Chapter 14
After hearing what Su Bai said, Mo Yunxi just showed a calm smile.

Seeing her, Su Bai felt curious, he took a breath, and after a long sigh, he asked Mo Yunxi with great interest. "You really believe that I won't tell the story?"

Mo Yunxi let out a 'puchi' laugh, then shook his head. "I'm sure to hide this from Director Xia." Mo Yunxi replied firmly, without even the slightest hesitation. "But I know I can't hide it from you."

Su Bai said 'Oh' and continued to ask. "You know you can't hide it from me, why do you still do that?" He saw that Mo Yunxi was just looking at him calmly, but he didn't answer this question, and he didn't ask in a hurry, but said it directly. "I thought you were not the kind of actor who would overwhelm people with drama. In a sense, she is a newcomer, but you are already a senior. So, why do you do this?"

"There's no reason." Mo Yunxi lowered his eyelashes and shrugged innocently. "However, if you have to say a reason. I hate her, does that count as one?"

After Su Bai and Mo Yunxi looked at each other, they suddenly smiled.Nod. "This is a very powerful reason." After a pause, Su Bai added. "Actually, if it's not that your actions are not good for yourself, I really want to say that you have done a good job."

"Then, what's Master Su's reason?" Mo Yunxi blinked at Su Bai.

Su Bai seemed embarrassed, and then said lightly before leaving. "I don't like her either."

Seeing Su Bai gently waving his hand, and then slowly walking away from the back, Mo Yunxi showed a very shallow smile.She knew that Su Bai was using his way to express his concern and dissatisfaction with her.

In fact, Mo Yunxi already knew that if she used drama to overwhelm others and attract Xia Yi into the set, Su Bai would definitely see it.

But she really didn't worry at all, not even worried.Mo Yunxi's idea was very simple, how Xia Yi embarrassed Tong Anchi at that time, she just returned the same to her.Facing the accusations of the whole crew, let's really feel what it's like.

What Mo Yun used to do was watertight.It's just about acting, the insiders look at the doorway, and the laymen watch the fun.With Su Bai's strength, it can be seen at a glance.However, Mo Yunxi let out a sigh of relief and smiled.Fortunately, Su Bai is not her enemy.

I thought this matter would pass with Mo Yunxi's return.But I didn't expect that the follow-up storm would be even bigger.

Early the next morning, Xiao Chongyun handed Mo Yunxi a newspaper.

"What is this?" Mo Yunxi took it with some doubts.Spreading it out, I found that it was a report about Xia Yidi.Mo Yunxi looked up at Xiao Chongyun, and then read it softly. "The rookie champion of 'Tomorrow's Star', the crazy photos of the nightclub were exposed, and the miserable life experience is completely fabricated?"

Xiao Chongyun gave her a knowing expression, and took a sip of coffee. "Xia Yi's nightclub photos have been exposed. Tsk, these people are also amazing, how old are the photos, I don't know where they came from."

"A miserable life experience? How miserable is it?" Mo Yunxi looked at these words, feeling a little ironic.She is not interested in the content of this report.There is not much truth in what the reporter wrote, it is nothing more than an exaggeration of the situation.In contrast, she would rather listen to Xiao Chongyun's talk.

Xiao Chongyun spread out his hands before talking to Mo Yunxi about the whole story. "If you want to say that your life experience is fake, it's not all Xia Yi's fault. At that time, the planner of 'Star of Tomorrow' said that the ratings of this show had recently declined, and the support rate for the contestants in it was not high. So I adjusted the number of votes so that Xia Yi would A lot of winning votes to advance. In fact, Xia Yi was not the player with the highest approval rate in "Rising Star". But the entertainment industry is like this, doing the opposite, and sometimes the gimmick will be even bigger. So raise Xia Yi After that, the controversy from the outside world became much louder, and the ratings rose all the way. Until the day of the finals.”

Mo Yunxi kept frowning while listening.She knows that the water in the entertainment industry is deep and dirty at the same time.But I didn't expect that the deepest and dirtiest thing is nothing else, but the talent show.

