Chapter 516 What Happened

I have to say that this man looks even more evil.

Mei Baoer took a deep breath: "You don't even deserve to lift his shoes!!"

"I am not angry."

The man still had a smile on his face, and seemed to like pinching her chin, "No wonder he likes you, it turned out to be so interesting, even the Ghost Emperor and Emperor Shura were attracted by you, but now it's the deity In your hands, just keep it!"


Mei Bao'er glared at this person, although she didn't know why she didn't have any power to resist, and she couldn't even mobilize the fans in the ring, but she didn't think about compromising.She is here to find a baby, not a wild man, this man is so romantic and dirty, even though his skin is the same, he is much worse than her man.

"Are you angry?"

The man doesn't seem to know what anger is. No matter how badly she speaks at each other, his expression is still calm, but the evil spirit in the corners of his eyes can't be concealed, as if he was born with evil, "Soon, you will be even more angry."

"what are you going to do?"

She was worried that this man was very powerful and would be detrimental to others.This man seemed to be both good and evil, and he couldn't figure out the other person's mind at all.

"How can you let me go?"

She also calmed down. Since she couldn't beat her, the other party should have other purposes for bringing her here.Therefore, she was going to negotiate with the other party, and as long as the other party's requirements were met, she might be able to go out.

"You still want to go out?"

The man's voice seemed to be ridiculing her overthinking her own abilities, "If you come here, just stay here with me, and you don't need to go out anymore."

"Impossible, you state your request."

The man was silent for a while, then put her down, his eyes fell on her face, such confident eyes really made him want to destroy, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You seem to be very confident in the relationship between you? "

"Naturally, we agreed to stay together forever, no matter what happens."

The man smiled lowly, wondering if he was laughing at her innocence, "Oh? Is that so? Then what if you die? Or, another you appears, and the real you will never appear by his side again. Do you think the love between you will be so much in love?"

"What do you want to do?" There was a trace of panic in Mei Baoer's eyes, "You can't hurt him!!" This was the first time she felt a deep fear, yes, she felt that what this man said was true of.

The man sighed and said: "It's too late, everything is happening, you should stay here, and when you hold that crystal nucleus, you should stay by my side forever."

"No, it's impossible!!"

Mei Baoer's mind was a little confused. She tried to run, but found that no matter where she went, she couldn't escape from here. No matter how long she ran, this man was still by her side.The man sat on a high chair and just looked at her like he was looking at a clown.

It made her feel that she couldn't do anything, and she was used to the strong being respected in the cultivation world. This feeling of being suppressed by others made her feel very uncomfortable.

"What do you want? Do you want to play with me, or do you want to have a pet?"

The man bowed his head and said, "It's not that bad, it's just to make you realize the reality. Do you want to know, don't you wonder why you are still alive when you should have died in the tower? Don't you really think that energy The explosion didn't cause you any harm?"

"What do you mean?"

The man didn't speak this time, and with a wave of his sleeve, a scene appeared in front of him.

Mei Bao'er took a closer look, and the water-blue figure came into view. She had already quietly leaped in from the other side when the secret realm was opened. After entering, she didn't know what method to wear. After passing through many obstacles before, he finally appeared on the Broken Soul Bridge.

This figure is Shui Xinyue. After hesitating for a while, Shui Xinyue flew to the tower. When the scene changed, she had already reached the fifth floor. She put something on the crystal nucleus, although she didn't know it was Something, but this thing is definitely not a good thing.

Then the screen changed again, Shui Xinyue appeared on the Broken Soul Bridge, sneered at the burst tower for a while, and then flew away.

"You mean, all this is her scheme?"

The man did not speak, and of course the illusion mirror did not evacuate, everything inside was still evolving, the tower that exploded slowly disappeared, the Broken Soul Bridge was also in chaos, the surroundings gradually changed, and the people inside did not know where to go. where.

I don't know how long it took before a black figure appeared here. If it wasn't her Lord Demon King, who was it?She was a little nervous, she didn't dare to move her eyes away, stared there tightly, and wanted to speak, but found herself in this place, no matter how she spoke, she couldn't let him hear her.

Suddenly, she touched the seeds on her neck, but found that they were already empty. She finally showed a trace of panic, "Where are my seeds?"

"Where are my seeds?"

The man didn't speak, and didn't show any expression. He propped his head on one hand while noticing what was going on inside.Mei Baoer gradually calmed down, and looked inside.She is in a very complicated mood now, and she doesn't know what happened.

The screen changed again, and Qin Weixue and others appeared. They had nothing to do. At this moment, the man said, "I think you should thank me for their survival."

Mei Bao'er didn't speak, because she saw Mo Ming appearing with a person in his arms, who is that person if it's not her?Yes, to be precise, this is her body, which should be the body she occupies in this world.She looked at herself in disbelief, she didn't look any different, she just felt a little weak, she didn't find out why before, but now she finally found out, she is just a soul at the moment.

Waving her hand, a water mirror appeared, she looked inside, couldn't help covering her mouth, her pair of smart eyes were full of disbelief.This is... Isn't this appearance her own appearance?how so?
At this time, she quickly reacted, her eyes fell on the illusion mirror again, and found that the person Mo Ming was holding moved, "How is it possible??" She stared at the illusion mirror, her soul was clearly Here, how could it be in that body, who is occupying her body?

"Are you curious?"

The man looked inside and said, "Do you want to know why? Maybe you should guess it."

"Water Heart Moon?"

She tilted her head, her eyes locked on her body, but her eyes were very confused. If it was Shui Xinyue, how could she show such an ignorant look.Impossible, maybe some lonely ghost.

However, what the man said made her completely panic.

(End of this chapter)

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