Chapter 583 He Became a Dog! !
"Sorry, I'm late again in this life."

A white-haired old man was talking to the tombstone in front of him, his eyes were reddish, and his old skin-like hands touched the tombstone, touching the three people stroke by stroke.

"Bao'er, you have been reincarnated for more than 200 lives, but I came late in this life. Next time, I must hurry up and find you earlier, so that you will not be alone again."

In this life, in his sixtieth year, he finally remembered the memories of the past. No matter how hard he cultivated his old body, he could not achieve much without the help of heavenly talents and earthly treasures. He spent ten years looking for her The presence.

When he finally looked for it, he found that she had left him again.

Sighing silently, that old face was a little sad, but more determined.

"Since I found you, I'm here."

Beside Mo Ming, there was a teenager in his teens, with red lips and white teeth, looking at the somewhat hunched body, with some doubts in his eyes.


Mo Ming turned his head and patted the boy's head: "Master is leaving."

"Master, what are you?" The young man was a little anxious, as if he was afraid that he would leave, he grabbed his sleeve tightly: "Master, the old man has passed away, don't be too sad, the disciple will definitely accompany you. "

"Fu'er, in life, you and I meet by fate, but there will be a difference, it's just a matter of time." Hearing what he said, the young man didn't dare to say anything, but the fear and panic in his eyes were still hard to hide .

Mo Ming seemed to have noticed his uneasiness, and a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes: "Fu'er, we are leaving today to see each other someday. Practice hard, maybe we will meet again one day."

"Master, Fuer will know."

"Okay, after I leave as a teacher, I will be buried beside her."

"Yes, Master."

The young man's eyes were red, but he knew that he couldn't stop it. The master would always be a wind that he couldn't catch. He knew that the master had a big secret in his heart.

Since the master said that they have a chance to meet, then he must practice hard and see the master as soon as possible.

Seeing that the young man was so sensible, Mo Ming was finally relieved, sat cross-legged beside the tombstone, and slowly closed his eyes.The young man kept paying attention, and after a long time, he found that his body was cold quietly.

Immediately burst into tears: "Master, this disciple will definitely do what you say."

After saying that, he knelt down to Moming and kowtowed hard on the ground nine times: "Master, this disciple will definitely stand at the pinnacle of this world, and then go to the fairyland in the direction indicated by Master. Master, you also said God Realm, are you from the God Realm, if so, the disciples will definitely find you!"

The young man's eyes were firm, and he got up immediately, and waved his palm to the side of the grave, and a deep pit suddenly appeared, and with another wave of his hand, a coffin appeared, carefully put Moming's body in, and then covered it with soil , set up a tombstone, stared at the tombstone for a long time, and finally left with a sword in hand.

When Mo Ming woke up again, he was surprised to find that his memory had not been dusted because of reincarnation, and he felt a little happy.

However, when he checked his body, he was a little stunned.

He stared at the outstretched hand with a strange expression, no, it should be said to be a small claw.Then the whole person jumped up, ready to stand on two legs, but found that his two front paws were always inclined to the ground. At this time, he finally understood.

He has no illusions, everything in front of him is real.

He turned into a beast, if he guessed correctly, it should be a puppy! !

Still a little puppy!

Even Lord Demon King, who had seen the big scene before, was completely stunned. After a long time in a daze, he finally came to his senses.


After a long time, he uttered a word coldly, but the sound he made was "woof".If he didn't have a dog face, the expression on his face would be very ugly.

It's not like this kind of thing didn't happen before, no matter how bad it is, it's not a dog, but this time it turned out to be a little milk dog.Lord Demon King, who has been reincarnated for more than 200 lives, is a little uneasy.

"Looking at the current situation, we should practice first. Whether it's a dog or a human, we must first find Bao'er. This time we wake up so early, we should be able to find Bao'er earlier."

Thinking of the person he was thinking of, he didn't care whether he was a dog or not.

After looking around, he found that this place should be a very dilapidated temple.There were no other people (dogs) around him, so he felt much more at ease. The current body is a small milk dog, and it has no attack power. If it is in danger, it may only become food for others.

In the temple, there are dilapidated things everywhere. He found a place that looked clean, sat down on his buttocks, and slowly began to practice.It didn't take long for him to feel the spiritual power, and he was a little happy. What he feared most was that the body he inherited would not be able to cultivate, so he would have no way to find Bao'er's whereabouts.

Only when he has cultivated to a certain level can he calculate Bao'er's position. Although he has made a lot of marks on her body, after more than 200 lives, he has missed a lot.But the further back, the easier it is for him to find her.

It's just that sometimes it's just one move away. He just found Bao'er's position, and Bao'er was reincarnated.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts in my mind, I sank into cultivation.

After a long time, he vaguely heard hurried footsteps coming from outside the temple, and was suddenly awakened. Only then did he hear water stains falling everywhere in the temple, which turned out to be rain.The hurried footsteps outside should have come to hide from the rain, so he found a hidden place to hide.

It's freezing cold, and it's a good time to eat dog meat. The former Demon King has a bad feeling.

After he had just found a safe haystack to hide in, people from outside finally came in.

"Hurry up, come in quickly, God doesn't know what's going on, it will rain when it says it will rain, and I won't say hello earlier." Upon hearing it, it was a woman's voice, who seemed to be quite old.

"Nurse Wu, what are you talking about? It's raining in the old days, so how could we mortals be notified?" Another voice sounded, "By the way, how about the second sister, why didn't you see her come in together?"

"Oh, I'll go and have a look. Second Miss has always been in a daze. She probably fell asleep in the carriage."

The person named Wu Mama said quickly, followed by the sound of trot's footsteps.Mo Ming vaguely heard Madam Wu's voice coming from outside, it should be talking to the second young lady, so she didn't care.

"Second miss, are you catching a cold? Come in quickly. A fire has been made inside. Come in to warm up. I don't know when the rain will stop. I'm afraid I'm stuck here today." Between words, Madam Wu Very worried, "There is still a lot of distance from the capital."


In Mo Ming's line of sight, he saw a woman's dress, and didn't pay much attention to it, but this voice gave him a kind feeling.

 happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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