"The image of Xia Yi on TV before has always been that of a very pure little girl." Xiao Chongyun didn't know what to think of, and sighed with a smile. "Now those nerds believe in the 'nerd goddess'. A very popular word is Xiaoqing. On the day of the finals, a judge asked, why did you choose to compete with the stars of tomorrow. Xia Yi's answer was , her mother is seriously ill and needs money urgently, so she came here for the bonus." Xiao Chongyun added after seeing Mo Yunxi's tightly knitted eyebrows. "Of course, this is all arranged internally. The purpose of asking her to answer this way is to arouse controversy and sympathy from others, so as to gain attention."

Although Mo Yun knew that this probably had something to do with the internal decisions of the stars of tomorrow, but she still didn't expect that in order to increase the ratings, they would let the new contestants talk about their backgrounds like this.Mo Yunxi doesn't know what other people think, at least she is very taboo about these things.Lying to others is a lie, but Mo Yunxi can't accept it when it is said to someone close to him, not to mention that the lie is still about his mother's body.From Mo Yunxi's point of view, it was like a vicious curse.

She frowned in some confusion. "Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"Retribution? Sigh, where is there so much retribution in the world." Xiao Chongyun smiled wryly and shook his head.Then he felt that he shouldn't show such an expression, so he coughed lightly and continued. "Xia Yi's father was an alcoholic, and he gave him enough money to keep his mouth shut. Her mother died when she was very young. So it's not all a lie. Xia Yi agreed without any objection."

Mo Yunxi looked at Xiao Chongyun suspiciously. "But if you use your real life experience, you can also win the sympathy of others."

Hearing what she said, Xiao Chongyun shook his head amusedly. "Yunxi, you still think too much about the entertainment industry. With a real background, would the audience sympathize with a drunkard's daughter? At most, everyone would say that she had a hard life, and that's all. In the future, even if Xia Yi is out She is famous and has an alcoholic father, and it will also be gossip written by reporters and media. But if the news about her mother’s serious illness is fabricated, the sympathy and attention of the public will be instantly won. Severe illness is not death, and The hope of survival. So there will be a long period of attention. And this period of time is enough for a newcomer."

"It's so meticulous and meticulous." Mo Yunxi let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but sigh the shady scene, which really shocked her.It can be said that it has refreshed her world view and her view of the entertainment industry.

"Although there are certain risks, this is the quickest way." Xiao Zhongyun sighed while holding his coffee cup. "As far as it is now, even if it is exposed, the 'Rising Stars' can say that they were also deceived and kept in the dark. Or they didn't know about it. Because there was no follow-up development. Anyway, the money for the season had already been paid. I got it. The specific matters will be handled by Xia Yi and her manager." Saying so, Xiao Chongyun picked up the newspaper and casually flipped through it, then clicked his tongue a few times. "I didn't expect Xia Yi to be so crazy at the time."

Although, Xia Yi may also be a 'victim' in this matter, and was placed inside by 'Rising Star'.But she chose the path herself, and the choice was made by herself. If she didn't agree with herself, no one could force her at all.So Mo Yunxi really didn't realize that Xia Yi was more worthy of sympathy.

However, Mo Yunxi thought about it for a while. When she was standing on the stage of "Rising Star", Xia Yi might hold the microphone, hold back tears with a pitiful face, and talk about her mother's "serious illness" background, and sneered, This finally found the source of her liking to act cute and pitiful.

It turns out that it is because of the sweetness that it is so tireless.

"This time her gimmick is making enough money, I don't know how the company will deal with it." Xiao Chongyun had read enough of the newspaper, and put the newspaper on the table again, with a look of lack of interest.

However, this made Mo Yunxi puzzled. "How do you know so much? Isn't it an internal decision made by 'Rising Star'? It shouldn't be brought to the company's meeting to say it? Then how do you know?"

Xiao Chongyun laughed and looked at Mo Yunxi helplessly. "Yunxi, don't you ever watch TV? I always thought that it's fine if you don't read newspapers. How come you don't even watch TV? Don't you know that this year's 'Rising Star', I Is it one of the judges?"

