Listen to me, I have a way to escape. With my speed, they won't be able to catch up for now." Seeing Mei Baoer say this, Bai Su knew in his heart that he couldn't help even if he was by Mei Baoer's side, so he might as well save his life. Take the opportunity to go out and find someone to rescue the master.Thinking of this, Bai Su's heart calmed down, and his expression was helplessly vigilant.

Mei Bao'er raised her head, stared at the old man with a smile, she was surprised, this girl had a defensive face before, but this face changed quickly.

However, I don't know what this girl will do later.

Everyone looked at the emperor eagerly, eager to let the emperor put the inheritance in their hands.Especially Mei Jingyuan and Xi Shuang and others have already prepared their actions and are ready to escape from here at any time.Not to mention them, all the people here are so virtuous.

Zhen Huang, who was used to seeing the ugliness of human nature, frowned, and finally set his eyes on Mei Baoer, the old face suddenly smiled.The inheritance in his hand suddenly floated up, spinning around the heads of everyone.

Everyone quickly raised their heads and stared at the booklet without blinking.If it wasn't for the presence of the Emperor of Scruples, he would have jumped up immediately and snatched the booklet into his hands.

The booklet was spinning and turning above the head, making everyone's eyes dizzy.

Just when everyone was dazed, the speed of the book suddenly changed, and it rushed towards one of them. Seeing this, everyone immediately besieged him and surrounded the person tightly. When they reacted, the brochure was in May Bo'er's hands.

Mei Baoer put away the booklet and ran away.


Xi Shuang gritted her teeth: "Mei Bao'er got the brochure, chase after him!!"

At this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten that there is another emperor here, but Li Yujiang looked at the emperor more, cupped his hands, and chased outside.There is some regret in Zhenhuang's eyes, this kid is not bad, it's a pity, his Zhenhuang accepts disciples not only for character, but also for talent.Without talent, even if he can't understand the comprehension of formations, he will definitely be laughed at in the future.

Mei Bao'er felt the wave of immortal power rushing towards her behind her, and couldn't help but speed up.

"Bao'er! Give me the things, and I guarantee your life will be safe!"

Xi Shuang's voice sounded behind her, and she couldn't help laughing: "Master Xi, you should go back and lie to the children. You have done so many evil things, so I won't believe you. I believe you are a fool. Even if I leave things to rot, I won’t give them to you!!”

"Bao'er, don't be obsessed with obsession, just give me the things obediently, and I promise I won't hurt you."

Greed flashed in Mei Jingyuan's eyes, but Mei Bao'er laughed: "Leave it to you? Am I stupid?"

Suddenly, her heart moved: "Are you and Xi Shuang in the same group?" While running, she thought of an excellent solution, with a cold smile on her lips.She was curious whether Mei Jingyuan and Xi Shuang would fight over things.

"Tell me, are you in the same group? If so, who should I give this thing to?"

"Mei Bao'er, don't trust them. They killed your parents, how could they guarantee your life? I think you should give us the things. Although our sects are not as big as Qiankun Sect and Xuanbing Sect, our sects are more powerful. The power to get up is not something they can move at will. As long as you join us and hand over the inheritance, how about we protect your life? Although there are some grievances between us, there is no deep hatred at all, it is better than listening to these two A sinister villain is better."

Xing Guangzi did not hesitate to reveal the true colors of the two, and made Mei Jingyuan and Xi Shuang half dead with anger. Mei Baoer was running farther and farther in front of him, and the two were not at the same level of anger.But as Xing Guangzi said, if other sects join forces, it will not be a good thing for them.

"Bao'er, if you give me something, I will guarantee your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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