Famous overnight

Chapter 21 Thrilling

Chapter 21 Thrilling (3)
Finally on the fifth day, the weather turned gloomy. Ella took a look at the sky and came back to organize her staff. She was going to start filming the most difficult but also the most critical drowning scene in the entire MV.

The scene was well-arranged and there was no danger.Just taking advantage of this cloudy day without the sun.As for the wind and waves, as long as you wait until the later stage to make it, there will be no problem.

The scene of the boat before it was overturned by the waves was completely filmed on the shore.

Mo Yunxi and Lu Jinnian only need to sit in the small boat, and two shelves are fixed under the boat, just like the kind of wooden horses they played when they were young. There is no problem hiding the two staff members behind, as long as they are there desperately shaking back and forth Boat, Mo Yunxi and Lu Jinnian just act frightened.

It's just that at the beginning, before Mo Yunxi was ready, the boat shook, causing her to miss her foot and twist her foot.And almost fell into the boat.This frightened the crew and Xiao Chongyun.Immediately rushed up.But the first one to rush to Mo Yunxi's side was Lu Jinnian.He picked up Mo Yunxi's body that fell by the side of the boat, carried her out and put her on the beach.

"Yunxi, where did you fall, Yunxi?" Xiao Chongyun ran over and squatted on the ground and asked anxiously.

Mo Yunxi hissed and shook his head. "It's okay, I just didn't stand firm. It moved suddenly, I slipped and twisted my foot." Mo Yunxi sat on the beach, covering his ankle with one hand.

When she was introduced, Lu Jinnian, who had been wrapping one arm around her as if hugging her, stretched out his hand and took Mo Yunxi's hand away. "show me."

After checking for a long time, they found that Mo Yunxi's ankle was not red and swollen, and it didn't look like something happened, so everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Does it hurt?" Lu Jinnian supported her foot and turned it around.Mo Yunxi just frowned slightly and shook his head.It's not that it doesn't hurt at all, but this kind of pain is completely within the range that Mo Yunxi can bear.

"It might just be a feint." Lu Jinnian rubbed her briefly, then raised his head and said to Ella. "Ella stop for a while, let her rest."

Ella nodded. "Alright. Yunxi, take a rest and find a water bag to apply to you."

Mo Yunxi hastily refused. "No, director. I'm fine, I just shook it a bit, and my senior brother just showed it to me. It can be filmed. It's all done here, so I can't wait any longer. The sky has finally turned cloudy. I don't know if I want to If it’s sunny or it’s going to rain, let’s finish filming.”

In the end, Ella couldn't resist Mo Yunxi, and looked at Mo Yunxi's ankle a few more times, and found that there was really no redness and swelling, so she felt a little relieved. "If you feel pain later, if you want to say it, we can suspend it."

Mo Yunxi nodded.Fortunately, the side of the boat was stepping in the direction of going up just now, and there were thick cushions on it.Otherwise, I don't know what it would be like to fall miserably.

Lu Jinnian couldn't help looking at Mo Yunxi a few more times, but he didn't say anything.This kind of desperation Saburo's energy reminded him that he used to work so hard in the training class, as if if he didn't hurry up to study and practice, he would fall behind others, but she was already the best up.

This time, when Mo Yunxi and Lu Jinnian were seated, the staff hidden behind the boat began to rock the boat gently, just like a boat under ordinary waves.The two also talked and laughed, and their expressions were very good.Mo Yunxi also stretched out his finger, pointed at a place, and excitedly beckoned Lu Jinnian to watch it with her.It looked like she was really in the sea now and saw something surprising.

Slowly, the shaking of the boat became bigger and bigger, and the expressions of the two people seemed to be panicked.Mo Yunxi even showed a terrified look, and buried his face in Lu Jinnian's chest wanting to cry.But at this time, the boat was already shaking more and more violently, Lu Jinnian turned his head suddenly, and at this moment, his arms tightly protected Mo Yunxi, pressing her into his arms.