Mo Yunxi was dumb.She really doesn't know.

Mo Yun used to not like to watch TV, sometimes flipping through newspapers and magazines was already a rare thing.It's not that she doesn't care about current affairs and the current situation in the entertainment industry, but that this habit has followed her for so many years that it is difficult to change it now.

In the past, she just concentrated too much on studying acting skills and honing herself, forming a narrow and closed circle.So much so that you ignore what's going on around you.It's just this long-standing habit, but now it still follows her.

"Why are you a judge?" Mo Yunxi still felt strange.

Xiao Chongyun smiled and added another cup of coffee to the already finished coffee cup. "There are three judges for Tomorrow's Star, one is a senior in the music industry, who judges the contestants' singing skills, one is a relatively well-known director or producer, to see if the contestant is suitable to be active in front of the camera, and one is the manager , to judge the stardom of the contestants, or whether they are suitable to lead." After a pause, Xiao Chongyun said. "Xia Yi's evaluation is not bad, barely passable. If he didn't win the championship by winning sympathy, at least he can get a place among the top five."

"Now that it's been exposed, doesn't Shen Zhuoyan express any attitude? Isn't he going to clarify to the outside world and the media?" Mo Yunxi raised his eyebrows.

"Huh?" Xiao Chongyun didn't let go of Mo Yunxi's address to Shen Zhuoyan, but he was only stunned for a moment before returning to his smiling face. "Yunxi, oh Yunxi..."

Mo Yunxi looked at him suspiciously, not understanding why Xiao Chongyun called her by her name when he was talking well, and asked back. "Well, what?"

Xiao Chongyun laughed. "Yunxi, if no one leaked this kind of internal matter, how would it be known by the media?" Then, Xiao Chongyun raised a finger, tapped the newspaper on the table, and said softly. "Do you know the relationship between the newspaper that first reported this news and LKK?" After a pause, he hooked the corners of his lips in Mo Yunxi's understanding eyes and continued. "That's a subsidiary newspaper under LKK."

"Then..." Mo Yunxi was dumbfounded.

"So, how can Mr. Shen clarify to the outside world and the media?" Xiao Chongyun dropped another bombshell. "What's more, Mr. Shen sent someone to release this news."

Mo Yunxi was really surprised this time. "Why?"

Logically speaking, Xia Yi is also an actor in LKK, why would Shen Zhuoyan send someone to do this?This is no different from smashing his brand with your own hands.

"Hehe." Xiao Chongyun just looked at Mo Yunxi with a smile, but there was something deep in his eyes. "Why else? Xia Yi broke Boss Shen's rules and messed with people who shouldn't be messed with."

Mo Yunxi's eyes flickered.But thinking about Shen Zhuoyan's words last night, Mo Yunxi understood.

However, she didn't say much about it, but the corners of her lips slightly turned up and she stopped looking at Xiao Chongyun.And as smart as Xiao Chongyun, he naturally wouldn't ask too many questions.

When he returned to the set, Mo Yunxi was still immersed in his own thoughts.Even Tong Anchi approached quietly without noticing.

"Miss Yunxi!" Tong Anchi suddenly rushed over from behind, grabbing her waist behind Mo Yunxi, originally wanting to see Mo Yunxi startled, but who knows that Mo Yunxi didn't react at all, She even turned around and rubbed her hair, which somewhat frustrated Tong Anchi. "Sister Yunxi, have you read the newspaper?"

"Yes. I saw it." Mo Yunxi nodded. "You watched it too?"

Tong Anchi nodded vigorously. "Of course I read it. Now." Tong Anchi looked around and found no one around, then moved closer to Mo Yunxi's ear. "Now the whole crew is talking about Xia Yi. There are still many people asking me for news, and I don't know if it's true."

Mo Yunxi couldn't help feeling a little funny when he saw Tong Anchi's energetic appearance. "real."

(End of this chapter)

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