Chapter 481
The elixir in the ring began to move crazily. It seemed that there was a small laboratory inside, which continuously refined the elixir. With the control of her consciousness, it gradually became what she needed. When the colorful medicines were mixed After being together, it turned into a jet black color.

The man in black didn't notice all of this. She raised her head, shook the jade slip in her hand, and said with a smile, "It's ready."

The man in black didn't doubt that he was there, stepped over, and stretched out his hand. This hand looked like Old Pi, and it didn't match his voice at all, but Mei Baoer had already discovered that this person was a drug addict. people.Her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, success or failure is a matter of one action, if it fails, I'm afraid I really have to explain it here today.

She gently put the jade slip into the palm of the man in black, and in an instant, the jade slip fell into his palm.He quickly probed inside, but when he saw only three words "Go to Nima!", his whole body collapsed, and he slapped Mei Bao'er without even thinking about it.

At the same time, a large area of ​​black potion was thrown towards him. He didn't dodge, but directly hit Mei Baoer's body. She flew upside down, and the same black potion also sprinkled on the man in black Suddenly, a flame landed on his body, and before he was surprised, the flame burned blazingly along the place where the medicine liquid was on his clothes.


There were screams that made people's scalp tingle.

In the distance, Mei Bao'er supported her body and stood up, her whole body was in pain as if she was about to fall apart.Looking at the man in black who was still burning, she didn't care at all about the screams coming out of his mouth.Staggering over, another bottle appeared in his hand. After opening, there was a strange smell in it, and it spilled on the man in black again.

The fire on the black-clothed man who was rolling on the ground was about to go out, but because of this incident, it started to burn blazingly again.Seeing the other person's body gradually being burned to ashes, she couldn't hold it anymore, and fell to the ground, not even wanting to move her fingers.

The previous palm of the man in black had seriously injured her internal organs, she should have recovered earlier, but now she really can't move.He could only stare at the burning body of the man in black, not daring to relax at all.

It wasn't until the other party turned into a pile of ashes that she let out a long sigh of relief.It's just that the situation in her body is not optimistic, a cold wind suddenly came from her ears, with a trace of killing intent, which made her instantly vigilant.

She turned her head to look, and saw a black figure floating above the ashes of the man in black, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the soul of the man.The appearance also looks like Lao Pi, red and ferocious, with a vicious soul running towards her.Full of hatred, as if to devour her.

She frowned, what's going on? ?Shouldn't it kill the other party's soul together?
However, this time she couldn't move anymore, and could only watch the other party come over.A feeling of helplessness rose in my heart, it was really not as good as the sky, who knew there would be so many accidents.

Those three people's subordinates are also not ordinary, and I'm afraid they won't be able to help the master clean up the house.She closed her eyes, preparing for the arrival of death.

The cold wind messed up her hair, she only felt a little cool on her neck, but she didn't feel any pain, and she didn't seem to be dead.

She always felt that there was a gaze sizing her up, and slowly opened her eyes, meeting a pair of blue eyes, and at the same time, she saw the black soul before, which was easily grasped by him.

"Ye Li Tian?"

This name seems to be a long time ago. When she thought about it, she hadn't seen her for decades, but she didn't expect to meet again at this time.Of course, regardless of the mystery, being able to survive is a very good thing for her.

A smile appeared on his face: "You saved my life."

"Then do you want to consider going back to the ghost world with me?" Ye Litian easily wiped out the soul of the man in black, then pulled her up with one hand, and said close to her ear, "Look, here At such a critical moment, I appeared, can't it prove that we are very destined?"

"As long as you come back to the ghost world with me, you will be the wife of the ghost emperor. Is it safer and more important than here?"

Ye Litian's tone was extremely ambiguous, and he couldn't help touching her face with his fingers. Seeing her displeased look, he took his hand back with a smug smile.

"Look at you, what's the good of following that Moming? He was in crisis all day long, and he couldn't come to rescue you in time. It's better for me to treat you better. After comparing this way, you should know who you should entrust Are you human?"

Mei Baoer fed herself a recovery elixir, finally gained some strength, and quickly pushed him away: "You are not a good person, you have ulterior motives, if it is not because my system can help you become a god, How could you be so kind." After speaking, she supported her body and took a step towards the human-shaped pit, and looked inside.

"Master Li?"

There was no response from inside, she was about to jump, but was held back by Ye Litian: "For the sake of your injury, this emperor will help you get him up." He jumped in, and soon came up with the dying Li Yujiang.

The injuries on Li Yujiang's body were much more serious than hers, so she took out the medicine and silver needles, and quickly helped him heal.After a while, he was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and finally saved Li Yujiang's life.

In the end, Li Yujiang still helped her, and it was impossible for her to watch the other party die.

"Bao'er, who is this Li Yujiang? Could it be that you have moved on?"

The way Ye Litian stared at Li Yujiang was a bit dangerous, but seeing that the other party's strength was only in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he didn't care.So weak, definitely not his opponent.

"I won't empathize!"

Mei Baoer gave him a sharp look: "This time you saved my life, I thank you, and I owe you once."

"If you are going to die from serious injuries in the future, I will definitely come to save you!!" She solemnly assured that Ye Litian was not well, and her blue eyes were shining with a dangerous light.

"Very good, Mabel!"

He gritted his teeth, "This emperor is a little bit regretful why he said the words to make you voluntary, otherwise this emperor would be able to bring him back to the ghost world immediately!!"

Mei Baoer ignored him, but sat cross-legged on the side, with a fairy stone in her hand, and slowly recovered.Ye Litian was so angry that it was good, he was treated as a bodyguard.

But he looked sideways at this increasingly delicate little face, his eyes were a little lost.

(End of this chapter)

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