Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 484 Old monster, will you marry me?

Chapter 484 Old monster, will you marry me?
"You... such a rude woman, you are so unreasonable!! You insult Big Brother Ming like this, and it is because Big Brother Ming likes you that he can be so proud. But even if you insult the person who likes you the most..."

Before Shui Xinyue finished speaking, Mei Baoer blinked, a pair of jade arms scratched the neck of Lord Demon King, and blew hot air in his ear: "Old monster, marry me, will you?"

"Of course, I'm very happy. I have a lot of dowry to marry with me." That appearance seemed to say that you made money by marrying him.

The sudden change of painting style was not only a little unbearable for Shui Xinyue, but everyone seemed to be able to bear it.They never knew that this is how men flirt. Look, they have lost their morals.

Ye Litian watched from the side seriously, and found that he really couldn't do it.It seems that if you want to poach the wall, you have to work hard to adapt to the life of no morals. No wonder this monster can make Mei Baoer die, and even know that a strange woman is approaching him, and trust him incomparably.

He didn't even know the situation in his family, so he trusted him unconditionally.

Shui Xinyue really didn't know what to say, after her expression changed, she finally turned around and left.After being blown up by an ant, she still can't do anything. In the fairy world, her strength has been suppressed to the realm of the immortal, not much stronger than others.

After Shui Xinyue left, Mei Baoer said: "Let me down!"

After she got down, her expression changed instantly: "I have a fiancee!"

"It has nothing to do with me." Lord Demon King didn't change his face, "I don't like her, if something happened suddenly, I would find a way to leave."

"Oh, is that so?" She blinked, and touched his chest with her little hand, "Just now she said that you have to go back to save your fiancée, what's going on?"

"She saved my life."

Mei Baoer squinted her eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It turns out that she was saved, what is her situation now?"

"Married to my enemy."

"So she married someone else because of you." Mei Baoer frowned, "This is a bad debt, well, let's forget about this question, let's ask the next one."

"She likes you very much?"

Lord Demon King was silent, he thought for a while, this question is a bit of a disadvantage, no matter how you answer it, it seems to be a trap.Once he said that Shui Xinmeng really liked him, wouldn't he accept the other party's help with peace of mind, and once he said he didn't like him, how could the other party help him.

"Actually it was an accident."

After thinking about it, he still felt like telling the truth.Regarding Shui Yuexin, he didn't hide anything. As for the enemy, he didn't say anything.

Mei Baoer finally came to a conclusion, the two were engaged, the woman liked the man, the man didn't like the woman, the villain fell in love with the woman, but jealous of the man's talent, he used tricks, and almost raped the man killed.At a critical moment, the woman agreed to the villain's request and married him.

"Master, I have heard so much, and I have a few questions," Yu Xing interrupted suddenly, seeing that Mei Baoer did not stop, he said: "This subordinate believes that it is your strength and luck that you can live to this day. The other party has no intention of letting the young master go. Otherwise, how could the young master be reduced to the mortal world?"

"Bao'er, I think it's the same," Qin Weixue paused her gaze on Mo Ming's face, and said, "I believe Mo Ming knows it too."

Mei Baoer pinched his face, "Tell me about the situation when you came down, you can't hide it from me now."

Regarding the baby's request, Lord Demon King didn't dare to hide it anymore, and he explained the matter carefully, and everyone couldn't help being angry after hearing it.It turned out that after Shui Xinmeng married the other party, the other party let Mo Ming go on the surface, but in fact secretly sent people to kill him cleanly. In the end, Lord Demon King used all his strength to open the passage to the lower realm, and just rushed Going down, but he didn't want the space to be unstable, the body was destroyed, and even the soul was weakened, and finally fell to the demon world, and happened to see a black lotus. He didn't want to be reincarnated, so he had to possess Mo Lian, using the lotus as his body Start practicing.

Mei Baoer let out a long breath after hearing this, it turned out that the old monster was not an old monster, and the experience was also so rough.

"From now on, let's go up together and kill each other!!" She was extremely angry that someone would hurt her like this.

Lord Demon King laughed, and touched her small face: "Let me do this, how can I let Bao'er do it. The other party is not ordinary in terms of strength or background, and wanting revenge is not something that happens overnight."

He can solve everything, but he doesn't want her to be involved in family disputes.

Mei Baoer didn't ask about his family anymore, since she had already decided to be with him, no matter what happened in the future, she would choose to help him in the same boat and never leave him.

"First of all, no matter what the reason is, you can't leave my side, even if it's an excuse."

"Bao'er is right!"

The two returned to their affectionate appearance, and started throwing dog food everywhere again, which made everyone feel distressed.

"Mei Zhuang, why are you in the fairy world?"

After handling her own affairs well, Mei Baoer began to care about other people.

Mei Zhuang told about the space turbulence encountered in the Immortal Realm, and said that the other people didn't know where they went.As she spoke, her eyes were very worried. For so many years, Bu Tianya didn't give her half a response. They were all called master and apprentice, but she couldn't forget the feeling in her heart, but she would never mention it in front of the other party again. It's over.

"I can only find it slowly. The path of cultivation is extremely dangerous. I hope they will be lucky." Mei Baoer's eyes fell on Ling Shuang, and after a little scrutiny, she said, "This is this?"

"This is Young Master Ling Shuang, who came up with us. If he hadn't been there, we might all have disappeared."

Ling Shuang arched her hands: "Miss Mei!"

"If I get a little stronger, I should be able to protect other people. This is a pity."

"Master Ling is serious."

Mei Baoer saw that everyone did not reject Ling Shuang, and had a very good impression of him, so she didn't ask any more questions.Since we can live and die together, there is no problem.

At this point, Mei Baoer and the others temporarily settled down in the Jedi Starfield.Yu Xing still leads people to build up influence, and slowly extends the influence of Momei Palace. After a while, when it stabilizes, they will also open medical clinics and shops here.

The Jedi Starfield is no different than the Immortal Realm. It is not easy to establish an influence and gain a foothold.It should be said that the Jedi Starfield is the most dangerous place in the fairy world, except for those secret realms.


(End of this chapter)

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