Famous overnight

Chapter 32 Zhen Yan Zhen Yu

Chapter 32 Zhen Yan Zhen Yu (2)
Then, Shen Zhuoyan let go of Mo Yunxi with some annoyance, glanced bitterly at the traffic light in front of him, and sighed helplessly.Kissing while waiting for the light is the most irrational and incorrect thing to do!

"Do you know about Lydia?" Suddenly, Shen Zhuoyan asked.

Mo Yunxi thought about it, then nodded. "I haven't seen her since that day." Mo Yunxi turned his head to look at his profile. "Where did you go?"

"She is no longer an employee of LKK. And..." Shen Zhuoyan paused, but still told Mo Yunxi the outcome of the matter. "Lydia is actually suffering from severe schizophrenia and has been sent to a relatively safe hospital. She was sent to drug rehabilitation first, and she probably can only spend the days in the hospital."

After Mo Yunxi heard this, he didn't make a sound for a long time, and it took a long time to say something in a low voice. "Very poor."

"En." Shen Zhuoyan nodded. "It's a pity, but it doesn't deserve sympathy."

Mo Yunxi turned to look at him strangely, but never heard the answer she wanted to hear from Shen Zhuoyan.

When they returned to the company, Xiao Chongyun had already been called back by Shen Zhuoyan and was waiting in the office.

"Boss Shen, Yunxi, you are back." Xiao Chongyun came up to greet them, and said happily to Mo Yunxi. "Yunxi, congratulations, you are really great. Just now, several columnists from magazines contacted me, vying to do your exclusive report." Xiao Chongyun flipped through his work notes while talking. "But I haven't refused yet. In addition, Sister Zhen's talk show "Zhen Yan Zhen Yu" also sent an invitation to Yun Xi. I think this announcement is good, so I have already agreed on Yun Xi's behalf. The time is ten o'clock tomorrow morning The recording starts, because it is a recorded program, so the announcement time is relatively long, and it will end at [-] pm."

Before Mo Yunxi could speak, Shen Zhuoyan nodded.

Shen Zhuoyan walked to the desk without stopping, and sat in his boss chair.He pressed the phone on the desk. "Amy came in with three cups of coffee."

"Okay, boss." Amy's voice came clearly from the phone.Then Shen Zhuoyan hung up the phone, looked up at Mo Yunxi, pointed to the sofa opposite, and asked her to sit down.

Shen Zhuoyan paused, then continued. "The next step of the company's plan for you is to develop into movies. I will personally contact the director for your first movie. Create it for you."

"Build?" Mo Yunxi looked at Shen Zhuoyan in surprise. The word 'build' came out of Shen Zhuoyan's mouth, which inevitably made people feel surprised.After all, choosing a good movie by yourself is a completely different concept than contacting the director to tailor a movie for the actors.

Shen Zhuoyan's fingers tapped lightly on the table.At this time, there was a knock on the door of his office. "Boss." Amy's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in." Shen Zhuoyan said.

Amy opened the door and came in, put coffee one by one in front of Shen Zhuoyan, Mo Yunxi and Xiao Chongyun, then walked out, and closed the door of Shen Zhuoyan's office behind her.

"Before that." Shen Zhuoyan looked at Xiao Chongyun. "Yun Xi will not accept any announcements about movies, understand?"

Xiao Chongyun glanced over Shen Zhuoyan's face, and nodded immediately. "Understood, Mr. Shen."

"En." Shen Zhuoyan nodded, expressing his satisfaction. "Any other invitation notices? Go on."

"Isabel's perfume advertisement. This is the invitation I just received today for an announcement from the past." Xiao Chongyun quickly flipped through his work diary and reported to Shen Zhuoyan.

"Isabel?" Shen Zhuoyan looked at Xiao Chongyun and frowned slightly. "Is that Isabel?"

