Chapter 34
Mo Yunxi released such a person without revealing his identity, but revealed too much, and it sent a message to Sister Zhen that she would not explain this person's identity, and Sister Zhen would naturally not say more. ask.

And at the same time, she also clarified the previous scandal from another aspect, which is really a good strategy.

But... Xiao Chongyun frowned, but what followed was probably more speculation from the outside world about Mo Yunxi's mysterious boyfriend.

Xiao Chongyun sighed, there was nothing he could do about it, who made Yun Xi so popular now?

He looked at Mo Yunxi, who was chatting happily with Sister Zhen on the stage, and the fans who were still shouting "I will always support you" in the audience, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

The program was recorded very quickly.And Sister Zhen is also a smart person, and she really didn't ask Mo Yunxi about the topic of 'boyfriend' after that.

"Every time I do an interview, I always feel that time passes quickly. Thank you Yunxi for chatting with us for so long. Then at the end, I heard that you sang the theme song of Qingji this time. So, can we Listen to the live version once?" Sister Zhen said with a smile on her face, then turned to ask the fans in the audience. "Do you want to hear it?"

"I want to hear it!" fans shouted loudly.

So the last issue of "Zhen Yan Zhen Yu" ended with Mo Yunxi's singing.

After the show, many people came to the stage to ask Mo Yunxi for autographs and group photos.Mo Yunxi agreed one by one with a good temper.When she went backstage with Sister Zhen, Sister Zhen said it very easily. "Yunxi, I hope you can come to record our show next time. This episode is really exciting, with all kinds of breaking points and news."

Mo Yunxi raised his hand and shook Sister Zhen's. "I will definitely come, and I also feel very happy chatting with Sister Zhen."

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Mo Yunxi took the coat handed over by Xiao Chongyun, and left the TV station together.

"Sister Zhen, what are you looking at?" The staff at the side came over and looked at Sister Zhen curiously, then asked aloud.

Sister Zhen crossed her arms and looked at the direction in which Mo Yunxi and Xiao Chongyun left. After a while, she said: "I am becoming more and more optimistic about her. It is really rare to see people who can be so honest. Especially in today's society. Female artists in this circle are even more valuable."

"Eh? Don't sister Zhen think she's making news?"

"Heh." Sister Zhen chuckled lightly. "The news never needs to be speculated. What's more, if it's her, is there still a need to speculate on the news?"

"However, I admire her very much. She can actually admit that she has a boyfriend. Isn't she afraid that having a lover will affect her popularity among fans? Now idols are all single, so fans can't stop daydreaming, right? "

Sister Zhen turned her head and glanced at the staff member. "Probably she doesn't care about it." After a pause, Sister Zhen added. "It might be a good thing to be liked by some people and disliked by others, after all, it's called personality." Then, Sister Zhen raised her hand and patted the staff member on the shoulder.

Mo Yunxi returned to the apartment, and the moment he closed the door, he was hugged from behind.

Then before he had time to react, he was pulled over his shoulder, and his lips were firmly blocked.In an instant, the familiar smell of perfume filled her whole senses.Mo Yunxi slowly raised his hand, embraced Shen Zhuoyan, and raised his head to respond to his kiss.

The kiss slowly deepened between deep affection and sweetness.It wasn't until the two of them could hardly breathe that they slowly opened the distance.

Shen Zhuoyan lowered his head and pecked the corner of her lips lightly, his gaze was soft. "I heard from Xiao Chongyun that you seem to have broken some incredible news today?"

"Why did I think you came to my place suddenly? It turned out that there was a mole in my place." Mo Yunxi smiled, licked his lips, and looked at him slyly.

Shen Zhuoyan looked at her for a while, then pulled Mo Yunxi to sit on the sofa.Then, his hand stroked Mo Yunxi's hair repeatedly. "Why do you say that? Although they will probably put an end to your scandal with Lu Jinnian in the future, maybe you will be followed next. After all, this 'unknown' mysterious boyfriend is still very attractive to them."

"Are you afraid that I will be followed, or that you will be exposed?" Mo Yunxi asked.

