Chapter 491 Who Is Fooling Who?
Seeing that she really didn't know, Bai Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.If the other party knew about this place, they would probably keep it for themselves.

"It's actually like this. Everyone has rumored that my Dan Sect is mysterious, but the Dan Sect doesn't seem so mysterious. Even people who are familiar with the Jedi Starfield know the location of the Dan Sect. Isn't there something curious about my junior sister?"

Bai Yuan's eyes still had a smile on her face, as if she was really just asking casually, and didn't show any other expressions.If she hadn't known the purpose of the three, Mei Baoer would have been deceived.

The old-fashioned immortals in the fairy world are not scary, what is scary is this kind of person who talks to you with a smile, and might stab you at any time, making you unable to recover.From the first meeting, the three of them showed their murderous intent towards her, but they treated her very well afterwards, and even shared a lot of good things.She accepted them one by one without any psychological burden.

Anyway, she will find a way to clear the three of them. When the time comes, the things on them will not be hers, but it will only be a matter of time.

"I've heard that our Dan Sect has a mysterious headquarters," Mei Baoer pretended to be curious, "Senior Sister, is this a rumor, or is it true? Is our Dan Sect really that rich? I heard that there are countless pills and all kinds of rare treasures in it, even things we can't imagine."

Bai Yuan seemed to see the greedy look in her eyes, and immediately said: "There is indeed such a place."

"Then senior sister, where is this place? Why don't we go and have a look," Mei Bao'er suddenly smiled coyly, hiding her greedy look, "Actually, even though I am a disciple of Master, the consciousness of Master back then was not the same as mine. After a few words, I didn't introduce the whole Danmen at all, so, senior sister, can we go back and have a look now?"

There was a smile in the corner of Bai Yuan's eyes: "I know how little junior sister feels, but..." She hesitated for a while when she said this, and seeing Mei Baoer's expectant look, she finally plucked up her courage, "Senior sister also wants to bring Junior sister goes back, unfortunately, the senior sister doesn't know where this place is."

"What?" Mei Baoer was a little surprised, she thought the three of them should know, "Then?"

"Actually, we only heard about this place from Master. Originally, Master said that he would take our three brothers and sisters back when he was done with his work. Unfortunately, Master met an enemy. After he was seriously injured, there was a problem with his cultivation. Later, Master disappeared. So we don't know where that place is."

Bai Yuan sighed, "We have been looking for the whereabouts of Master all these years, especially that mysterious place, but to no avail. In fact, we all think that Master has returned to that place, so we searched harder. , but it is useless at all." Bai Yuan's tone was a little sad, as if she was worried about the safety of the Danhuang.

"So that's the case. Could it be that Master has really returned to the headquarters, but since he has returned to the headquarters, it has been so many years, why hasn't he appeared?"

"I don't know about this either. Maybe Master's injury was too serious at that time. If it appeared, the enemy would also appear, so we didn't dare to come out easily. In fact, we didn't expect that Master would leave an opportunity there. After accepting Junior Sister, we thought Master had seen Junior Sister, so we hurried back."

"Oh, it seems that I have disappointed the senior sister and the two senior brothers. I have only seen a trace of master's consciousness, and I don't know anything else, but do we have other ways to find the master at present?"

Bai Yuan hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to speak, Mei Baoer understood, so she said: "If you have anything to say, Senior Sister, you might as well just say it."

"To be honest, we all know that the younger sister has received the inheritance of the master. It can be said that it is the master's life-long painstaking effort, but in order to find out the whereabouts of the master, I don't know if the younger sister can show me the inheritance. Maybe there is a master in it." What about the message left?"

No matter how well she hides it, Bai Yuan's eyes reveal a kind of longing.She didn't realize that her fingers had turned a little white, and she kept her gaze on Mei Bao'er's face, for fear of missing a word or an expression.

"Senior Sister, it's not that I don't want to show it to you, but that when Master passed it on to me, he made me swear a poisonous oath. If you pass the thunder calamity, you will be chopped into slag."

Mei Baoer's face is full of grievances!
"Senior sister, after all, I am more afraid of death."

"Senior Sister, you shouldn't watch me being struck to death by Thunder Jie because of this, right?"

Bai Yuan's expectant face froze, of course she hoped that the other party would say it, it's none of her business if he was hacked to death.

"Of course, since the master made you swear poisonously, then the senior sister will not make things difficult for you." Bai Yuan's eyes were deep in thought, and she said, "Although you can't show the senior sister, but little junior sister, can you stay in it properly? Look around, maybe someone knows how to get to the headquarters, how about it?"

"That's fine. I will look for it slowly when I go back. If there is any news, I must be the first to inform my senior sister. Then we can go find the master's whereabouts together."

Bai Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, that's not bad, now that the news has been revealed to the other party, even if she doesn't do anything, Mei Baoer will definitely go.She could clearly see the greed in the other party's eyes before.

"Junior Sister, if you have any news, you might as well tell me first. As for the Senior Brother and Third Junior Brother, don't tell them for the time being."

Mei Baoer pretended not to understand and asked, "Why, Senior Sister?"

"Junior Sister may not understand that we seem to be more friendly on the surface, but in fact the two of them have attacked me secretly many times over the years, if Junior Sister tells them the news, there is no guarantee that they will not attack you. Why don't we go quietly when the time comes, and when the master is found, then let the master decide this matter."

Mei Baoer naturally agreed, anyway, she won't die if she talks about it.

Bai Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had already won.So after a while, he left with a smile and said he would come back tomorrow.Mei Baoer kept watching her disappear, and touched the ring in her hand.

He muttered in his mouth: "She is quite rich, it seems that her family has a lot of money!"

"Bao'er, are you only thinking about other people's wealth?" Outside the door, Ye Litian stepped in. "Actually, the whole ghost world is mine. Do you want anything? If you go back with me, all the things will be sold to you." It's all yours."

She put away the ring and said: "That's not necessary, do you think I lack these things? I came back to do other things. As for the place in the ghost world, I will not go."

"Don't you think about it?" Ye Litian moved closer to her face, when suddenly a strong wind came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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