Chapter 473

Dao Kong and Jing Lian don't know anything anymore, they only know to use all their strength to ask for each other's sweetness.

Unconsciously, the two seem to have returned to the place where they had an affair.

"Brother Kong... Brother... When do you think we will be able to be together in a fair and honest manner?"

"Lianmei...wait...when I unify the entire fairy world, no one will be able to stop us. Trust me!"

wow wow wow-

Everyone's eyes widened, seeing the two entangled with each other with forgetfulness, and hearing the secrets about the fairy world being revealed one by one from their mouths, they looked really good-looking.

"Kong... You... Didn't you say that you have arranged for people to join each sect? It's been... many years, and I haven't seen you make any moves."

Jinglian hooked Daokong's neck in a confused way. Although the shy posture of the two made everyone embarrassed, they were more interested in what secrets they would reveal.

"Those people have gradually reached the top positions of other sects. Now is not the time to move them. When the time comes, they will be the best pawns. At that time, we can get everything we want without any effort, Lianmei , you are so beautiful, I love you so much, Sister Lian..."

The faces of the factions were extremely ugly, staring at Dao and Kong on the field, looking very angry.

The monks from the Arhat Sect and the nuns from the Xuanzhen Sect all saw that something was wrong and wanted to escape.However, at this time, how could these sects let them escape.

"Catch them all!!"

I don't know who yelled, but this time all the factions worked together and arrested all the people from the two factions.

"Everyone, I think these two sects are trying to provoke the relationship between us. It's better to take the opportunity to destroy them to avoid any future troubles. As long as these two sects no longer exist, then their so-called unified fairyland will have nothing to do with it." significance!!"

The head of a certain sect said so, and all the sects agreed, so they left some people here to wait for Daokong and Jinglian to finish their work and arrest them, and then took people to sweep up the two sects.

As for Mei Bao'er, she stepped back a bit and looked at the chaotic everything in front of her with a smile.

"I said, don't try to bully me an orphan girl, I will take revenge on you like a madman!!"

Bai Su shrank his neck, looked at the two people who were still dripping with sweat, and had to say that although Dao Kong and Jing Lian were monks and nuns, they still had good figures, which made people appreciate a live-action blockbuster .

"Master, now that the property has been counted, what shall we do next?"

"Go back, sort everything out, and move the foundation of Momei Palace to the Wuji Starfield. I have already agreed with Tianjizi, and he left me a good place."

"Understood, master, I will do this right away."

The person who answered was Yu Xiao. He glanced at Dao Kong and Jing Lian lightly. It could be seen that he hated them very much, and the word he hated was almost written on his face.

"Then master, what about the two of them?"

Bai Su shrunk his fingers and pointed to the two people who were still fighting over there, "If you let them go, you might take revenge on the master. I think it's better to just kill them. If this is the case, the master is in the fairy world I don't have any enemies anymore, and I can slowly enjoy a stable life in the future." While talking, Bai Su was still thinking about the future, which made her smile.

"When they are finished, being able to live can only show that their physique is very good. Even if they are alive, they are almost useless. When did you see that my heart softened?"

She looked up at the somewhat blue sky, and the only person who could soften her heart was someone she cared about.

"There are so many sects in the fairy world, they won't let them have a good time. If they were allowed to live with so many secrets in their mouths before, it is estimated that the heads of the sects in the fairy world will not be safe."

Bai Su smiled coyly, and patted the back of his head: "That's true," glanced at the two of them from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help asking, "Master, what kind of medicine is that, why is it so powerful?"

After finishing the work, he became a useless person, which was terrible.

Suddenly he felt a chilly gaze, and heard Mei Baoer say: "Why, you want to try? That medicine is a bit strong, aren't you afraid that it will ruin your life?"

"Forget it, master, I don't mean it, I'm just curious, I don't mean it at all," Bai Su shook his head quickly, like a rattle drum, "Besides, I don't have a woman I like, so I want this thing to make what!"

After finishing speaking, he puffed out his chest again, "Of course, even if I have someone I like, I don't want that kind of thing!!"

"If you can't, just say it straight!!" Yu Xiao cast a glance at him, causing Bai Su to blush, and grabbed the other side's skirt, "Boy, who do you think can't do it??"

Yu Xiao didn't move, and pulled Bai Su's hand away, "Let go, you said it yourself!!"

"I... I can't do it!!" Bai Su blushed, "Yu Xiao, don't frame me, you boy. You make things clear. If you don't make it clear, I won't let you go today. Don't think The master gave you a good job, at least the master also asked me to count her property, such an important task is done by me, go, if you frame me, we will fight!!"


Mei Baoer shook her head and left the two of them with a smile in her eyes.

When the factions from the fairy world arrived at Arhat Gate, they realized that everything here had already been occupied by the Hehuan Sect.In desperation, he could only go to the Xuanzhen Gate, only to find that the Xuanzhen Gate was also occupied by the Joyful Sect.

Moreover, the most important territory of the two sects has also been taken by the Hehuan Sect. The Hehuan Sect is powerful, and they can't afford to provoke them.They can only pick up leaks, but fortunately, they can still drink some soup, which makes them feel better.

After returning, Dao Kong and Jing Lian had finished their work. Of course, the two of them looked very embarrassed. If they hadn't lost their physical strength, they probably wouldn't have ended. They didn't die, and they were about to die. .

After the sects tricked out the spies from the two sects, they killed them all, and the two could not escape death in the end.

Just when they were preparing how to get along with Momei Palace, they even wondered if they could work together to get some benefits from it.As a result, news spread that the base of Momei Palace had moved to the Promise Starfield, and planned to develop in the Promise Starfield in the future.Many shops and clinics in Immortal Realm have also been evacuated, leaving only some less busy planets.

When everyone heard it, their hearts felt a little bit bitter.It is an indisputable fact that Momei Palace and Wuji Sect have joined forces, and they dare not make any further decisions.

He can only develop his own sect with all his heart. After a year of rectification, the situation in the fairy world has gradually stabilized.At the same time, in addition to the two places of the Promise Starfield and the Jedi Starfield, the two largest sects are the Peacock Gate and the Hehuan Sect.Followed by other sects, the original Qiankunmen has indeed become an inn, and it is still under the name of Momei Palace, and the source of customers is still very good.

Knowing that Mei Baoer had no intention of unifying the fairy world, the factions gradually felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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