"Didn't I say that, I don't care if I'm exposed or not. I only care if others covet my possessions." Shen Zhuoyan was silent for a while, he narrowed his eyes, and there was a shuddering cold light in them.

Mo Yunxi made a smile.

"Yunxi, to be honest, do you care about your scandal?" Shen Zhuoyan suddenly changed the topic.

Mo Yunxi looked at him unblinkingly. "Do you care?"

"If it's you, I'll care." Shen Zhuoyan replied without doubt.

Mo Yunxi couldn't help being startled because of Shen Zhuoyan's firm and straightforward answer.She looked away, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Shen Zhuoyan looked at her, and let go of her hand for a while, as if she had given up on knowing the answer.

However, at this moment, Mo Yunxi bent down. "I care a lot. I care about other people's eyes, and I care more about the relationship between me and another man that others are talking about, but that man is not you. If it were you, I would also care very much."

Then, a slight smile flashed across Shen Zhuoyan's lips, and he reached out to caress Mo Yunxi's cheek.

"So, my love is not paid in vain?"

The corners of Mo Yunxi's lips were raised, and he looked at him calmly, like a pool of the purest black crystal. "what you think?"

"Of course." Shen Zhuoyan pulled Mo Yunxi, who leaned forward to look at him, to his side.

Then, when Shen Zhuoyan seemed to want to say something more, his cell phone rang suddenly.I took it out and looked it up, and found that it was actually Amy calling.Shen Zhuoyan did not hesitate, and immediately picked up the phone. "Hello, Amy?"

"Mr. Shen, something happened!" Amy's voice seemed to be very anxious, and it came out through the receiver, so that Mo Yunxi had already heard it very clearly.

Shen Zhuoyan frowned subconsciously. "What happened?"

"The company's superstar planning book was stolen! And the host computer was invaded by a virus. The technical department is already repairing and cleaning it up, but..." Amy's voice gradually became quieter.

Shen Zhuoyan suddenly stood up from the sofa, like a lion on the verge of getting angry, he began to pace impatiently in place. "But what? Say!"

"But the technical staff on duty at noon left without permission, and the computer virus was discovered too late. By the time the technical team leader came, most of the company's information had been copied and leaked. Now the entire technical department is in chaos. Mr. Shen, come to the company quickly Bar!"

"Tell Team Leader Li, stop the virus and stop them from copying data, and increase the level of the host's firewall!" Shen Zhuoyan said while talking on the phone, holding his coat in his hand, and finally growled furiously. "Also, call the person who left his post without authorization to my CEO's office!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Shen Zhuoyan walked out without saying a word, believing that Mo Yunxi had heard the phone call just now, so he didn't intend to explain anything.

But the moment his hand touched the doorknob, Mo Yunxi stopped him. "I will go with you!"

"No need." Shen Zhuoyan tried to soften his facial expression. "I'm just going to take a look, maybe it's not a big deal. You can rest assured and prepare for tomorrow's audition."

Then, without waiting for Mo Yunxi to refute, he walked out the door and closed the security door of Mo Yunxi's apartment.

I don't know why, Mo Yunxi was in the upstairs window, watching Shen Zhuoyan's back getting into the car and leaving, she always had a very uneasy feeling lingering in her heart.

Early the next morning, Xiao Chongyun came to pick Mo Yunxi up to audition for "Fairy Tail".

When Mo Yunxi and Xiao Chongyun rushed to the set, Director Frank was in a panic.

I saw director Frank chatting excitedly to his assistant, seeming very angry.

Then at this moment, the old friend A Lun that Xiao Chongyun said came up to him. "Chongyun, you are here."

"Allen." Xiao Chongyun was naturally very happy to see his old friend, and then introduced to Mo Yunxi. "Yunxi, this is Alan who recommended you to Director Frank this time. Alun, this is my artist, Yunxi."

"Hello." Mo Yunxi nodded to him friendly and extended his hand.

Alan raised his hand and shook Mo Yunxi. "Yunxi, I'm your fan. So I'm selfish in recommending you this time. I hope you can sign me. Haha."

"Thank you, sure." Mo Yunxi's lips twitched.

"Come on, I'll take you to meet Director Frank." Allen turned sideways and led the way.

