Chapter 496 Finally Passed
Time flies, and it's half a month. There is another big movement in the secret realm, which attracts all the waiting immortals. Looking at the secret realm that is very different from before, everyone is also shocked.

The upside-down mountain peak actually split into two parts. Even so, the old tree with its roots entangled in the entire mountain peak was not split, but stood alone in mid-air, and the roots of the tree below went to both sides. The mountain peaks stretched down, still holding the mountain tightly, without any intention of letting go.

When the crowd had almost arrived, there was a sudden rushing sound from the mountain peak, and the roots of the trees entrenched on the mountain peak began to grow slowly, gradually extending to this side, and each root was at least an adult. The man's forearm-thick tree roots extended straight over, and everyone was afraid of danger, so they quickly moved away, but when the tree roots extended to this side, they suddenly plunged into the ground fiercely, as if to It's like taking root here.

As the roots of the trees penetrated into the ground, a bridge composed of tree roots gradually formed between the mountain and the peak.The color also became darker. It should have been earthy yellow, but it gradually turned black. The place that was originally a fairyland, with this bridge made of black tree roots, turned out to be a little scary and gloomy.

After the tree roots stopped moving, the sound on the mountain also stopped.

After everyone looked at each other, there was some hesitation in their eyes, probably wondering if they could pass.

On the other side of the bridge, it is impossible to see clearly what is inside, and the mist slowly floats out from inside, adding a bit of mystery to the secret place.However, the dots of gold that came out from there were mysterious and powerful, which still made them emboldened.If they can absorb these golden powers, their strength will definitely increase a lot.

Everyone who had some concerns at first also became anxious, and the greed in their eyes was full.

I don't know who caught two rabbits and signed a contract, and then threw them in, and found that the rabbits were not dead, but still alive and kicking, and then the person rushed in instantly.

If there is one, there will be two, and the people behind also stepped on the bridge made of tree roots, walking fast, and gradually disappeared into the mist.

"That person is too hateful, what's wrong with catching, he even caught a rabbit!!"

Mei Zhuang's small face was full of anger, as if she had grabbed herself.

"It seems that there is no danger, let's go in too!" Bai Yuan said, turning her eyes to Mei Bao'er, and said, "Little sister, there are many dangers in the secret realm, although we really want to take care of you , but things inside are unexpected, so be careful."

"Second senior sister, the two senior brothers are also careful."

Mei Bao'er didn't feel that they were concerned about her own life, maybe if they had the chance, they would directly catch her and do a soul search.Of course, if there is a chance, she will not be polite. She always remembers helping the master clean up the house.

Bai Yuan gave her a deep look, even Lin Wu and Mo Yuan's eyes were a little dark, and then the three of them ran into the clouds and mist as soon as their figures moved.

"Weixue, can you really do it?"

If it was said who she was most worried about, it would naturally be Qin Weixue in this state.It's just that Qin Weixue didn't listen to persuasion, she was stubborn, and didn't want to stay, so she couldn't help it.She knew that the other party still couldn't let go of his feelings for Dongfang Ce, and just wanted to numb herself with being busy.

There was nothing wrong with Qin Weixue's face, she looked away, and said: "No problem, Bao'er, don't worry about me, this time I also want to see if there is a chance for me in the secret realm, after coming to the fairyland for so long Yes, there have been so many accidents, I have to improve my strength, I have to work harder if I am thrown too far by you."

"That's good."

Several people also stepped on the tree root bridge and walked slowly towards the entrance of the secret realm. When they stepped on the tree root, they felt that the tree root was cold, and there was a little bit of golden power in the mist, although it contained a powerful force. , It is not so easy to absorb it into the body.

No wonder they didn't stop to absorb the golden power when they saw those people passing by, and the power didn't decrease. It turned out that they couldn't absorb it into their bodies in a short time, and they probably were afraid of missing it. The baby inside, just gave up.

Only Mei Baoer knew that these golden powers were divine powers, and of course, Lord Demon King also knew it.She tried to absorb it, but found that there was really no way, and felt a little strange in her heart.

"This is different from the divine power in the body of the god-man. It should be the divine power generated between heaven and earth, and has not been absorbed and transformed by the god-man. Bao'er is still a fairy and has not become a god, so naturally he cannot absorb it."

The explanation from Lord Demon King sounded in her ears, and she understood.

"Then can you absorb it?"

She remembered that Mo Lian was Mo Lian with golden lace, and saw countless golden lights entering his body, she understood a little.It turns out that Mo Lian shouldn't be wearing golden lace. As for why this is so, it should have something to do with his soul. His soul is a god-man, and the god-man is naturally composed of golden divine power...I see.

"Then you quickly absorb all these divine powers. Anyway, others can't absorb them, so it's just cheaper for you."

A smile appeared on Lord Demon King's mouth, and he put his arm around her slender waist, and his pace was not slow. Although there was a little bit of divine power left in the places he passed, most of it was absorbed by him.

Mei Baoer was also very happy to see her own people getting benefits.A few other people were also a little envious. The gods are good, and this divine power can be absorbed casually.

"If my guess is correct, there should be divine power that you can absorb, but the effect will not be that good."

Hearing this, several people were a little happy, and their pace couldn't help but speed up a lot.After seeing that Mo Ming was still able to absorb most of the surrounding divine power without haste, he didn't have any worries.

Finally, after passing the tree root bridge, they looked at the cave in front of them. The cave was dark and cold, surrounded by layers of rocks, and various traces of years of devastation formed a unique scenery.

Without hesitation, they walked into the cave. The deep and endless cave became more and more spacious. No divine power was found here, but they always felt that there was some kind of power inside that was attracting them.

From time to time, a trace of Yin Qi floated over, making them goosebumps.

"Why is it so cloudy here?"

Ye Litian frowned, "I have a bad feeling, these yin qi don't seem to be caused by the soul, but another kind of power." If it is the soul, in front of his ghost emperor , It's really not enough to watch, he has a hundred thousand ways to kill the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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