Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 526 What's Your Purpose?

Chapter 526 What's Your Purpose?

Under everyone's precautions, she still lived in Momei Palace.Originally, she could have left, but she didn't want to just leave like this.The whole person was leaning on the chair, feeling a little tired between his brows, and unconsciously closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Suddenly she felt something was wrong, slowly opened her eyes, her eyes fell to one side, and there was a person slowly drinking tea over there.

As if aware that she woke up, the man turned his head sideways, his face was Ye Litian.Ye Litian put back the teacup that was about to be placed near his mouth. The sound from the teacup was very crisp, as if it was intended for her to listen.

"This emperor is here to warn you!" Ye Litian hooked the corners of her lips, and her blue eyes were deeper, staring straight at her face, "Although you have integrated many memories of Bao'er, but You are not Baoer, you must remember that you are not even as good as a finger of Baoer!!"

Mei Bao'er didn't get up, she just lay on the side with lazy eyes.Now except for Ming to recognize her, other people seem to be unimportant to her.So Ye Litian's words didn't cause her much harm. After all, other people were not very close to her, and she didn't feel any sadness if they couldn't recognize her.

The whole person seemed to have no strength to lie there, Ye Litian couldn't help frowning: "Are you listening to the emperor?"

Mei Bao'er slowly turned her head, and looked at him with a layer of mist in her eyes. That kind of bewildered look made him lose his mind for a short time, and suddenly he woke up, "Don't think you have the memory of Er, You can seduce this emperor, this emperor will not be fooled, if you want to seduce, you can seduce that guy Moming, as long as you don't hurt Bao'er, you will seduce whoever you want, this emperor will not interfere."

"Is the Ghost Emperor just so lacking in character?" A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Do you know why Mei Baoer doesn't like you and only likes Mo Ming?"

"This emperor won't listen to your explanation. You just got Bao'er's memory. Now Bao'er likes this emperor!! Although it is not deep enough, this emperor will work hard. She will definitely return to ghost with me if she has the opportunity in the future." From now on, she will live with me in the ghost world with peace of mind, and I will never see Mo Ming again!"

Listening to Ye Litian's beautiful blueprint, Mei Baoer had an urge to expose it, "Do you know why she likes you?"

"Because she's not Mabel at all, I am."

"Haha——" Ye Litian laughed, and walked up to her, condescending, "Your story is perfect, but I don't believe it."

Mei Baoer opened her eyes, stared at Ye Litian earnestly, opened the corner of her mouth slightly, and said, "If you talk to me like this today, you will never have a chance in the future. I know you won't believe it, but I won't give up , unless... one day I'm tired and I don't want you anymore, otherwise I'll keep working hard until you believe what I say."

She slowly closed her eyes, and suddenly felt a pain in her neck, and felt a palm pinching her neck.You don't need to guess to know that it is Ye Litian, and the eyes are not open, but the corners of the mouth are curved, and the corners of the eyes seem to be smiling.

Ye Litian's heart was hardened, and he wanted to pinch her neck, and suddenly saw the crystal hanging from the corner of her eyes. For some reason, he suddenly had an indescribable feeling in his heart, when he wanted to strangle her again , Unable to start.He let her go, and the words in his mouth were still unreasonable.

"Because Bao'er still needs you, this emperor will spare your life!" After saying that, Ye Litian didn't seem to be very interested, and his figure disappeared into the room with a single leap.

She breathed a sigh of relief silently, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the room with some confusion in her eyes, wondering how long she could work hard?What if he doesn't believe it all the time?
Just as she was recalling, a person appeared in the house again, and she didn't move at all. When she chose to live in, she knew that these people would come to test her.They didn't believe that she was Mei Baoer, but they just wanted to test whether she would hurt "Mai Baoer".

"You seem to know I'm coming?"


She responded softly, turned her head slightly, and saw Zhuo Xuanyu's probing eyes. This brother who always had a hearty smile now treated her like a stranger.She was a little disappointed in her heart. In the past, she was a loner, but she traveled across time to find a lover and a friend. In the fairy world, she met Zhuo Xuanyu who treated her like a brother.

She feels that it is her luck to be able to get these, and she is willing to use her own strength to protect them all.People are not as good as God, and God wiped everything she had with a single wave.

"Miss Lin, what is your purpose?"

"What purpose does Master Zhuo think I have?" She asked back, her eyes seemed clouded, "Do you think I will hurt your so-called cousin? Don't you know that your cousin died that time in the Merlin Abyss ?"

"I know, but the cousin in my heart is May Boa, the one I met."

Mei Baoer didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy, "Oh, that's really an honor."

"Miss Lin, if you really got Bao'er's memory, you shouldn't come here. Wherever you came from, go back from there! This is not the place for you to come, and you don't want to disturb Bao'er and brother-in-law gone."

She just felt a little annoyed by the words that were originally concerned about herself: "So you just came to warn me, I thought you were smart enough to doubt something, didn't you ever doubt that what I said was true? "

"Think about it, but in front of the ghost emperor Ye Litian, no soul can escape his visit." Zhuo Xuanyu glanced at Mei Baoer who was not answering him, and said: "I will not allow anyone hurt baby."

The implication is that if anyone dares to hurt, he will destroy him.

The room was quiet again, she stared blankly out of the window, the moon outside was also full, and the light of the cold moon shone on her body, which made people feel a little cold for no reason.After going around and around, she became a loner again.

A tall black shadow landed beside her, put one hand on her forehead, and said, "This is only the first day." He stared at her somewhat confused eyes, lowering his head as if trying to see through the shadows covering her eyes. Wu, "It's better to go back with this deity, the people here have already abandoned you."

"If you continue to stay, there will only be pain left. Can you bear his indifference to you every time? Can you guarantee that your relationship will always be the same as before?" secretly smoothed her messy hair, " When your feelings are wiped out, you will be even more desperate." His voice was very low, but it hit her heart heavily.

"Then wait for the day when you are obliterated!" The voice is cool and unyielding, "Even if you are obliterated, I will not go with you. Although your faces are the same, I don't love you."

"It's really stubborn." The dark tone didn't know whether it was ridiculed or helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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