Chapter 28
In the corridor of the hotel the next day, Mo Yunxi met Lu Jinnian who had just returned from outside with a tired face.

Although it was strange for him to show such a tired face, Mo Yunxi didn't intend to care too much, just nodded and said hello and was ready to leave.

"Yunxi." Lu Jinnian called Mo Yunxi to stop, and walked over a few steps. "I just came back from outside so early, don't you ask me what I'm doing?"

Mo Yunxi frowned. "Does it have anything to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter." Lu Jinnian froze for a moment, then smiled wryly. "However, if I didn't return all night before, you would ask me a question."

"..." Mo Yunxi suddenly had the feeling that she was playing the piano with a cow. "There is still a scene to be filmed in the morning, and I'm going to the set."

After saying this, Mo Yunxi wanted to turn around and leave.But in an instant, Lu Jinnian grabbed his arm.Lu Jinnian's hand slid down her arm, holding Mo Yunxi's hand. "Yunxi, can't you smile at me again? Can't me Jinnian again like before?"

Mo Yunxi really wanted to shake off his hand at this moment, and said 'no' to him sternly.But the high temperature in Lu Jinnian's palm made her tremble.Then Mo Yunxi frowned. "You have a fever?"

"Yunxi, are you caring about me?" Lu Jinnian was startled, and finally reflected, the corners of his lips curled up a little happily.He smiled a little childishly, and looked at Mo Yunxi without blinking, his eyes were bright.

"Call Lydia to take you to the hospital." Mo Yunxi didn't bother to say anything to him, so he took out his hand and was about to go out.But Lu Jinnian hugged him violently from behind and held him in his arms.The breath coming out of Lu Jinnian's mouth was scorching hot, and sprinkled on Mo Yunxi's neck. She wanted to break free, but even though Lu Jinnian was sick, he still had great strength.

Mo Yunxi couldn't help being a little annoyed. "Lu Jinnian, what do you want to do?!"

"I miss you, Yunxi." Lu Jinnian closed his eyes deeply, breathing in the smell of Mo Yunxi, his voice trembling. "I dreamed that you were dead, Yunxi, and everyone around me said you were dead. But I didn't believe it, I knew you were still alive. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, you forgive me. Yunxi, can you forgive me? ..."

The scorching temperature of Lu Jinnian's forehead pressed against Mo Yunxi's cheek.This made Mo Yunxi frowned. "Lu Jinnian, let go! You have a fever, at least you need to call Lydia to take you to the hospital first!"

"Lydia...Lydia is already in the hospital. She has gone to the hospital, Yun Xi, don't call her, she is in the hospital." Lu Jinnian seemed to be a little confused, but he firmly clasped his twisted fingers. He refused to let go of Mo Yunxi. "I will never have an affair with her again. I know you are angry. Don't ignore me. Yunxi, don't ignore me, okay? I love you, I love you..."

"Let go first, Lu Jinnian." Mo Yunxi was patient, feeling that Lu Jinnian's current situation was a bit bad.He seemed to have a severe fever.But her hands were wrapped in Lu Jinnian's palms and tightly strangled in front of her body, so she couldn't make a phone call at all.Can only speak softly. "Stop talking nonsense, let Lydia pick you up first, and you can get an injection and get some sleep."

Mo Yunxi could only lower his voice as much as possible, with a hint of coaxing.

But Lu Jinnian raised his head impatiently. "Lydia has gone to the hospital, really, Yunxi. Her baby is gone, so I accompanied her to the hospital last night. Yunxi, you believe me, she really has gone to the hospital." After a pause, Lu Jinnian hurriedly explained again. "But the child is not mine, Yunxi, don't think too much, I love you, how could I touch someone else? The child is not mine, really not mine."

Hearing these words, Mo Yunxi was completely shocked.Mo Yunxi turned his head in astonishment, wanting to look into Lu Jinnian's eyes to see if it was real or not.But Lu Jinnian's restraint was so tight that she couldn't break free.

Mo Yunxi couldn't believe it.It took her a long time to digest what Lu Jinnian had just said.

Lydia is pregnant?She went to the hospital last night, or did Lu Jinnian accompany her there?But... Lu Jinnian said that the child is not his?

