Chapter 469 I value you
"Xiao Zhuang is being polite to me again, didn't you agree? Helping friends is a duty, and it is my honor to be able to help you." Ling Shuang said indifferently, but her eyes did not move away from her face .

Mei Zhuang didn't know what to say.

Qin Weixue was also worried. Of course, she was not as obvious as Mei Zhuang. She could only suppress her worry in her heart, and she didn't know what was going on with him.

Several people remembered their own thoughts, and the yard also stayed quietly.

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, and a person with an expressionless face came in, and they didn't move. These people who came in would not say anything to them, and all of them were very powerful.

He thought they were here to deliver things, let alone pay attention to them, but this time it seemed to be different. He walked in front of them, his eyes kept sizing up their bodies, and finally fixed on Qin Weixue, calling them Be vigilant.

"Miss Qin, come with me!"

The indifferent voice, without a trace of emotion, surprised and guarded several people.

"What are you going to do?" Wu Xing hurriedly stood in front of Qin Weixue. Of course he knew how much his master valued these people, and he absolutely couldn't allow them to suffer assassination, even though he knew it would be futile to do so. Come on, let Miss Qin go!"

The man looked coldly: "Miss Qin can leave, it is Miss Mei who wants to see her!"

"Is it Bao'er?" Qin Weixue got up quickly, "Where is Bao'er?"

"Miss Qin, don't worry, we will take you to see Miss Mei. Now you go with us," he said, looking at the others, "As for the others, stay here obediently, the master has no intention of letting go." you."

After a few words, several people understood that someone really wanted to use them to blackmail Mei Baoer.

Qin Weixue thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Since Bao'er wants to see her, Bao'er must be thinking of something, she just needs to cooperate, "Wu Xing, don't worry, if they want to harm me, they probably won't be so polite."

When Wu Xing thought about it, it was the same. There are no kind-hearted people in the fairy world. Apart from restricting their freedom, the other party took good care of them in other aspects, so he felt relieved.

Since the master already wants to see Miss Qin, there must be some way, so let's just wait.

Qin Weixue was taken away.

Not long after, something happened in the Jedi Starfield. A mysterious force took over the Xi family located on a relatively remote planet.Of course, in the chaotic Jedi star field, such a thing is not surprising, and it was discussed for a while, and then it was no longer paid attention to.

Xi Junsi, who was far away in the Qiankun Starfield, didn't know that her base area had been destroyed, and even the hole card in her hand had been rescued.

At this time, she was going to Mei Baoer's small courtyard with a smile on her face, and she was going to ask her to go to the medical center to treat the mysterious strong man.When she just walked into the yard, she felt something was wrong.

Compared with the peaceful small courtyard in the past, the atmosphere today is a bit weird. Not only is it weird, the people around Mei Baoer also look a little strange to her, and there is one more person.

This person is very strange, she has never seen it before.However, this person has a coldness on his body, which makes people a little scared, but who is she?It's the master of Qiankun Sect, a subordinate of Mei Bao'er, and she won't let her lose momentum.

"Bao'er, it's almost time, we should go to the clinic." Xi Junsi stood at the door holding her airs.

Mei Bao'er raised her eyes halfway, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Yes, the time is indeed approaching, but door master, I might not go."

"Mai Baoer, what do you mean?" Xi Junsi tried her best to suppress the uneasiness in her heart, "Don't forget, you agreed, if you don't help me, none of those people will think about it." live!!"

She didn't want to provoke Mei Baoer, but today's incident is clearly Mei Baoer's angering her. Even if she can endure a lot, she doesn't want to condone Mei Baoer's aggressiveness.

Although she did control the Qiankun Sect these years, because of this, she became more and more dissatisfied with Mei Baoer's customized bomb, but there was nothing she could do about it.

The other party eats and drinks well in her territory, and is so arrogant, I am afraid that no one can bear it.

"I just don't want to go."

Mei Baoer had an innocent face, she looked like a kid who was playing tricks.Really made Xi Junsi so angry that she spat out several mouthfuls of old blood. If you want to go, you won't go, if you don't want to go, you won't go, Mei Baoer, you are really self-willed!
"Are you not afraid that I will kill them? Make their life worse than death?"

Mei Baoer waved her hand and smiled: "Then try it!"

Li Qingshui circled his hands, and suddenly said: "Miss Mei, I still have some things to do, so let's go and deal with them first."

"Miss Mei, I'm going to get busy too, after all I've been idle for so long, my hands are a little itchy."

"You go!"

Just as Bai Su was about to speak, Mei Baoer stopped him: "Bai Su, don't leave, and help me count the property of Qiankun Sect later. I can't trust others. Greedy ink."

Bai Su wowed with bitterness: "Master, you count your property every day, can you instruct your subordinates to do other things?"

"I feel that counting property is a very important thing. After all, my father has been away for so many years, and I am not familiar with Qiankunmen. You count it for me. After all, I have come back to inherit property. How much did these people eat?" , Let them spit out as much!!"

"I value you, work hard!"

What else could Bai Su say, and Yu Xiao couldn't help laughing with his aggrieved face.

"Master, what's next?"

Yu Xiao asked in a low voice, while the few people were talking, they completely ignored Xi Junsi's face.Saying to his face that he wants to take the Qiankun Gate as his own, it is estimated that no one can calm down.

"Mabel, do you know what you are doing? Do you think I dare not touch you??"

"I don't know if you dare or not, but I'm going to move you now!!" Mei Baoer stood up, with a playful smile on her lips, "Yu Xiao, I've just given you a task, remember to do it beautifully."

After finishing speaking, Mei Baoer strode out of the yard. Xi Junsi was so angry that she saw that Mei Baoer was about to go outside, she raised her hand and slapped her, but immediately there was a cool breeze next to her ear, and her shoulders hurt all over. Everyone flew out.

She tried her best to stabilize her figure, only to realize that the person who shot her was actually the person named Yu Xiao.I was horrified, I didn't expect that there was such a strong person beside Mei Bao'er.

(End of this chapter)

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