Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 440 Don't Treat People Who Offended Her

Chapter 440 Don't Treat People Who Offended Her
Everyone looked at Jinglian together, and saw her beautiful face, which was about to crack no matter what.The originally pink face became flushed because of this, and the gaze she looked at Mei Baoer was not as kind as before, but a little more sharp.No, there is still a trace of murderous intent hidden in the half-down eyes.

Mei Bao'er saw it sincerely, and moved the corners of her mouth: "It's just a joke. It seems that Master Jinglian is not a person who likes to joke. I am not very serious. When I see people who are more compatible, I like it." Two jokes."

Jinglian's fingers holding the Buddhist beads kept pinching, her whole body tensed up, as if she was suppressing something, after a long time, she showed a smile, as merciful as before.

"Master Mei, how are you thinking?"

"What are you thinking about?" Mei Baoer looked surprised, "Did Master Jinglian say anything just now?"

Everyone just felt that everything in front of them was a bit weird, especially when Mei Baoer said Jinglian earlier, they obviously felt something was wrong.But he didn't grasp the key thing. At this moment, Jinglian has returned to its original appearance, and there is nothing wrong with it anymore.

Mei Baoer smiled meaningfully, which made Jing Lian feel as cold as her heart.Previously, she did have the intention to kill Mei Baoer.Fortunately, he restrained himself, and when he saw Mei Baoer, he was not so pleasing to the eye.

"Master Mei is considering joining my Xuanzhen Sect?"

Mei Bao'er raised her brows: "Of course not, I'm already married, how can I enter the Xuanzhen sect, can the disciples who don't become Xuanzhen sect be with the man?"

The topic came to this point again, which made Jing Lian look a little bad: "Of course not, since Benefactor Mei has nothing to do with my Xuanzhen sect, I won't force it."

"That's good." Mei Bao'er replied, her eyes fell on the others, and she smiled lightly: "I don't know what other tricks you guys have, just use it! In short, think clearly, anyone who offends me People, if there is any illness in the future, if you beg me, I will not cure it."

Everyone's eyelids twitched, and now Mei Bao'er's medical clinic can be regarded as monopolizing the entire fairy world.The other party not only opened medical clinics all over the fairy world, but also recruited many alchemists by some means, and did not give them a way to survive.If some big sects can afford alchemists, the small sects will suffer. In the past, it was not easy to buy elixirs, but any better ones would have to pay a price.

After the clinic came out, as long as Mei Bao'er was not offended, it would be easy to buy some pills.Pity those who have offended Mei Baoer, every medical center has a blacklist, but anyone who is on the blacklist, don't even try to buy anything from the medical center.

Not only that, even if it is the property under May Boer's hands, as long as anyone offends her, they will either spend countless costs to get what they want, or they will never get what is inside.

Thinking of the opponent's means, although it is not as powerful as the sect of the Immortal World, it has captured the lifeblood of many people.So, everyone was silent, they still felt more conservative, not to offend Mei Baoer.

Even if they help the sect get rid of Mei Baoer, it won't do them any good.In other words, it may not be possible to get rid of it, in case of being blacklisted, thinking that in case of being injured during the battle between immortals and demons, his life is hanging by a thread, and Mei Baoer will suffer if he does not save him.

Mei Jingyuan, Xi Shuang and the others looked extremely ugly, and by this time, they also knew that there was nothing they could do to Mei Baoer.

"Since you don't have anything to say, let's break up if that's the case! As for whether I have colluded with the people of the demon world, on the day of the fairy-monster war, you can just look at it. In other words, you don't have any plans. It's just that the two sides will start the war according to the time." , what news can you get from me?"

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed, and it was true that they had no plan at all.Every time the fairy and demon battles are held at a fixed place, when the time comes, how many demon pills they get on their side will be turned in to exchange for things, and the rings dropped from the opponent's body belong to themselves.

It seems... It seems that it is exactly as Mei Baoer said, and besides, no one has been sent by Mei Baoer to do anything.Could it be that these are really some sects who want to get the things in May Baoer's hands and deliberately use them as guns?
As a result, many people were shaken.

"I think if Miss Mei really does any harm to our fairy world, her medical skills can make life difficult for many people in our fairy world."

"I also agree with it very much. Just because of Miss Mei's medical skills, she can make us suffer a lot if she randomly produces something."

"I still won't participate anymore. The Fairy Demon War will start soon, and I need to go back and prepare."


People expressed one after another, and slowly dispersed.

In the end, there were only a few sects that deliberately aimed at Mabel. Of course, the two so-called orthodox Buddhist sects did not leave either.Naturally, the monks of the Hehuan Sect have always been by her side, as if they must protect her.

In fact, all of this could not be attributed to the surprise attack on the disciples of the Hehuan Sect a few years ago, and many lives were hanging by a thread. Fortunately, she went in time and rescued all those people.Naturally, the Hehuan Sect will protect her today regardless of offending other sects.

How could her relationship with Monk Joy allow them to do this.Therefore, it's good to show kindness once in a while when you're in a good mood, she thought in her heart, but kindness needs to be chosen.

Her eyes swept over the faces of Mei Jingyuan and the others one by one, and she said with a smile: "I don't know if you have any doubts?"

The faces of Xi Shuang and the others were very ugly, and Mei Baoer's smile was a provocation to them. Yes, people in the fairy world are probably suspicious of them now, after all, these sects have distributed a lot of good things.The damn thing is that Mei Bao'er actually published all these lists, how can they not make them feel uncomfortable?
Hua Yongmei's face was almost distorted, Mei Baoer, damn Mei Baoer, let her get through the difficulty again! !
"Mei Bao'er, take care of yourself. If you really colluded with the demon world, everything will be clear on the day of the fairy-monster war, and then you will be unable to quibble." Hua Yongmei's face was stern, His eyes fell on Li Qingshui's mother and son, "If you are willing to come back, my Hundred Flowers Sect still welcomes you. You have to see clearly, you might lose your life someday if you follow Mei Bao'er."

"Don't bother Sect Master Hua, we, mother and son, have decided to follow Miss Mei forever, and we feel that only by following Miss Mei can we live for a long time," Li Qingshui smiled, "I still remember when I was in the Hundred Flowers Sect. Many things in front of the door, if Miss Mei is not there, Li Qingshui may not exist in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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