When he walked in front of Frank, the internationally renowned director saw Mo Yunxi approaching, pushed the assistant director away, and walked around Mo Yunxi twice.

"This is the female artist you're looking for? Don't you think she's a little too old to play our little elf?" Frank blurted out a string of English, and asked Aaron beside him, his face a little bit not happy. "And even if you find it, will she take it off?"

Before Allen could speak, Mo Yunxi turned around, stared intently at Director Frank, and asked him in fluent English. "Take it off now, or later? Director, do you want to take it all off, or keep it?"

When Mo Yunxi spoke, there was no smile on her face, no coquettish smiles, and no frivolous temptations. When she said this, her expression was extremely serious, as if she was really just discussing with Frank. This problem is the same, but this problem is only part of their work, but it is also taken seriously and respected by Mo Yunxi.

Director Frank let out a 'huh', turned his head and stared at Mo Yunxi's face for a while, and asked half-truthfully. "Are you willing to take it off? Even if you take it all off?"

Mo Yunxi raised an eyebrow with a slight smile. "Dedicate yourself to art. Isn't that what Western artists often say? Eastern artists can do it too."

Hearing what Mo Yunxi said, Frank walked around Mo Yunxi a few times, and then a few more times, and finally nodded with satisfaction. "Not bad! Not bad! It's you!"

However, having said that, when Mo Yunxi was forced to put on makeup, she still knew why Frank was known as a particularly stern and serious international director.

When the makeup artist brought Mo Yunxi to Frank, Frank pointed at the makeup artist and cursed in standard English. "What I want is messy beauty, not for you to use her for performance art! Will the queen of the Fairy Kingdom dress like a beggar? Do you understand what I mean! She will be as beautiful and seductive as she is dressed like this." The leader of the demon clan won't take a fancy to her either! If I ask you to put a bed sheet on her, will you really put a bed sheet on her? Don't you think your brains will turn around?! Go! Give that Empress white dress to her She put it on! Focus on highlighting the beauty for me!"

Then, when Frank stopped talking and gasped for breath, the makeup artist immediately pulled Mo Yunxi and disappeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Yunxi was pushed down on the makeup stool again, and the makeup artist quickly removed her makeup.During this period, Mo Yunxi raised his eyebrows and asked. "Has Director Frank always been like this?"

"We are used to it." The makeup artist nodded.Spread out Mo Yunxi's hairstyle, holding a comb in his hand. "Director Frank is notoriously strict, but in the end, whether it's a movie or an advertisement, the effect is the best. It doesn't matter, you can get used to it in the future."

Mo Yunxi nodded.A look of expectation and interest suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Finally, Mo Yunxi's makeup was finally finalized.

She was wearing a long white dress, and the irregular shape of the skirt really highlighted her messy beauty from another aspect.In order to show this messy feeling more layered, the makeup artist also specially covered the outer layer of the skirt with a layer of tulle. Whenever Mo Yunxi walked, the gauze skirt would blow up in the wind, just like in the animation. The skirt blown up by the wind is just as beautiful.

The hair on both sides of Mo Yunxi was simply braided by the makeup artist, tied behind the ears with transparent ribbons, and there was a crystal clear crystal crown on the upper right of her hair.Then, in order to highlight the effect, the makeup artist also dyed silver-white color on Mo Yunxi's false eyelashes.She even wears silver-purple colored contact lenses in her eyes. When her face is turned sideways, people standing beside her can see the almost transparent purple in the beautiful pupils because of the angle, which brings a hint of charm breath.

In addition, the makeup artist used a soft pen dipped in paint to outline two butterflies about to fly on Mo Yunxi's collarbone, which happened to reflect each other with the huge silver flower buds on the shoulder strap of the white dress. Yun Xi's hair was bleached and dyed lightly white in one go.I have to say that the skills of the makeup artist are really very good.Even with that color, against Mo Yunxi's oriental face, not only is it not a bit abrupt and uncomfortable, but it looks even more beautiful and full of temptation.

After the overall makeup was painted, the makeup artist gave Mo Yunxi a hand treatment. After applying a thin layer of transparent gold powder on her nails, she used white nail polish to outline the outlines of flowers and butterflies. Come.

