Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 502 I Don't Want To Cooperate With You

Chapter 502 I Don't Want To Cooperate With You
"You two, what are your thoughts? If you feel that this is a bit of a disadvantage, you can talk about it again."

Li San asked anxiously.

Lord Demon King glanced at him indifferently, and hugged Mei Baoer in his arms with one hand: "There is no need to talk about it." Lord Demon King's actions can already express his attitude, this is what Li San did not expect, he really did not expect , the relationship between Mei Baoer and Lord Demon King turned out to be this way, he really wanted to slap himself fiercely, there was some hatred for Mei Baoer in his eyes, but he didn't dare to show it.

So he set his sights on Ye Litian, isn't there another young master here who didn't express his opinion?Earlier, he saw that there was something wrong with the aura between the two, maybe the two were not right?

If he could win this person into his camp, maybe it would be possible.At that time, if the two immortal realms deal with the gods inside, if they are careful, they are still sure.

"I wonder if this young master is interested in cooperating with you?"

Ye Litian looked around, as if he didn't see the person who spoke, Li San looked embarrassed, this was simply an insult to his personality, if he didn't know that the two were stronger than him, he would have provoked I'm sorry, I guess it's already started.

He Li San has been in the fairy world for so long, and he was not killed because of his own sense of humor.So, no matter what, he will endure in front of someone stronger than himself.

"What do you mean, son?"

"I don't want to cooperate with you."

Ye Litian showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth: "You offended Bao'er, so you still want me to cooperate with you? Isn't this idea too naive?"

Li San's eyes were a little shocked, and he looked at the three of them again. He finally understood why these two powerful men were at odds. It turned out that it was only because of the woman in the arms of Lord Demon King.

He really hated Mei Baoer to death in his heart, fixedly glanced at several people, and finally said with a bad expression, "Think about it, everyone, there is a god-man in the realm of man-god, if you don't If we cooperate, we may not be able to break through at all, and we will even lose our lives here, let alone get other things in the secret realm."

However, the few people were doing their own things silently, ignoring him at all.

It was Mei Baoer who spoke up, "We are not afraid, you should be afraid, the people on your side are not very strong, but I have two strong immortals on my side!"

Li San's face was reddened by the words, and he once again made a strong note of Mei Bao'er in his heart.He turned around and left, but he was not in a hurry to go in. Since the other party did not cooperate, he would not put a hot face on a cold ass, but if he had the opportunity, he would not be polite.

"Weixue, you have also absorbed the divine power beads. You can break through as much as you can. If you go in later, you should meet a god-man in the realm of man-god. At that time, five of you must deal with one to have a chance of victory. Life guaranteed."

The three of Qin Weixue did what Mei Baoer said, and they also knew that this was the fastest way to improve their strength. In just a few days, the worst of the three of them was the late stage of the Immortal King. As long as they work harder, leave At the time of the death tomb, there should be no problem with the strength reaching the realm of the immortal emperor.

Under this kind of strength polishing after absorbing the divine power orb, their strength will never appear vain, so they are very relieved.

The three of them took out the divine power orbs they had just obtained, the number was not large, and it was enough for their strength, and they began to slowly absorb them.As for Wu Xing and Yu Xing, they have broken through again, and their current strength has reached the stage of the Fairy Queen.

However, it is basically impossible to break through again, unless there are other opportunities.Of course, they were already very happy to be able to break through so much.

A few days later, the three of Qin Weixue had absorbed all the divine power beads in their hands. If it wasn't because Mei Baoer told them to suppress their strength, they probably would have broken through long ago.But they also know that breaking through like this will cause the foundation to become unstable, which is not good for future cultivation, and the next breakthrough will be even more difficult.

Although it was so suppressed that the three of them were blushing, the energy in their bodies seemed to be about to burst out.

Seeing that they endured so hard, Mei Baoer quickly said: "Let's go in. If you feel that you are no match for them later, you should leave immediately. This time, no one will help you to protect them."

The three of them understood very well, and quickly agreed, with a look of anxiety on their faces. If they didn't vent their anger, they would feel like their bodies would explode.

"Okay, let's go!!"

Several people walked in, Li San waited and watched from behind, and waved: "We will go too." He had already made up his mind to walk behind them, and if there was danger, how many people would be there If the front is blocked, he can escape for his life.

When a few people came in, the divine power in the air became more and more intense, and the Lord Demon King was also a little surprised, "This place can be compared to a place where the divine power is relatively scarce in the God Realm."

If this sentence is in the God Realm, it must not be a compliment, but this is the Immortal Realm, so the Lord Demon King’s words must be a compliment. No matter where the divine power is lacking, isn’t it the God Realm?
Can the fairy world be compared?

"one two Three……"

Mei Zhuang counted silently, with a little panic in her eyes, "It seems that our judgment is wrong. There are not a dozen tombs here, but 27." Shocked, Li San who followed behind also felt a little weak in his legs. He decided that his decision was really wise and powerful.

Li San carefully observed several people, and found that except for Mei Zhuang who was a little yelling, the other people had no expression on their faces, but were thinking with their heads down. Originally, he wanted to go out and take a detour, but Can't help but stay down.

At present, the tomb has not been cracked, so they have not seen traces of the gods, but everyone can feel a kind of oppression from the tomb, and even a rare sense of crisis, which makes them vigilant.

Of course, Mei Baoer and the others are still excited. Although there is danger, they can make a breakthrough with the help of the gods inside. This is an opportunity for them, so while they are vigilant, they are already planning. Can quickly destroy it.

"are you ready?"

Mabel asked.

Qin Weixue and the others nodded quickly.

"Okay, then, Ming, you and Ye Litian go there first. I think you can't hold back anymore."

Both of them smiled at the corners of their eyes, and they clenched their fists, indicating that they really thought so, and they really couldn't hold back.They had been looking forward to it for a long time, and the breath coming from the tomb made them very excited. After walking for so long, they finally found something that interested them.

(End of this chapter)

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