However, Mo Yunxi quickly returned to his senses.Nothing is important, the most important thing now is to let Lu Jinnian let go first.

"Jinnian, I'm in pain from you, can you let go first?" Mo Yunxi tried to recall the tone of his words to Lu Jinnian, and said this.

Sure enough, after Lu Jinnian heard this, his arm showed signs of loosening.

Mo Yunxi was a little relieved, but the moment she turned her head, she found that many reporters with microphones and cameras had flocked to her.Mo Yunxi's eyes widened in an instant.

However, Lu Jinnian seemed to react faster than her, as if he woke up from the chaos in an instant.He immediately stood up from behind Mo Yunxi and stood in front of her.

It's just that reporters are faster than them.In just a split second, the two were surrounded.The strobe lights instantly become a sea of ​​twinkling lights.Microphones with various brands were stretched out in front of Mo Yunxi and Shen Zhuoyan as much as possible, hoping to hear some answers from their mouths.It's just that the reporter's questions always seem to be filled with unexpected surprises.

"May I ask Lu Tianwang, why was your manager Lydia sent to the hospital?"

"I heard that she was hospitalized because of a miscarriage. Is that true? Then the child belongs to Lu Tianwang? What is the relationship between you and your manager Lydia?"

"There are rumors that you have secretly married abroad, is that true?"

"An insider provided information that your manager Lydia took drugs. Is it true? Does she have a serious drug experience? Can you answer directly?"

"Were Lu Tianwang and Yunxi hugging just now? Are you two in a relationship, already in a relationship, or did a third party interfere in the past, destroying the relationship between you and Lydia, causing Lydia to have a miscarriage? "

All kinds of problems like this came to Mo Yunxi and Lu Jinnian.

Lu Jinnian frowned, and pushed Mo Yunxi behind him. He stood in front of her and blocked all the dazzling flashing lights for her.He didn't understand, he just came back from the hospital, and the news of Lydia's drug use was not revealed, how could it leak so quickly? !He had just arrived at the hotel on his front foot, and a reporter followed him behind him!damn it!
"I don't know where you got the news. How could such a non-existent thing happen? I think you must have made a mistake." Lu Jinnian's nasal voice was a little serious.But he didn't take a step away from Mo Yunxi's body. "As for Yunxi, you misunderstood me even more. She was just out of kindness, seeing that I was sick, and wanted to help me back to my room. How can you make wild guesses without evidence?"

"But according to insiders, Ms. Lydia is indeed taking drugs. And the doctor in the hospital has confirmed this to us. Is it because Lu Tianwang is also an addict?"

This question is simply too sharp.So much so that the moment Lu Jinnian heard it, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and tried his best to control himself, so he punched him without impulse.

"Then, who is the so-called insider you're talking about? Can you reveal the name? Or can you come and confront me in front of me?" After all, Lu Jinnian has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and immediately changed the subject and talked to him. Tone, let yourself look more imposing, instead of blindly avoiding and giving way to the media.Sometimes the more you give in, the more the media will question you.

Sure enough, when Lu Jinnian said this, the reporter who asked this question stopped talking.

But media reporters are also people who often walk by the river, so naturally it is not so easy to let go.So, after a while, a new problem appeared.After all, once you come out, no one wants to return empty-handed, without getting a piece of news.What's more, this is the news report of superstar Lu Tianwang.Before the report is published, the reporters can even see how good the newspaper sales will be tomorrow. "The outside world is now spreading rumors that Yunxi and Lu Tianwang are dating secretly, and your expressions were so intimate just now. May I ask if you two want to clarify this matter?"

There was even a sharp-eyed reporter who noticed the ring on Mo Yunxi's hand when Mo Yunxi raised his hand to tidy up the hair beside his ear.Immediately his eyes lit up, he patted the ring on Mo Yunxi's hand, and then asked directly.

"Where did the ring on your hand come from, Yunxi? Did it come from Lu Tianwang?"

