Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 487 It Looks Like My Hoe Is Not Swinging Well Enough

Chapter 487 It Looks Like My Hoe Is Not Swinging Well Enough

"I don't think I'll change my mind."

Faced with Ye Litian's serious look, Mei Baoer was also a little uncomfortable.What she is least afraid of is that the enemy will use different methods to punish her, because she can use even more terrifying methods to retaliate back.

What she is most afraid of is that a person will give her sincerity, because her heart is already occupied by the old monster, and no one can squeeze in.

A trace of disappointment flashed under Ye Litian's eyes, and he turned his head sideways, with a smile on the corner of his lips: "It seems that I can't swing my hoe well enough!"

Just at this time, a tall figure walked in from outside, with very captivating eyes, staring at Ye Litian coldly.He leaned on the chair, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of provocation.

"Brother Mo is back?"

Mo Ming's eyes sank a little again, and he walked up to Ye Litian, his gaze never moving away: "Brother Ye is busy? Would you like to find something for you, such as breaking a hole in the ghost world? Make it up again!"


Mei Baoer almost cried with laughter, the old monster is really different, and he speaks differently when he is jealous.Just when she was smiling happily, she suddenly met those deep eyes.The corners of his eyes were raised, a pair of sword eyebrows, a straight nose bridge, and a somewhat lazy smile on the corner of his mouth. The noble black robe really set off his figure too much.A head of black hair fell behind him, dancing in the air as he walked.

She felt a shadow over her head, and finally realized that he had walked in front of her.

Then the whole person was hugged in his arms, with a little smile in his eyes, still facing Ye Litian, as if saying, this is mine, stop swinging the hoe.

Ye Litian didn't smile this time, but looked into his eyes seriously.At the intersection of the two men's eyes, there seemed to be strong sparks from friction, ready to burn at any time.

"Boss Mei!"

Coincidentally, when Mei Zhuang and Ling Shuang walked in from the outside, they felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, "When I came in just now, I received an invitation card, it looks like it's for you."

After the words fell, the two men finally moved their eyes away and returned to their respective positions.

"What invitation?"

Mei Baoer was about to get up, but a man grabbed her waist, and she couldn't break free at all.Mei Zhuang secretly smiled and handed over the invitation.

"I don't know either. When I came in, someone gave it to me, saying that he wanted to give it to you personally."

Mei Baoer glanced at the invitation, and a very familiar symbol appeared on the corner, suppressing the doubts in her heart, she opened it, and her eyes were a little dazed, and of course she was also a little puzzled.

The invitation card in his hand was suddenly taken away, and he heard Lord Demon King whispering: "Invitation card from Danmen?" He looked at Mei Bao'er, and was also a little puzzled, "It's still in the name of Fade Chen."

"Chen Fei is the son of the head of the Dan Sect, and he can be regarded as the successor of the Dan Sect." Mei Baoer explained, "It's just that I haven't told him about my coming here, and I'm not familiar with him, so I don't know why I will be invited. Could it be that I am grateful for what happened last time?"

No matter how you think about it, something is wrong.

"Go and see first."

Originally, if the other party didn't invite her, she would go to Danmen.After all, she came back to clean up the house, and since she arrived in the Jedi Starfield, she has not been hunted down again. It seems that the three people should be testing her last time.


Although the headquarters of the Dan Sect is extremely mysterious and no one knows about it, in the Jedi Starfield, the Dan Sect also has forces that are revealed to the world.It is also in this place that I usually communicate with the major sects. Over time, everyone has become the headquarters of the Danmen, but some people still know that the Danmen was created by the Danhuang. It is very mysterious. According to legend, as long as you find the Danmen Headquarters, you can get countless treasures and elixir.

This alone is enough to attract people from all walks of life. However, after so many years, no one has ever known where the headquarters of the Dan Sect is. .

When Mei Baoer's group came to the Danmen's mountain gate in a mighty manner, Fade Chen was already waiting outside.

I don't know if it was because of Mei Baoer's previous reminder that although Fade Chen doesn't seem to have improved much in strength, his foundation is much stronger than before. It seems that he has listened to her words.

"Disciple pays homage to Grand Master Uncle!"

Just when Mei Baoer was about to greet her, she suddenly saw Fade Chen salute her, which made her a little confused.Then she remembered that she was already Dan Huang's disciple, and she should be of the same generation as those three. However, why Chen Fei called her Grand Master Uncle, after counting her seniority silently, she already understood.

"Fade Chen."

Mei Baoer yelled, and it was the first time that someone who was older than herself became an uncle. Such a seniority made her feel a little stressed.

But she still asked: "Why did you call me Tai Shishu?" She just wanted to find out what was going on.

"Uncle Grand Master, many people in the fairy world know that you have received the inheritance of the Pill Emperor. After I reported this matter to my father, he told me that I should call you Uncle Grand Master. I would like to thank you, Grand Master. Forgive me for my uncle's help back then, for my disciple's recklessness."

With a smile, Fade Chen looked respectful and serious, very sincere.

"So this invitation?"

"My father gave it to Grand Master Uncle in my name. My father used this method because he was afraid that Grand Master would not come over."


Mei Baoer responded, and then Fade Chen hurriedly greeted: "Uncle Grand Master, everyone, let's go in first, father is already waiting inside."

After entering Danmen, there was a smell of medicine everywhere. After being introduced into the hall, I saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man waiting there with a group of old men.

When they saw Mei Bao'er, their faces were filled with excitement, and they hurriedly saluted: "Disciple pays respects to Master Uncle!"

According to the address, Mei Baoer understands that these people should be the elders. As for the middle-aged man in the head, he should be the head of the Pill Sect and Chen Fei's father, Chen Jiu.

After the ceremony was over, Chen Jiu came up with a little excitement: "Master, I finally look forward to you." Mei Baoer scanned the surroundings, but did not find the trace of the three people, although she did not know the three people The appearance of the people, but if the three were there, she should be able to recognize them at a glance.

"Uncle, please take your seat."

"It's still not necessary, you are the head, take your seat, and just arrange another seat for me." It was just a polite word, but she didn't want to take it seriously.

Besides, according to the master's tone, Danmen has long been occupied by traitors. Although the people here are still respectful to her, they don't know what is hidden inside.

 Merry Christmas!
(End of this chapter)

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