Xiao Chongyun quickly flipped through a few pages of notes, explaining. "Yes, Mr. Shen. This year is the year Isabel perfume was born, so a new perfume called 'Fairy Tail' was launched. This 'Fairy Tail' is Isabel's masterpiece this year. It is produced by the internationally renowned Produced and supervised by the advertising microfilm director Frank."

Shen Zhuoyan lightly touched the tip of his nose with his fingers, and paused for a while, as if he was considering the value of this advertisement. "How did you find Yunxi?" After a pause, he seemed to have remembered something. "Didn't Isabelle have been advertising the contest for casting actors?"

"Because there has been no suitable one. The top three in the competition have all gone to audition, and director Frank is not satisfied. This international director is very strict and picky, so it is difficult to find a spokesperson who can catch his eye. Isabel It has always been very popular abroad, so with this 'Fairy Tail', Isabel wants to open up the Asian market. So this advertisement is very important. Isabel's headquarters also delegated the right to cast the casting to director Frank." Xiao Chongyun said so, and closed the work notes in his hand. "The on-set producer this time is a friend of mine. He recommended Yunxi to director Frank. Director Frank promised to let Yunxi audition, so he sent the invitation notice."

"En." Shen Zhuoyan nodded. "Yunxi, what do you think?"

Mo Yunxi thought for a long time while holding the coffee, and finally she took a sip of the coffee and said. "I want to try it."

"Aren't you afraid of being picked on?" Shen Zhuoyan frowned. "You have to know that the aesthetics of Europeans has always been slightly different from that of Asians. So this is also the reason why many domestic popular actors cannot go international. This director is notoriously picky. If you can't choose... ..."

"Then you won't be selected." Mo Yunxi continued Shen Zhuoyan's words. "What does it matter if you don't get selected? Things in the world don't always go well, and they don't get everyone's approval. I want to audition, but I just want to give myself a chance. Even if I try, I can't get selected. , I won't be sad."

Shen Zhuoyan looked at Mo Yunxi for a long time, and finally nodded. "Okay. If that's the case, then you can try it."

Mo Yunxi lowered his eyes and put down the coffee cup in his hand.

An hour later, Xiao Chongyun and Mo Yunxi walked out of Shen Zhuoyan's office.

Walking into the elevator, Xiao Chongyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.In front of Shen Zhuoyan, Xiao Chongyun was always cautious.As far as Shen Zhuoyan's aura is concerned, it seems that these managers, no matter what they think in their hearts, will always be revealed immediately.Therefore, Xiao Chongyun didn't dare to say a word.

"Chongyun, about Isabel's commercial, when did you go to audition?" Mo Yunxi pressed the number of the basement floor and turned to ask Xiao Chongyun.

"The day after tomorrow. In fact, Allen said that the sooner the better, but tomorrow you are going to participate in Sister Zhen's announcement, and I will set him an audition date for the day after tomorrow when I get back." Xiao Chongyun explained to Mo Yunxi.

"En." Mo Yunxi nodded.

After a while, the elevator reached the basement level.Mo Yunxi was the first to go out first.As a manager, it is necessary for Xiao Chongyun to send Mo Yunxi home.

Early the next morning, Xiao Chongyun came to pick up Mo Yunxi.

The staff took Mo Yunxi directly to the dressing room.When I opened the door, I saw that Sister Zhen was already waiting on the sofa.

"Sister Zhen." Mo Yunxi walked over and greeted Sister Zhen very politely.This is the second time she has met Sister Zhen. Since the last time she met at the Golden Luan Award Ceremony, she has never had the chance to meet again.

"Yunxi, long time no see." Sister Zhen stood up and hugged Mo Yunxi friendly. "I'm so glad you agreed to come on my show."

"Where is it, sister Zhen." Mo Yunxi smiled and said very modestly. "Being on Sister Zhen's show is something I wish for. I should be grateful to Sister Zhen for inviting me to record this show."