"If it wasn't given by Lu Tianwang, I heard that when you went to the Maldives to shoot the MV, Mr. Shen also went there. Is Shen always going to visit the set or do other things? Is the ring on Yunxi's hand given by Mr. Shen? "

"Yunxi, you have always been close to Mr. Shen. Is it because of the special relationship between you? It was rumored that you were hired by unspoken rules, and the target was Mr. Shen. Regarding this news, do you have anything to explain? of?"

"What do you think about the rumor that you have secretly married Mr. Shen? Can you answer it directly, Yunxi?"

Mo Yunxi raised his hand to look at the matte ring on his finger, and suddenly felt a dull pain in his temple.It was really careless, she actually forgot to take it off.

"Yunxi, the reason why you keep silent is because you are really dating Mr. Shen?"


Before Mo Yunxi had time to open his mouth, a series of questions came to Mo Yunxi like bombs... and the artillery fire that was originally aimed at Lu Jinnian was also directed at Mo Yunxi in an instant .

Lu Jinnian frowned, and was about to say something when Mo Yunxi, who had been protected by him all this time, walked out gracefully and faced the media interview directly.Looking at the flashing lights in front of him, Mo Yunxi smiled suddenly.

"Everyone asks so many questions, why don't you let me answer them one by one?" She said, blinking her eyes.A little more playful. "I think I'd better answer the question about the ring first."

"Yunxi, may I ask if someone gave you this ring? It can't be that you bought it yourself, right?" Seeing that Mo Yunxi's mouth was loose, a reporter immediately asked.

Mo Yunxi smiled with a good temper, and did not appear timid when facing the cameras of the crowd. "First of all, I want to clarify that this refers to a ring, not a ring." As he said this, Mo Yunxi raised his left hand. Seeing this, the reporters and the media all pressed a series of shutters on the ring on her middle finger .

"This ring was indeed given by someone else." Mo Yunxi smiled.

This sentence made the reporters secretly excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.As a result, the microphones moved forward one by one. "Can you tell me who it is?"

"Speaking of which, this incident is still somewhat legendary. I'm afraid you won't believe me when I tell you." Mo Yunxi smiled a bit slyly, and then retracted the expression on his face in the next second, with a serious and serious expression. "Because of a mysterious old man I met some time ago, the old man said that my life was not smooth and I needed to use something to press it. So he gave me this ring and asked me to wear it all day long. On my body, it can help me overcome the disaster. I felt that I had a destiny with the old man, so I accepted his gift, and this ring is my lucky item."

After saying this, the reporters were a little dumbfounded.

After a while, someone finally said something. "Yunxi, are you kidding us?"

"You don't believe it?" Mo Yunxi looked at them suspiciously.

As a result, the reporters in front of me all showed expressions of 'you are definitely lying'.Mo Yunxi sighed in distress. "How can it be so unbelievable to be honest? Then... there is another version."

The reporter was a little disappointed at first, but when he heard Mo Yunxi's words, it seemed that there were other news to dig out, and he immediately regained his energy.

"Another version is that when I was walking on the road, I met a black kitten. It was raining, and I thought it was very pitiful, so I took it back. When I got up the next day, I can’t find this kitten anymore, but I have this ring on my hand.”

After saying this, Mo Yunxi laughed first. "Which of these two stories do you believe more?"

"..." Reporters, you look at me, and I look at yours. "The first one sounds more believable. The second one is the cat's repayment, right?"

"Yunxi, in fact, both of them are not real, right?"

"No, one of these two is real." Mo Yunxi narrowed his eyes and smiled beautifully.She raised her hand and slightly bent her fingers, raised her left hand to her lips, lowered her head, and kissed the ring lightly. "It's my lucky charm."

The moment Mo Yunxi kissed the ring lightly, the flash lights went on.Mo Yunxi was instantly surrounded by a sea of ​​twinkling lights.

At this time, Xiao Chongyun had already rushed over to rescue him.

But the reporter's problems continued.

"So, is the rumor that you and Lu Tianwang were together in the past true?"

Then, before Mo Yunxi could answer, a female voice with a rising tone suddenly came in. "Of course it's not true! The person I'm with this year is me, how could it be this newcomer who has no reputation at all?!"

And the moment they heard this voice, both Mo Yunxi and Lu Jinnian's expressions changed.

