Chapter 505 You Have No Chance

The two men were not afraid at all, and there was a smile in their eyes again, and there was even a feeling that they were bound to win.Originally, they just wanted to challenge the realm of the earth gods, but now they want the divine power beads inside.

"Not in a hurry."

The Lord Demon King said lightly, and looked at the petite figure again, with pampering or pampering in his eyes, seeing that she had no problem dealing with the three gods and men, from the embarrassment at the beginning to the ease with which she is now. It's not easy for anyone to hurt her.

"Although Bao'er has not made a breakthrough, her strength has increased a lot. Even ordinary immortals are no match for her." Ye Litian said with a smile, but his eyes fell on Lord Demon King. If the daughter of the ghost emperor becomes Mrs. Ghost Emperor..."

"We're already married."

Lord Demon King dispelled Ye Litian's little imagination, unceremoniously punctured the other party's hope, and said, "You have no chance."

"That's not necessarily true. Brother Mo, you'd better not make mistakes, otherwise, the emperor will abduct Bao'er sooner or later. If Bao'er follows me, no one will have a chance."

Ye Litian doesn't mind that Lord Demon King punctured his hope, he is very confident, as long as he is given a chance, he can make the ghost world have another Mrs. Ghost Emperor.

The Lord Demon King stopped talking, but he could still feel a trace of air-conditioning from his body. Of course Ye Litian didn't mind at all, it was his purpose to make Lord Demon King unhappy.

The two of them didn't speak any more, they just stared at the jumping figure, watching her tidy up the gods in front of her one by one, snatching the other's magic power beads and absorbing them, with a smile in her eyes.

After Mei Baoer absorbed the last three Divine Power Orbs, she felt that her body was still eager for power, and her eyes were slightly regretful.It seems that it is not so easy to break through to the realm of Immortal Venerable.Of course, although there is no breakthrough, her strength has not only increased a little bit. If she used to deal with the strong immortals, she would still be a little embarrassed. Now unless she is the top immortal strong, she can't deal with them, and the general ones are no problem. .

Even, she has been able to instantly kill the strong in the early stage of Xianzun. If this word is spread, few people will believe it.

She glanced around, and found that Qin Weixue and the other five also worked together to solve the god-man, and they were absorbing the magic pearl together at the moment. At the same time, she also noticed Li San who was a little embarrassed. The man of God chased and beat him, but there was no fear of his life, it was just a pain in his heart.

He caught sight of the situation here from the corner of his eye, and almost fainted. A small peak of the Immortal Emperor can hunt and kill several gods and men, and he is still in the realm of Immortal Venerable. He had looked down upon and ridiculed him before, and this kind of slap in the face made him feel very uncomfortable.

He seemed to fall with a spout of blood if he could.

Mei Baoer withdrew her gaze and walked back to Lord Demon King, seeing him and Ye Litian staring at a slightly smaller door, from which she could feel an unprecedented danger.

"There is?"

"A god-man in the realm of an earth god."

Ye Litian said, but his eyes seemed very interested, "This should belong to me and Brother Mo."

"Then let's see whose hands are faster!" Lord Demon King didn't look away, looked back at Mei Bao'er, saw that she was not injured, and said: "Bao'er will wait here for me to come back."

"it is good."

Mei Bao'er also knew that she couldn't deal with a strong man in the realm of the earth gods. Apart from the two in front of her, it is estimated that there were not two people in the entire fairy world who could deal with such a strong man.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Litian's mouth, and his blue eyes were like a vast ocean, "Bao'er, just wait, if you can absorb the divine power beads of the strong earth gods in a while, you will be able to break through, if you can't break through If so," he paused, "I read Ye Litian's name backwards!!"

Lord Demon King's eyes sank two points, he didn't say anything, he was just thinking, with Bao'er's special situation, maybe he really wouldn't be able to break through, he looked up at Ye Litian, he really wanted to know, The time when the night leaves the sky is called the time when the sky leaves the night.

Mei Baoer's brows twitched: "Are you really sure that I can break through after absorbing it?"

"Don't Bao'er believe me? There is a strong earth god inside, and its divine power orb contains more divine power than all the divine power on the outside. If it was someone else, they would have been able to break through a long time ago, and they might even be able to reach immortality." Zun Peak, if it is only on Baoer's body, it is estimated that it can barely break through."

Mei Baoer also had some doubts in her heart, she didn't know why, the further she got to the back, the more and more immortal power she needed to break through, and she had absorbed so much divine power before, but she didn't see a breakthrough, it seemed that she hadn't achieved a breakthrough opportunity.But it's not bad, if she breaks through, she will definitely jump to the middle stage of the immortal, and she can also crush the powerhouses of the same level, which is not a bad thing for her.

"Brother Mo, let's go!"

Ye Litian's blue eyes shone brightly, "I'm really looking forward to what the strong Earth God will be like."

The two walked slowly, and when they were about to approach the door, there was a roar from inside, as if warning them not to go through.The two of them kept walking, neither in a hurry nor slowly, they just walked over step by step.

No matter how dangerous the atmosphere is, it still can't scare them, and they are even more excited. The excitement can't be described in words, like the feeling of finally meeting a strong enemy, and even wanting to The powerful enemy in front of him was defeated.

There seemed to be a little light in the calm eyes, as if they were challenging the strong inside.

Soon, the two walked to the door, Ye Litian was in front, and pushed the door open with one hand, a strong divine power came out, refreshing, and his eyes were a little surprised.

Lord Demon King moved his eyes and walked over.

"Brother Mo, it's started."

After the words fell, Ye Litian's figure had disappeared at the door, and Lord Demon King also disappeared in an instant. Mei Baoer wanted to follow and run to have a look, but found that the door had been closed after the two entered.

After pondering for a while, she still followed and tried to open the door, but found that she couldn't open it no matter what. At this moment, she felt a little anxious.

Suddenly, there was the sound of fighting inside, and she didn't leave, just guarding the door. Even if she tried her best, she couldn't beat the gods in the realm of the earth gods. Although she had great confidence in the strength of the two, she was still very worried after all. .

(End of this chapter)

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