Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 422 These People Are Shameless

Chapter 422 These People Are Shameless

Everyone's heart moved, Mei Bao'er's ability has been spread so much, and many people have experienced it personally, so they naturally have some expectations that she can contribute something to the fairy world.

"I don't know what Miss Mei's plan is? I heard that Miss Mei can refine potions. It is said that potions are more pure than pills. If Miss Mei can provide this kind of potion during the battle between immortals and demons, I will I think even if there are not so many pills, it can support the entire fairy-monster war." Hua Yaji's words made everyone in the fairy world fall into deep thought.

It is said that although Mei Baoer has potions, she will never sell them, unless you ask her for medical treatment, she will use this priceless treasure on your body.

Therefore, although people in the fairy world have heard of it, few people have really experienced it.But those who have experienced it will say that the potion is miraculous, and they don't even know how the potion is extracted, and there are even alchemists who have studied it, and they can't find anything at all.

"According to Miss Yaji, Miss Mei, if you have such a good thing, you should really provide it in the fairy-monster war. After all, the fairy-monster war is related to the survival of the fairy world. I hope Miss Mei can let go of her prejudices. If you don’t provide sects such as Qiankun Sect, other sects have not offended you, I hope Miss Mei will consider it.”

"Master, these people are shameless!"

Bai Su underestimated softly, "This subordinate feels that the people in this fairy world are really all the same."

Everyone looked at Mei Baoer, hoping she could give an accurate answer.They still didn't believe that Maybelly would be uncompromising amidst all the oppression.

However, who is Mabel?

"Do you want to experience the effect of the potion?"

Mei Bao'er smiled: "Yes, after all, we are all from the fairy world, and we are dealing with the demon world together, so if I don't work hard, I can't justify it, don't you think so?"

Everyone was silent, they only hope that Mei Baoer can make a promise, in that case, they can get a lot of benefits.Every time the fairy fights, the benefits are not only from the demon world, but also from the fairy world.

Li Yujiang also stared at Mei Baoer, that face with an unknown smile, especially those sarcastic eyes.He was also a little curious, did Mei Baoer really want to provide potions so that everyone in the fairy world could deal with the demon world?

He glanced at the man beside her. This man was from the demon world. He felt that his guess was correct.It is very certain that this man is from the demon world, so Mei Baoer will really deal with the demon world?Or, will this man stay in the fairy world and betray the demon world?

"I don't know what Miss Mei's plan is?"

Hua Yaji's words seemed to ask everyone's thoughts, one Chen Fei left, and another Mei Baoer came.Moreover, Mei Baoer's miraculous potion made them even more tempted. Thinking of Mei Baoer's expensive medical fees, they became a little tempted.At that time, they will use pills to heal their wounds and sell them, and they will definitely make a lot of money.

Mei Baoer's beautiful eyes flashed, as if she had seen their thoughts, and the corner of her lips curled up: "Hua Yaji, what are you doing so actively, even if I want to contribute, it will be of no benefit to you Baihuazong, you offended me back then Do you think I will provide it to you, especially if the Master of the Flower Sect hunts me down? In fact, I can provide it to you, as long as you can afford it. After all, my medicine is very expensive."

Hua Yaji's complexion changed, and she lowered her eyes, hiding a trace of hatred inside.As for Mei Baoer, she is of course eager to kill her, but unfortunately, no one has killed her until now, especially since there is such a powerful man standing behind her. Knowing this Mei Baoer, what kind of luck.

"Guys, if you are injured in the war, I will treat you for free. Of course, this does not include the previous sects. I am good at everything, but I am a bit grudge-oriented, and I will never benefit the enemy. However, If you offer any conditions that satisfy me, I may be able to help you with some difficulty. As for what to offer, I’m sorry. I only have one pair of hands. Even if I refine the potion day and night, it’s not much. The elixir is very expensive, do you have any?"

She smiled, "If you have any, I don't mind helping out with a little bit."

"For example, a thousand-year, ten-thousand-year elixir, as long as you can get it..." She was a little surprised when she said this, "You don't want me to provide medicine and elixir, do you?"

The surprised look made everyone's faces burn.If there is a thousand-year-old elixir, how can they take it out?I also understand in my heart that it is impossible to get some benefits from the other party.

"So, everyone, as long as you don't offend me before the Fairy Demon War, then if you are injured or disabled, you can come to my side, and I will treat you for free. I guarantee that you have nothing to do with the original. Change. Of course, if you offend me, you will be embarrassed."

"As for the sects that I added to the blacklist before, if you really want to heal, you can exchange magic treasures, fairy stones and elixir. If you want to take advantage of it for free, it may not be possible."

"In this way, during the battle between the fairy and the demon, I will be taking care of Miss Mei."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Mei Bao'er cupped her hands in return, but she was thinking in her heart whether this time the battle between immortals and demons could end forever.Given the way many people in the fairy world hate demons, there may be a lot of resistance.

What Mei Jingyuan and the others wanted to say was already powerless.However, even so, they did not intend to let Mei Baoer go easily.Thinking of this, Mei Jingyuan's eyes darkened a little, how could he stay with such a disaster.

There is also the token of the hidden forces in the fairy world, which he must find.Only when he found the token would he be able to mobilize these forces. At that time, even if it was the number one sect in the fairy world, the Tianjimen would not be able to do anything to him.

At the same time, Xi Shuang also thought so.Both of them were thinking about the same thing, Mei Baoer observed the expressions of the people present, and fell into deep thought.She was actually thinking about what was hidden in the battle between immortals and demons.It's not just hatred, but who is organizing every fairy-monster war?
A grand event ended like this, and no one thought that it would happen like this.

When Mei Baoer left, Xi Shuang stopped her.

"I don't know what else the door master has to say?"

Xi Shuang squinted her eyes and looked at her a little more: "Bao'er, you must have something in your hand, right? If there is, I hope you can hand it over," her voice suddenly dropped, "Maybe Bao'er doesn't know, today All your actions have already touched some people, whether it is the Xuanbing Sect or the Qiankun Sect chasing you, you may be able to escape, but if some people want you to die, you will never be able to escape, there is only one way to die."

(End of this chapter)

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