After a while, Ella straightened up and made an OK gesture. "Yuxi, Jinnian, this one has to be done again at a different angle, so that it will be easier to cut at that time. Also, you can try jumping from the boat onto the mat here. But when you try, Jinnian, you have to Take care to protect Yunxi."

Lu Jinnian nodded, let go of his arms and kept clasping them, obviously wanting to break away from his strange past.He turned his eyes around Mo Yunxi's body a few times, and then asked. "Can you hold it?"

Sitting on such a boat is more dizzy than sitting on a boat that is really rocked by waves.Mo Yunxi took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, "Well, it's okay."

With the affirmation of the two actors, the filming started.

Once there is the first pass, there will be the second pass, and then there will be the third and fourth pass.After the filming of the scene of falling off the boat was over, Mo Yunxi and Lu Jinnian felt a little weak in their legs when they got off the boat.His face looked rather ugly, showing an abnormal paleness.

Seeing this, Xiao Chongyun and Lydia immediately brought over two glasses of lemonade.

Mo Yunxi took a few deep breaths, took a sip of lemonade, and felt that his chest was much better.

Looking back at Lu Jinnian, I found that his situation was similar.

After resting for a while, I started to shoot the next one.Mo Yunxi knew that it was not easy to wait on this cloudy day, seeing what Director Ella meant, he wanted to finish filming the scene in the water today.The rest of the lines are fine.I think today is the fifth day.There are about two more days to finish shooting.It is estimated that there will be no further delays in progress.

The scene of falling into the water was filmed not too far from the beach.

In fact, this scene is not too difficult, Lu Jinnian's role is even simpler, he doesn't even need to open his eyes, just pretend to be unconscious.

The previous scenes went smoothly, but in the end Mo Yunxi took off the lifejacket to Lu Jinnian, and the moment he let go of his hand, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his ankle.Mo Yunxi took a sharp breath, and sank into the sea without crying out in pain.

But the people who filmed thought that Mo Yunxi was still acting according to the script.But Ella yelled 'ka' when the sea water was over Mo Yunxi's head, and Mo Yunxi didn't come out, and everyone couldn't help but their hearts jumped to their throats.

"Oops, it's because Yunxi doesn't know how to swim?!" Ella's expression changed.

When these words were said, Lu Jinnian, who was closest to Mo Yunxi, had thrown off the lifebuoy and life jacket on his body two or three times, and plunged into the water.

Fortunately, the water here is not very deep.Lu Jinnian opened his eyes underwater, his eyes hurt from the sea water, but he couldn't control it that much.

Fortunately, the water was very clear. Almost at the same time, Lu Jinnian saw Mo Yunxi with his eyes closed and his face showing pain.Then my heart suddenly tightened.Lu Jinnian kicked twice and swam towards Mo Yunxi.Without any time to think about it, he stuck his arm under Mo Yunxi's armpit and brought her out of the sea.

When Mo Yunxi was carried to the shore, he was almost in a coma.

With red eyes, Lu Jinnian did not allow anyone to approach him, folded his hands together, and pressed hard on Mo Yunxi's chest a few times.Shouting almost out of control. "Yunxi, Yunxi! Open your eyes and look at me, don't scare me, Yunxi!"

"Cough—" Because of the pressure from the outside world, Mo Yunxi coughed violently and spit out the water stuck in his throat.She coughed, her moist eyes slightly opened.

Almost in surprise, Lu Jinnian raised Mo Yunxi's upper body and let her lean against him. "Yunxi, you're awake, what's wrong with you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Mo Yunxi only felt a buzzing in his ears.When she sank into the water just now, she didn't feel very sad. She just felt a pain in her ankle, and then her throat tightened, and then her consciousness drifted a little.At that time, she was still thinking, could it be that the new life she finally regained this time will be taken back by God?

Then when the consciousness began to be confused, it felt as if someone had taken me out of the bottom of the water.It's just that at that time, she had already forgotten how to breathe, and only remembered that her ankle was very painful, with bursts of throbbing pain.

