Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 455 That's Good, Then Kill It All

Chapter 455 That's Good, Then Kill It All

A man's deep voice came from above his head, and he could vaguely feel his depression, as if he was restraining his actions.Well, his little Bao'er wants to solve it by himself, so he will wait for her and watch her solve it by herself.

"Kill it!" She laughed softly, "Well, kill them all!"

The voices of the two were not low, but after hearing the content of their words, they only felt a little funny.Although Mei Baoer is very rich, but with her strength, it may be difficult to kill an ordinary sect in the fairy world, and now she is still brazenly saying that she will kill them all! !

"Then tell your people to back off."

Before everyone could react, they heard her words again, and they didn't understand, didn't Mo Ming come here alone, did he bring someone with him?But remembering that the other party has unified half of the demon world, they naturally heard the news, and it is not surprising that they brought some people.

However, what happened next shocked them.

I saw the Lord Demon King in a black robe with a stern face, and waved his hands. All the monster races retreated quickly, separating those who participated in the murder of Mei Baoer from those who watched behind, which was equivalent to separating Mei Jingyuan and his ilk. people surrounded.Everyone is not as scattered as before, they are neatly arranged in the back, like a well-trained army, everyone's scalp is a little numb.

At this time, they seem to know something, but they don't know what they know.

Especially Xi Shuang and Hua Yongmei's faces were extremely ugly, their hunch was really accurate, that man actually unified the entire demon world.Obviously, they inquired more than 20 years ago that the other party only unified half of the demon world. However, it only took more than 20 years to control all the demon world. The demon clan in front of them looks more scattered than the fairy world. Much better.

At this time, they were a little panicked. What was this man planning? If Du Zong hadn't appeared suddenly, how much damage had been done to the Immortal World this time! !

"Don't panic, the demon clan will not interfere in our fight. Since we are all from the fairy world, let's use the methods of the fairy world!?"

They couldn't believe Mei Baoer's words. Obviously, as long as this man moved his lips, he could shed a layer of skin from the fairy world, but she actually gave up these powers and used her own skills to deal with them.Is this too ridiculous? ?

"Hmph, Mei Bao'er, since you are so arrogant, let us teach you a lesson and let you know what a fairy world is!!" Hua Yongmei snorted coldly, as if she was going to swallow Mei Bao at that moment. The beautiful face is full of ruthlessness.

Mei Baoer stood quietly opposite, and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I have to order some appetizers first!"

Everyone didn't understand, at this time, what else could Mei Baoer do!
But what happened next shocked everyone in the fairy world.

"Sect Master, it's not good!!"

At this moment, Hua Qingling's figure floated from a distance, and landed staggeringly in front of Hua Yongmei. She was very embarrassed, with a look of horror on her face.

"what happened?"

Hua Yongmei only felt a bad premonition in her heart. Before she could think about it, Hua Qingling said: "Sect Master, the Hundred Flowers Sect has been captured and taken over by a wave of mysterious people."

"What!!" Not only Hua Yongmei, but everyone opened their mouths wide. The Hundred Flowers Sect is a second-rate sect after all, and its power is not to be looked at. It was captured, and its territory was also occupied by other forces. How powerful! !
At this time, everyone stared at Mei Bao'er, as if they wanted to see something from her face, and even wondered if she did this.Of course she won't confuse everyone.

"It's true that I asked someone to do it. I thought that the Hundred Flowers Sect was not pleasing to the eye, so I made my own decision and helped the Flower Sect Master disband. As for the rest of your Hundred Flowers Sect's family fortune, give them all."

As soon as the words fell, Hua Yongmei only raised her throat sweetly, blood spurted out of her mouth immediately, her face was pale and pale, where there was no trace of arrogance before.

Her body was also trembling with anger, and she suddenly raised her head: "Mei Baoer, I want your life!!" After saying that, Hua Yongmei couldn't help but rushed over with a sword in her hand, Mei Baoer's face turned pale. Plain, as if dismissive of such an attack.

"Mai Baoer, take your life!"

Hua Yongmei's appearance is very scary, she has long wanted to kill her, and Mei Baoer will soon die in her hands.However, when she slashed down with her sword, before it landed on Mei Baoer, the man next to her slapped him across the air, Hua Yongmei flew backwards, and then touched It fell to the ground with a soft sound.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then found that Hua Yongmei was dead, and when they looked at the man, their eyes were full of fear! !
"Mei Bao'er, didn't you say to use the way of the fairy world to solve it? Why do you want the demon clan to intervene??" Xi Shuang's eyes were shocked, and she was extremely afraid of Mo Ming.Today, she was thinking about whether her decision was right or not, but the matter had come to this point, either Mei Baoer died or she died, there was no choice.

As long as the Yaozu people don't participate, no one can kill them.

"Maybe Sect Master Hua was so excited that my man couldn't control himself and wanted to kill her. Everyone knows that she wanted my life time and time again, so my man was just a little anxious."

She couldn't believe it herself.

"Okay, then, don't do anything."

She said to Lord Demon King very seriously, "Understood?"

He nodded slightly, indicating that he would not do anything anymore.Although everyone wanted to say something, they didn't dare to say anything due to the strength of the other party.People are powerful, what can they do?

Mei Jingyuan squinted his eyes: "Mei Baoer, don't forget, there are many strong people in the realm of immortals in my fairy world, and when our strong people in the realm of immortals come, even if there are monsters to help you, you will escape No. I'll give you another chance, hand over everything you have, break off ties with this man, or let him abolish his cultivation and return to Mei's house, I don't care about the past."

"You have such a big face!"

The corners of Mei Baoer's eyes twitched slightly: "You don't speak, I almost forgot, you forced my parents away, seriously injured them, and let them die outside, Mei Jingyuan, you said that this murder of relatives, today I should have reported it too. But don’t worry, the fun has just begun.”

At this moment, another disciple flew in staggeringly, and knelt down in front of Xi Shuang. Xi Shuang's expression was sour, and she asked anxiously, "What's the matter, is the elder here?"

(End of this chapter)

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