Mo Yunxi's hand hanging by her side was slowly clenched. The sound made her memory go deep into her bone marrow!The black color of Mo Yunxi's eyes seemed to be smudged, covered by the shadow of eyelashes.She will never forget that woman's appearance, let alone her name... the name of Miss He's family——He Yinyin!

Just hearing He Yinyin's voice, Mo Yunxi couldn't help but think of her hysterical laugh!Thinking of her being locked up in the dark and abandoned factory building, beaten and tortured by this crazy woman.When she was exhausted and passed out on the ground, the woman's high-heeled shoes stepped on her face hard, crushing hard between the ground and the sole of the shoe until her cheeks were bloody and bloody——

Until now, just seeing He Yinyin, Mo Yunxi still feels that his cheek is aching!
Sure enough, as soon as He Yinyin appeared, she hugged Lu Jinnian's arm tightly. "Jinnian, you haven't come to see me for a long time. Recently, you have been talking about filming MVs or movies on the phone. You can't spare time, so I have no choice but to visit your class by myself. Are you happy?"

Mo Yunxi watched this scene with cold eyes, and calmly pulled Xiao Chongyun back a step, putting some distance between He Yinyin and Lu Jinnian.The flash lights kept flashing one after another.

The media has always been the most responsive, and immediately turned the blame on He Yinyin.

"Excuse me, Ms. He, some time ago your marriage with Lu Tianwang was exposed, and the news about your miscarriage was also revealed. Is it true or not?"

"The last time Ms. He made a fuss about LKK, but she didn't come out to clarify the rumors. Is it true or just hype?"

"Is Miss He showing up now because she is worried about the relationship between Lu Tianwang and Yun Xi, or is it because of other reasons?"

He Yinyin raised one hand to circle her curly hair. "Hmph. What is my status as He Yinyin? Do I need to worry about a little star taking my Jinnian?" He Yinyin is equally damn arrogant whether she is in front of people or behind her.She raised her chin slightly and looked at the reporters. "Do I still need to report to you about my relationship with Jinnian? Even my father won't ask me more questions. You guys are just gossips. Why do you ask so many questions! What's more, marriage change? Which one is marriage change?" ? Can’t Jinnian and I be like ordinary young couples, throwing fits and quarrels!”

He Yinyin's arm never left Lu Jinnian's arm from the beginning to the end, and was hugged tightly in front of her all the time. "Also, let me tell you, now that you're done asking questions, leave immediately! Otherwise, I'll ask the bodyguards outside to 'send' you out!"

There are four major families in the city, He, Mo, Su, and Xu.No matter which one, these reporters cannot provoke them.

Although He Yinyin is not the daughter of He Yu, the current head of the He family, she is He Yu's younger brother and He Min's daughter.Even if he wanted to call He Yu an uncle, if this eldest lady was offended, it would be impossible for the He family to help outsiders.

So, after receiving He Yinyin's warning, the reporters hurriedly took a few photos, and immediately retreated collectively.That formation was even faster than a fleeing rabbit.

However, after all the reporters left, He Yinyin immediately shook off Lu Jinnian's hand, and then slapped Lu Jinnian on the face.

"Why are you crazy?!" Lu Jinnian was slapped for no reason, and was instantly stunned.Then he growled in a low voice.

"That's right, I'm crazy!" He Yinyin waited for Lu Jinnian furiously, and wanted to raise her hand to give her a second slap, but Lu Jinnian easily blocked her arm. "Lu Jinnian! Do you have a conscience?! You have been with me for five years! The result? You actually want to break up with me because of the old woman named Lydia next to you! How did you climb to the position of king step by step? Don't you Have you forgotten! If there is no me, if there is no He family, would you be like this now?!"

Lu Jinnian looked at He Yinyin with gloomy eyes, without saying a word.

However, under the rage, He Yinyin seemed to have gone crazy. "I haven't cleaned up the little vixens around you yet, but Lydia is so brave! She dared to seduce you! Has she forgotten how that Du Yunxi disappeared into this world?! Let me tell you, Lu Jinnian You provoked me, and this life can only belong to me! No one else can get it! Du Yunxi is an example, and Lydia is an example! When all the little vixens around you are cleaned up by me, you will just It could be mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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