Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 479 Don't Try to Escape

Chapter 479 Don't Try to Escape
After the woman was dealt with, the two of them didn't stop, they rushed into various small whirlpools and killed all the woman's accomplices.These women who are not in the same party are not their opponents, and they will be solved after three attacks.

The two looked at each other and smiled, looked at the flying magic weapons floating around, there were dozens of them, and quickly put them into the ring, leaving one each, and took the flying magic weapon to the distance.

After escaping from that place, the two walked side by side.But they didn't feel relaxed at all. They already felt that this journey was really dangerous.I just don't know what dangers I will encounter after arriving in the Jedi Starfield.

"I feel something is wrong, but I can't see what's wrong."

Mei Baoer looked around vigilantly, her whole body on alert.Li Yujiang also has a serious face. When fighting the enemy together, the two seem to have forgotten what happened in the past.


Suddenly Mei Baoer yelled, controlled the flying magic weapon and jumped up. When the two went up, a powerful force appeared in the original place, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart.


Her heart sank, she clearly felt the killing intent, but after she avoided it, there was no one there.Before she could think about it, another gust of wind appeared on the right. Without thinking about it, she fled quickly. A force hit the flying magic weapon, and the rear section was already shattered.

She had no choice but to come out, and took out a magic weapon again. Just as she got on it, a strong wind came from above her head. When she wanted to avoid it, a huge suction came from her back, instantly knocking her I was drawn in.

At the same time, she found that Li Yujiang was also sucked in. The two of them were dizzy from the jolt, and it took a long time before they calmed down.When they felt that there was no attack, they found that the flying magic weapon had also been destroyed.

Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, a voice rang in their ears, causing their colors to change drastically.

"It seems that you really have some skills, and you were able to kill the two trash in front of you."

The voice was emotionless, a bit like a mechanical voice. When they raised their heads together, they saw a group of men in black in front of them. The man in the front was wearing a black cloak, and could easily blend into it.

"Mai Baoer, you should know what I need, so you don't need me to talk nonsense?"

Mei Baoer squinted her eyes, this man was indeed much stronger than the previous two, and judging from his physique and aura, he didn't seem to be a cultivation base piled up with pills.

"I'm not as stupid as those two trash. It's best to rely on your own cultivation. This is the advice given to us by the master. If you are willing to hand over the Danhuang inheritance and serve the master, I will not kill you."

After the man finished speaking, he waited for Mei Baoer's answer, not in a hurry at all, but occasionally raised his hand and rubbed each other, the thing seemed to be pinching the neck.

"With your strength, you can't escape."

Mei Bao'er looked left and right, she didn't know where this space was, and it seemed that she really couldn't escape.If you fight recklessly with a man, it is estimated that there is really only a dead end.

"Okay, I promise to go with you!"

Li Yujiang was stunned for a moment, and found that Mei Baoer glanced at him, but didn't ask what was in her mouth, silently expressing that she agreed, and he also agreed.

"very good."

The man's mechanical voice sounded, very satisfied.With a wave of his hand, his flying magic weapon appeared.May Baoer silently took out the magic weapon, and then all the men in black surrounded them, and they could only fly between them.

"Don't try to escape."

The man's mechanical voice fell on his ears, and the flying magic weapon followed closely behind the two.

"Listen, when I shout to run, we will run!"

When Li Yujiang heard Mei Baoer's words, he quickly agreed.

While paying attention to the surrounding environment and following the flight, Mei Baoer sank into the ring with her consciousness, secretly put the gathering book and the spirit gathering pen into the ring, and then silently drew the appearance of the two inside .She has thirty flying magic weapons in total, so she drew fifteen of herself and fifteen of Li Yujiang.

After painting these, it has been more than ten days, and everyone is riding in the flying magic weapon.She was a little nervous, and secretly glanced at the man in black, seeing that he didn't seem to notice her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Her eyes were on the front, and now she was looking for a chance to escape, if she really went back with the other party, she probably had no chance of surviving.

Li Yujiang has been silent, slowly practicing, he still believes in Mei Baoer's words.In the past ten days or so, he has also found that Mei Baoer is a little different from usual, and those who are not familiar with it will certainly not find anything wrong.

Seeing that they had no intention of running away, the man in black gradually relaxed his vigilance, without the initial defense.

Suddenly, Mei Baoer saw that the road in front of her was a bit rough, and the planets were denser.After distributing the medicine in her hand to all the "people" in the ring, she made preparations.


Li Yujiang's ears moved, and his whole body tensed up, but he still didn't show it on his face.Just as they entered the rough road, Mei Baoer suddenly said: "Run!"

Li Yujiang rushed out at once, taking advantage of the opportunity, Mei Baoer also rushed out, and after rushing out with the two of them at the same time, thirty flying magic weapons, all of which looked like Li Yujiang and Mei Baoer, rushed out to various places .

For a split second, the man in black didn't expect such a thing to happen, and said angrily: "Chase separately!!"

No matter which one it is, he must not let one go.

Li Yujiang didn't have time to be surprised, so he and Mei Baoer ran quickly.

"Give me all your flying weapons!!"

She had calculated the flying magic weapon in Li Yujiang's hand, so she drew some more in the last few days.Without hesitation, Li Yujiang quickly took it out.

When he saw "he" and "May Boa" appearing in front of him one by one, it would be a lie to say that he was not shocked.These people boarded the magic weapon and dispersed again.

He didn't know what to say, but this time didn't mean they were safe.

Mei Baoer glanced back and found that no one was chasing her, so she was relieved.

After three days, still no one came after them, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, a huge force hit their flying magic weapon, and the flying magic weapon shattered instantly, and they inevitably suffered some injuries , not even light.

The bodies of the two kept falling down, and it took a while to stabilize their figures, and they quickly controlled them and landed on the ground.Looking at the man in black who was chasing after him, he looked wary.

(End of this chapter)

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