Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 580 Can You Stop Calling Me Master

Chapter 580 Can You Stop Calling Me Master

Bu Tianya, Bu Tianya, do you feel pity for her, or are you out of your mind, and when you don't like it, you don't like it? What's the meaning of your current attitude?

She really doesn't understand!

He bit his lip and covered his chest, feeling a little stuffy.It was how she longed for him to look back at her one more time, and how she longed for him to tell her that he liked her.

But the disappointment again and again has chilled her heart.

Warm tears flowed from her eyes, her heart was bitter, she knew that she would never forget Bu Tianya.But she still didn't have any courage to make the same choice as before. She wondered if he was acting on a whim, or just playing a joke on her.

It was hard to convince myself not to think about it, and to bury all my feelings.His sudden appearance still made her a little messy.

Drop by drop of tears fell on the ground, wet the dust above, but covered her heart, Mei Zhuang, Mei Zhuang, why are you so useless, why can't you bear it, remember, you have to learn Forget, learn to hide all emotions.

Early in the morning, when Mei Zhuang opened the door, she saw Bu Tianya standing outside the door, "Master so early?"

With a smile on her face, she pretended not to know that he was outside all the time, but her heart was not at peace. She really wanted to ask, Bu Tianya, what do you mean by coming here to disturb her peaceful life, and let her just drown in What a nice town.

"Small makeup."

Bu Tianya felt a little uncomfortable, but he knew that the more he was at this time, the less he would be able to stimulate Mei Zhuang. He knew that it would not be easy to get her to change her mind.Xiaozhuang has liked him for so many years, this is his punishment for ignoring her feelings, if punishing him can get her to change her mind, he thinks he is willing.

"I'm in a hurry to go out, so there's no need to pack other clothes. I see that Xiaozhuang also makes men's clothing here. I wonder if Xiaozhuang is willing to accept the first business today?"

"Since it's the master, it's natural to accept."

Mei Zhuang's hands trembled, but soon stabilized, her face was also very calm, and she invited Bu Tianya in.Turning around, he habitually helped Bu Tianya choose a cloth of suitable color for him, without measuring the size, and started to make it directly.She did it very carefully. In fact, she made a lot of them before and sent them to him, but she never saw him wear them.

Bu Tianya's heart became more and more uncomfortable, his consciousness sank into the ring, and he found that pile of brand new clothes, there is a set every year, they are all clothes that Mei Zhuang put a lot of effort into, and the styles are all designed by herself Yes, but he never wore them.Every time he saw her disappointed eyes, in fact, he felt very uncomfortable at that time.

It's just that he really didn't understand why he didn't admit his feelings for Xiao Zhuang.

He stood beside her silently, and saw that her speed of making clothes was much slower than yesterday. Mei was very careful with every stitch and thread, and even every pattern was her best.He couldn't help opening his mouth, wanting to say something, but he was afraid of letting her escape, so in the end he could only watch silently without saying a word.

Since Xiao Zhuang had been able to persevere by his side for many years, why couldn't he have been silently by her side all the time.He has already decided that he will come to find Xiaozhuang to make a dress every day in the future, so that he can have an excuse to get along with her every day.

And the excuse of making clothes every day made him stumped for a while, he thought silently, hoping to get along with a perfect excuse.

Mei Zhuang concentrated on making the clothes, and didn't notice what was wrong with Bu Tianya. Making his clothes is different from other people's. To make other clothes, you only need to make sure that there are no mistakes and try to be perfect. But making his clothes, She is used to it, [-]% perfect, not a little bit of flaws, in order to practice this skill, I don't know how many clothes were scrapped by her.

She made ten sets of perfect men's clothing, of which there are already thousands of sets that she thinks are not perfect. This kind of workload allows her to be able to do so quickly.

A morning passed like this, and Bu Tianya didn't seem to be impatient, he found that he had never looked at Xiaozhuang so seriously.Xiaozhuang is different from girls like Mei Baoer and Qin Weixue. She doesn't have the tenacity in their characters, but she only has a kind of persistence. She is even weaker than any other girl. Because of her background, she even has a little low self-esteem.

Thinking of how he hurt Xiao Zhuang, he was trampling on her self-esteem, and his heart was a little suffocated.He has done too many wrong things, although none of them are serious, the damage to Xiao Zhuang is not 01:30.No wonder she was unwilling to agree to start over with him again, he seemed to understand her inner fear.

My heart is a little sour again, isn't it because he hurt her so deeply that she doesn't believe it?

He secretly swore that he would never let Xiao Zhuang be sad again.

One morning, Mei Zhuang finally handed over the perfect work to Bu Tianya.

Bu Tianya pointed to the hole in his sleeve, and said, "My clothes were accidentally torn, why don't I change them at Xiaozhuang's place!"

Mei Zhuang paused, looked at Bu Tianya's torn sleeve, she didn't pay attention to it before, so she didn't suspect anything, and brought him into the inner room.After a while, Bu Tianya walked in and came out.

This was the first time he wore clothes made by Xiaozhuang. It was very comfortable, and every part of it was exquisite, and the thoughtfulness was shocking.He wished he could go over and hug her, but he knew it wasn't the right time.

"Xiaozhuang's craftsmanship is very good."

Mei Zhuang couldn't help but look at him twice, this was also the first time she saw him wearing the clothes she made herself.She used to wish so much to see this scene, but now... She felt a little bitter in her heart, so she forced a smile.

"Master likes it as long as he likes it. Since Master didn't bring too many clothes, as a disciple, let me help you make a few more clothes!"

Bu Tianya said: "No, when I need it, come and find Xiaozhuang again!"

Mei Zhuang sighed in her heart, and suddenly withdrew her previous emotions.Turning her head away, she replied, "That's fine." She didn't say anything more, and there was some sarcasm in the corners of her eyes. She was always so self-indulgent, so she shook her head helplessly, and began to check other orders and help other customers make clothes .

Suddenly, seeing that Bu Tianya hadn't left, she asked, "Master, why are you still here?"

"Xiao Zhuang, can you not call me Master?"

Mei Zhuang tilted her head, with some doubts in her eyes: "What's your name if you don't call me Master? Could it be Mr. Bu? In that case, Master doesn't want to recognize me as a disciple."

Bu Tianya really doesn't know what to say, Xiaozhuang is too sensitive nowadays, "You can call Xiaozhuang whatever you want!" It's impossible for her to change her words for a while, maybe it will backfire, neither does Bu Tianya. Explain why you are not leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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