Chapter 514
Now if you want to get the crystal nucleus, it would be best if you have the help of these three people.

"I think we are all members of the Alchemy Sect. How about four of us working together to take down the crystal nucleus?" Bai Yuan spoke again. Of course, although they have reached some kind of inheritance with each other, in fact they have no intention Believe it or not, it's just a temporary expedient measure, they will still not be polite when they have the opportunity to control Mei Bao'er.

Of course, Mei Baoer also understood this, and she didn't feel any psychological pressure.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. They thought that Bai Yuan wanted to deal with Mei Bao'er, but they didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a family, and they all had ugly faces.At this time, many people appeared behind again, among them Chen Lurou and Dongfang Ce also appeared, and Qin Weixue also appeared behind the two of them. As soon as she came out, she found Mei Baoer's figure, passing by Dongfang Ce quickly He rushed over without giving him a single look.

"Bao Er."

Qin Weixue looked around and said, "What about them?" She must have been very surprised. In her heart, the other people shouldn't have any problems.

"I don't know." Mei Baoer frowned, "We separated when we got to the fourth floor, and I saw you alone, and the others didn't know where they went, Weixue, did you see to them?"

Qin Weixue shook her head, saying no.

"I don't know why, but I always feel a little bad." Looking at the shining crystal nucleus, she felt inexplicably flustered, "By the way, I didn't seem to find Shui Xinyue all the way in. "

"Bao'er, don't worry about Mo Ming, he is powerful and there will be no problems, but Xiao Zhuang and the others are even more dangerous." At this time, Mei Zhuang's figure appeared, followed by Ling Shuang, Both Wu Xing and Yu Xing appeared, and finally Ye Litian also appeared.

The group reunited again, but there was still no sign of Mo Ming, and now they all felt that something was wrong.

"Bao'er, brother Mo is very powerful, there should be some accident, there will be no problem, maybe it will appear after a while." Ye Litian felt bitter in his heart, but he still had to comfort him.

He didn't know how he would say such things at this time, when did Ye Litian have a kind heart.

"hope so!"

Mei Bao'er's gaze has shifted and landed on the crystal nucleus, "Ye Litian, can you see why once someone approaches the crystal nucleus, it will evaporate?"

After saying that, Ye Litian also observed that this crystal nucleus is undoubtedly full of a lot of divine power, even he can feel that this crystal nucleus is good for him, but his strength is already top-notch, if there is no special No amount of strength can allow him to break through the last barrier and reach the point of becoming a god.

Although there have been countless people who have become gods over the years, it is not easy to achieve this step.

"If my guess is correct, this crystal nucleus should have been smelted with the power of many gods and men throughout their lives. As for who did it, I don't know. But the person who refined this crystal nucleus did not Simple, not even a nice guy."

Ye Litian's words were conveyed in the ears of several people, "As for why people evaporate in an instant, most of these gods were strong before their lives. It really won't cause anything, but what if there are thousands of them?"

Everyone was a little silent. If it was true as what Ye Litian said, then wouldn't they be able to plan on this crystal nucleus?
"Then Master Ye, is there a way to get this crystal nucleus?"

Bai Yuan's question was on point, and many people listened with pointed ears.Such a big temptation, I believe no one wants to miss it.

"As long as you can resist the power of the gods, you can get the crystal nucleus."

It is very simple to say, but everyone knows that it is impossible for a fairy to resist the power of a god.Unless, this fairy is more powerful than a god, it is even more impossible.Everyone was silent for a while, Mei Baoer did not speak, and kept watching the crystal nucleus.

She always felt that since the crystal nucleus could appear here, it must be prepared for the immortals. Maybe there are other ways to get the crystal nucleus?
She looked around, and suddenly raised her hand to point, and a ray of light chased towards the crystal nucleus, only to see the golden light that appeared out of thin air was scattered by her ray of light.Then she kept pointing her fingers up, faster and faster, so that it was not clear to the naked eye.

From the beginning, some people thought that she might have discovered something, but then found that she kept repeating the action, but did not find anything, and they also muttered in their hearts, thinking that it was impossible for her to solve this problem.

However, after half a day, although Mo Ming still did not appear, Mei Baoer discovered a pattern.

Of course, she also stopped, silently calculating in her heart, as long as her speed is fast enough, she will definitely be able to get the crystal nucleus.However, it is easy to get the crystal nucleus, and it is not so easy to escape after successfully obtaining it, unless you absorb it when you get the crystal nucleus, but it is too dangerous to do so.

Her eyes fell on the top of the crystal nucleus. If she guessed correctly, she could go out through here. She seemed to have smelled the smell of the forest.Yes, from this place that doesn't look like a door, there is a smell from the big forest, which is very refreshing.

"I already have a solution."

Now that she has made a decision, she carefully communicated with several people, "I will have a way to get the crystal nucleus later, but there is a certain danger, but as long as you cooperate well, there is absolutely no problem. You don't have to worry about leaving when the time comes." For me, there are many people with big goals.”

"Bao Er, is it possible?"

Qin Weixue was the first to worry. There were many people who didn't believe in evil before, and they evaporated without a trace when they went up, and there was no chance of survival at all.

"Don't worry, I have already planned it. You don't have to worry about me later. When I get the thing and jump on it, they will just come and chase me."

"Then Bao'er, do you need us to help you?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Mei Baoer's mouth: "Of course I don't need your help. There are more suitable candidates. You can see that Bai Yuan and the other three are also immortal masters. If they don't use Bai Yuan, they will be very happy."

Several people fell silent when they heard Mei Baoer's words, but they remembered that they really couldn't help much.As for Ye Litian who also planned to speak, but was appointed by Mei Baoer to protect other people, he could only accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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