Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 591 Determine the identity

Chapter 591 Determine the identity
Seeing that Mei Yu'er was still so calm, Madam Wu shouted, "Oh, my second miss, something is wrong, something serious has happened!!!" Mama seems to be doing well, although she can't compare to being rich and powerful, but at least she can be regarded as the home of the second young lady, and she doesn't gossip anymore.

In the end, she didn't say anything, but something happened to the other party.

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal? Could it be that someone died again?"

Hearing her second young lady say the word death so easily, Mammy Wu was about to go crazy. Remembering that Mei Yuer was not going out, she naturally didn't know about it, so she had to explain: "Miss, Mr. Hu has an accident!!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Seeing that Mei Yu'er didn't react when she heard that her future husband-in-law had an accident, Madam Wu said in her heart that her second young lady is hopeless.

"I heard it's like this..." Mother Wu hurriedly told the news she had found out. It turned out that Mr. Hu had an appointment to ride a horse, but he fell off the horse for some reason. Well, falling off the horse is actually quite normal , but he was kicked by a horse. I heard that the horse seemed to be very angry. It is conceivable how miserable Mr. Hu's end is. He is still in a coma. According to the doctor, he must lie down for at least a year before he can recover.

After finishing all this, Madam Wu looked at Mei Yu'er eagerly: "Miss, it's hard to have a suitable marriage, this is not a good time! Miss is already sixteen now, if..."

"Nurse Wu, I'm done eating. You sent someone in to clean it up. Haven't you ordered it yet? There's nothing to worry about. I'm only 16 years old, less than half of my life."

Nanny Wu opened her mouth wide, looked at Mei Yuer's back, and saw the puppy following her feet, also walked in wagging its tail.

Why does she feel that Second Miss is very happy, but this dog seems to be happier than Second Miss? ?
How is this going?

Nanny Wu patted her forehead, she must have read it wrong.

The most frantic person was not Madam Wu, but Mrs. Mei.

"Ma'am, let me tell you something, the two marriages that were about to be arranged, all of which happened, isn't this the second young lady?" , has already passed the door, and the matter of the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion has been resolved anyway, but now the second lady is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Mother, you mean she is Kefu?"

Mrs. Mei had a headache, "How could it be such a coincidence? Could it be that she is really Kefu? It is said that this girl has never been close to others since she was a child, and her temperament is very indifferent. Her biological mother also had a difficult delivery..." Before the two of them could say anything, she Then she stopped talking, her eyes widened, "Nurse, she's not just Kefu, is she? Isn't she everyone around Ke?"

Thinking of this, Mrs. Mei couldn't calm down anymore. If this is the case, it would be a mistake to bring Mei Yu'er back.

"Nurse, let's see if there are any problems in the mansion recently, Miss Young Master and the others..." The more she thinks about Mrs. Mei, the less calm she becomes. dismissed.

"Ma'am, don't worry, neither the lady nor the son has any problems."

Hearing this, Mrs. Mei felt relieved: "Go find an expert and calculate Yu'er's birthday, so as not to have long nights and dreams. At this time, please don't say anything. Fortunately, the two marriages haven't been set yet, otherwise ..." Otherwise, if Mei Yuer's Kefu order spreads, it will also affect other people.

"Understood, ma'am."

The old nanny left in a hurry, and Mrs. Mei was in a state of panic.She is taking care of the entire prime minister's mansion, so Mei Yuer can't do bad things to her.

However, a rumor gradually started to spread in the city. How could the matter of the Prime Minister's Mansion be hidden from everyone's eyes? The two marriages that Mei Yuer was about to settle had accidents one after another. First she disappeared, and then she fell off her horse , I have to lie on the couch for a year and a half.

Even if Mrs. Mei kept it a secret, outsiders couldn't help but guess.

Mei Xiner, who married into the Li family, had a hard time, and spent every day under the oppression of the main room, but after hearing about Mei Yuer, she finally smiled, as if she had gained extra strength, and was able to There was a fight with the main wife of the Li family.One day, she will climb up to the position of the main room, and she, Mei Xiner, will break this rule.

She really wanted to wear luxurious clothes, appear at the palace banquet, and meet Mrs. Mei, but she didn't know that the other party would appear at that time.It's ridiculous, she is not a concubine, but a flat wife, but this flat wife is also a joke.It's not as good as a concubine at all. I didn't know until she got married. It turned out that the wife of the wife was not in good health. She made an exception and married a common wife to let her have a child.

Mei Yu'er should be a calm person, but Mo Ming felt relieved, and now he followed Mei Yuer every night, saw all her actions, and even knew that she was not a simple person.There are also many forces in Beijing, even the imperial palace has been infiltrated.

He was a little confused, how could Mei Yuer have these things?

That night, Mei Yuer finally didn't go out, staring into his eyes: "Mo, if I want to leave, I will definitely take you away."

Mo Ming had no choice but to yell, and succeeded in pleasing Mei Yuer: "You really understand, that's good, with you as a company from now on, I won't be alone anymore."

She closed her eyes gradually, and really fell asleep.Mo Ming was a little nervous, he had been afraid to look at her skirt before, a little afraid that she was not Bao'er.

Now I have to watch it, she should have her own plan, and she will leave here sooner or later.

So, he stretched out his dog's paw again, and this time he was able to lift her skirt without disturbing her. When he touched the clothes, his paws trembled a little.

Gritting his teeth, he still opened the skirt of his clothes. When a black seed appeared in his field of vision, he let out a long sigh of relief.When he looked at the woman's face again, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Sure enough, it was her Bao'er, of course he would be by her side and would never let her be lonely.After he wakes up her memory, they will be able to go back to the original place.

This time, it was also the first time when Mo Ming slept the deepest.

From the second day on, Mei Yuer discovered one thing, Mo seemed to prefer to lean on her body, and even liked to lick her from time to time. At first she was not used to it, but later she felt that this was the nature of dogs. I heard that When dogs are happy, they like to lick their owners.

Mei Yuer didn't feel disgusted either, so she let him go.

It's just that Mo's eyes seemed to be different, she didn't understand why, but Madam Wu promised her that the puppy would grow up and become sensible, but she felt that it shouldn't be that way.

Mrs. Mei finally got the news, the expert figured out that Mei Yu'er was the fate of wealth, not Kefu's fate, she was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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