"Ankle...it hurts..." Mo Yunxi gasped.

At this time, the people around had already gathered around.Although everyone was shocked by Lu Jinnian's ambiguous attitude and concern for Mo Yunxi, but now is not the time to gossip.Xiao Chongyun heard Mo Yunxi's voice, and when he looked at her ankle, he found that Mo Yunxi's calf seemed to be completely stiff.

He immediately straightened her legs, warmed and kneaded her with his palms, and shouted. "Her calf is cramping, maybe she just sprained it! It's best to apply a hot towel!"

Then Xiao Chongyun said to Lu Jinnian. "Lu Tianwang, thank you just now. It's best to take Yunxi back to the room now, to relieve her calf cramps."

Lu Jinnian nodded, and was about to hug Mo Yunxi when Xiao Chongyun grabbed him. "Let me do it. It's not convenient for you."

What Xiao Chongyun said was very cryptic, but the meaning was very clear.Lu Jinnian suddenly woke up from the nervousness just now.At that moment just now, he thought of the moment before Du Yunxi's death, his extremely pale face, and the freezing temperature almost made his hands and feet stiff.It was like a demon in his heart, haunting him all the time, unable to be redeemed.When Lu Jinnian saw Mo Yunxi underwater, he sank to the bottom of the water without any reaction. At that moment, he almost collapsed.

Finally, in a daze, Lu Jinnian slowly let go of the hand on Mo Yunxi's shoulder.The eyes froze for a moment.

Seeing that he let go, Xiao Chongyun picked up Mo Yunxi and rushed to the room without saying a word.

"Jinnian, your eyes..." Lydia followed Lu Jinnian, watching him look lost and approached to say something, but saw Lu Jinnian's red eyes soaked in sea water, she twitched in one breath. "I'm going to get some eye drops, you look like—"

Before Lydia finished speaking, Lu Jinnian stood up.He walked towards Ella, shaking slightly. "Ella then finished filming the next scene."

Lu Jinnian was very calm when he said this. Ella looked at him with some surprise. "But Yunxi..."

"With Xiao Chongyun here, Yunxi will be fine, and there are still several scene attendants following. They will call for a doctor. Finish the next scene with me." Lu Jinnian's face was tense, and he could not refuse .

In the end, Ella couldn't hold back him, so she could only nod her head in agreement.

Fortunately, although the situation was urgent just now, it was not panicked.It is also possible to continue working at this time.

The moment Ella called out to start shooting.Lu Jinnian slowly opened his eyes. After looking around, he let out a heart-piercing roar. "Yunxi——Yunxi—" The loud noise of the rolling waves swallowed his voice in an instant. "Du-Yun-Xi-"

Lu Jinnian's eyes were red and his expression was in pain.In the end, he couldn't tell whether it was the spray from the waves or his own tears, winding down his cheeks, he was very embarrassed.

Ella stood up from her seat almost in astonishment, staring blankly at Lu Jinnian who was almost out of control in the sea, and turned to look at Lydia.

I saw that Lydia's eyes had already faintly contained a layer of obvious water mist.

"Jinnian..." Ella's astonished tone combined with her not-so-standard Mandarin made it look a little funny.But Lydia didn't have the slightest intention to laugh.

Then, when Lydia closed her eyes deeply, she said such a sentence. "Du Yunxi is probably the only woman Jinnian has ever loved. It's a pity that she died."

"Yuanxi?" Ella repeated, the expression on her face unchanged, her eyes full of astonishment.

"Same name as Mo Yunxi." Lydia finally turned her face away, looked at Ella, and said again after a while. "Maybe seeing Mo Yunxi drowning just now reminded Jinnian of Du Yunxi's appearance when he died." When she said this, her face was expressionless, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Lu Jinnian's roar still echoed among the waves, but this time, Ella didn't stop.Maybe, he needs to vent, Ella thought.

(End of this chapter)

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