After everything was settled, the make-up artist put a crystal-shaped ring with water droplets on it that had been prepared a long time ago on Mo Yunxi's hand.

When Mo Yunxi appeared in front of Frank again, Frank's eyes lit up. "Oh! It's just perfect! This is what I want! That's it!"

"Oh, Ken, come here quickly! Come and see your Majesty the Queen!" Frank waved to Ken who was not far away.

Ken is Mo Yunxi's partner this time.As a famous male model on the international T station, he became popular two years ago and quickly became the world's leading male model star. Because of his handsome appearance and perfect golden ratio figure, he has been enthusiastically sought after by female fans from all over the world. His popularity It can be close to the first-line actor in Hollywood.

Mo Yunxi raised his eyebrows and turned his head away.When she blinked her slightly white eyelashes, she saw Ken walking in front of them not far away.Mo Yunxi looked Ken up and down, but he didn't see how fast he was walking. Could it be that long hands and feet have such advantages?

After staring at Mo Yunxi for a while, Ken smiled and took Mo Yunxi's hand, and kissed the back of her hand. "See Your Lady Queen."

"Ken, you also think she is very beautiful, don't you? I have a hunch that it must be a good opportunity for us to open the Asian market this time!" Frank spoke English to Ken in a chattering voice.

Ken nodded, and then gave Mo Yunxi a very charming smile.

I have to admit that international superstars are indeed very stylish.Every gesture has the aura that a big-name star should have.

"Hello." Mo Yunxi nodded, "I am Mo Yunxi, please give me your advice in the future." When Mo Yunxi talked to Ken, he spoke English.But I didn't expect Ken to show a very friendly smile after listening to her words.

"Hello, I'm Ken, and my Chinese name is Gu Ye. My grandfather is Chinese, so I also have a part of Chinese blood in my body. I can speak Chinese since I was a child." Ken said every word with a perfect accent. .This really surprised Mo Yunxi.

Immediately, Mo Yunxi smiled. "It was a real surprise. It was a pleasure working with you."

"It is also my honor to meet an elf like you."

Frank watched the smooth communication between Mo Yunxi and Ken, and then he interjected. "You guys communicated well! But can you start filming?"

"I'm ready, director."

"Very good! Let's take our places then! Take your order first!" Frank said, waving his big hand, signaling Mo Yunxi to get ready.

Wait until Mo Yunxi walks to the arena and stands up. Frank had raised his tweeter and was waiting.

Seeing that everything was ready, the assistant director clapped his hands to indicate preparation. "Okay, all units pay attention! 3, 2, 1—"

Before the assistant director finished yelling, Frank's tweeter uttered an earth-shattering sound: "Action!"

On the screen of the lens, in the muddy wetland, there are water droplets dripping down, falling crystal clear on the green leaves, splashing into countless broken flowers.Then, the camera turned, and in the creek beside, the clear gurgling water flowed over a row of clean pebbles. When the water washed by, there were waves of ripples, and there was a crisp ding-dong sound of the water.

Immediately afterwards, in the slightly wet land not far away, a small green unknown plant emerged from the dark brown soil.In an instant, a drop of water falling from the sky hit the green leaves, slid down the leaf path, and disappeared into the soil.

Then, it seemed that the sound of ding dong ding dong echoed in my ears.

Mo Yunxi curled up and sat inside the giant prop flower bud.Her head was hanging slightly, her arms were wrapped around her knees.Then, amidst the crisp ding-dong ding-dong sound of water droplets, she slowly raised her head, her feathery white eyelashes fluttered slightly, but she never opened her beautiful eyes.

"Now imagine beside you, a beautiful elf flies out from behind you, she slowly lands on your shoulder, and whispers to you softly." The fluent English came out of Frank's tweeter, He guided Mo Yunxi to make a pause corresponding to the time.

Mo Yunxi listened to Frank's voice, his voice no longer had the impetuous feeling before, but it was like a narration in a fairy tale, each sentence attracting people.Then, Mo Yunxi seemed to really feel the elf flying on his shoulders, leaning against his ear, talking softly to himself.Then, Mo Yunxi's lips opened and closed slightly, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, revealing a smile that confuses all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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