"Okay, let's stop talking politely." Sister Zhen smiled happily and patted Mo Yunxi on the shoulder, obviously very happy to be said by Mo Yunxi's beautiful words. "You prepare your makeup first, and I'll check the manuscript with you next to you. If there are no problems, we will start recording later. All the fans waiting outside are your fans."

Mo Yunxi nodded. "Okay, sister Zhen." She sat down in front of the makeup mirror, and then a makeup artist came up immediately to touch up Mo Yunxi's makeup.

"Just to be on the safe side, I'd better ask. Yunxi, is there any question that you should not ask?" Sister Zhen flipped through the notebook in her hand, raised her head and asked Mo Yunxi, looking at it from the reflection in the makeup mirror. Seeing Mo Yunxi's expression change. "You tell me in advance, so that I can be prepared, lest I touch your minefield later, it will be difficult for both of us to deal with it."

Mo Yunxi looked at Sister Zhen from the makeup mirror and smiled. "There is no minefield, Sister Zhen can ask anything."

"Haha." Sister Zhen stood behind Mo Yunxi and laughed. "Can you ask about matters including feelings?"

"Emotional matters, it seems that I have nothing to talk about here, but if Sister Zhen wants to ask, I will not refuse." Mo Yunxi didn't seem to care too much.

Sister Zhen raised her eyebrows with interest. "Not necessarily. Regarding your love life in the past, not only the outside fans, but even the recording director of our show are very concerned. Haha, just kidding. I like doing shows with artists like you, and I can talk about everything , you can have a pleasant chat.”

Then, Sister Zhen closed the notebook, looked at Mo Yunxi and said something. "Okay, since you didn't have any minefields in the past, I won't release water later."

"I will try my best to cooperate with Sister Zhen." After the makeup artist applied Mo Yunxi's blush, Mo Yunxi smiled and said to Sister Zhen.

The lights were turned on in the recording studio.When Mo Yunxi walked out, the whole studio almost exploded, and the fans of Mo Yunxi sitting under the stage screamed and shouted Mo Yunxi's name from time to time, one after another. Congealed into one piece.

Mo Yunxi nodded to them, then waved.Finally, he bowed slightly to the audience. "Hi there."

"Oh, Yunxi! Yunxi!" The fans held up their mobile phones to record, while desperately waving their hands to greet Mo Yunxi.

"As soon as Yunxi came out, you felt everyone's enthusiasm, right? Hello, Yunxi." Sister Zhen stood up from the sofa in the studio and walked over to shake hands with Mo Yunxi.

"Hello, Sister Zhen." After Mo Yunxi shook hands with Sister Zhen, they walked to the sofa and sat down together. "Everyone is so enthusiastic, I..." Mo Yunxi raised his hand and wiped his forehead, "I'm sweating."

Mo Yunxi's humorous words made the fans in the audience and Sister Zhen burst into good-natured laughter. "Yunxi, you are really humorous. But everyone is so enthusiastic, on the one hand, it shows that these cute children like you very much, on the other hand, it shows, Yunxi, you are really popular recently."

"No, no, I'm really flattered." Mo Yunxi folded his hands in front of him. "Actually, if you say I'm popular, I don't think it's appropriate. I think it should be said that our drama is relatively popular."

"Yes." Sister Zhen nodded, then said with a smile. "Your drama is very popular, and you are also very popular. Anyway, the name Gu Lan is definitely familiar to everyone now, so I want to ask Yunxi, before filming this drama, what did you do?" Have you ever thought that one day you will be so popular?"

Mo Yunxi shook his head. "Not at all. When I was filming this movie, I only thought about how to shoot it well. Because Director Xia is very pursuing perfection, so if everything is not perfect, he will definitely not be satisfied."

"So, when you were filming, did Director Xia Tong ask you to shoot a scene many times?"

"This will definitely happen." Mo Yunxi seemed to be thinking about it. "Generally speaking, it is common to take two or three pictures."

"Haha. Then Director Xia Tong really deserves the reputation of being a severe and brutal director in the industry." After hearing this, Sister Zhen joked with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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