Famous overnight

Chapter 38 Going International

Chapter 38 Going International (2)
Mo Yunxi clenched the knife and fork in his hand in an instant. "Master Su, can I ask you to check things for me?"

Su Bai looked at her in surprise, then nodded. "you say."

Mo Yunxi thought about it, and then leaned closer to Su Bai's ear and whispered for a while.Su Bai frowned in embarrassment. "This happened a year ago, so it may not be easy to check. However, I will try my best. If it doesn't work, I will directly ask the manufacturer at that time."

"Thank you, Master Su. I thank you for Xiaochi." Mo Yunxi's eyes were extremely sincere.

Su Bai shook his head. "That child Xiaochi, oh. Forget it, let's not talk about it. But Yunxi, is it really okay for you to do this? If Xia Yi bites back at that time..."

"I won't give her a chance to bite back. Besides, I guess there must be some ulterior secret between her and He Yinyin. Otherwise, the silence wouldn't be so severe now, maybe He Yinyin has secretly hidden her in the snow. After a pause, Mo Yunxi suddenly remembered. "Master Su, have you heard about LKK's secret being stolen a year ago?"

Su Bai was startled. "I've heard of it. I also heard that the stealing was very clever. It escaped all the surveillance videos and is very familiar with your internal structure." After Su Bai finished speaking, he immediately understood what Mo Yunxi meant. "You're suspicious. It was He Yinyin who instructed Xia Yi to go?! Do you want me to check it out?"

"This matter might involve the entire He family." Mo Yunxi pursed his lips. "I'll investigate this matter myself, Master Su, you better not interfere."

Su Bai smiled nonchalantly. "The four major families in the city, He Mo and Su Xu. My Su family is not weaker than the He family, and I am not afraid of him. Moreover, ever since He Min put He Yu under house arrest and took the position of Patriarch, he has been eager to move , the other three major families have already prepared themselves, it’s just that it’s not convenient to touch him for the time being. I’ll investigate this matter. At least, if he finds out, he won’t dare to do anything to me.”

Su Bai couldn't stay longer in Los Angeles, so in the afternoon, Mo Yunxi sent him to the airport.

Before leaving, Su Bai asked Mo Yunxi. "If I find something, do I need to tell Shen Zhuoyan?"

Mo Yunxi thought about it, and finally nodded. "If it's not good for him, just tell him." Then, she added. "At that time, there is no need to mention me to him, and there is no need to say that I asked you to investigate."

Su Bai frowned. "Yunxi, if this matter is really as we said, then the marriage between Shen Zhuoyan and He Yinyin was originally a scam. Even so, can't you forgive him?"

Mo Yunxi was silent for a while, and finally shook his head. "I don't know. In fact, apart from being sad at the beginning, I didn't feel much after the most difficult time. Maybe I won't miss each other if we don't meet each other. Let my life be more fulfilling , it is not as difficult as imagined."

Su Bai looked at her for a while.nodded. "Be nice to yourself, and contact me if you have anything to do. Goodbye, Yunxi."

"Goodbye, Master Su." Mo Yunxi raised his hand and waved to Su Bai, then watched him go away.

In the days that followed, Mo Yunxi did as Su Bai said, Mo Yunxi's worth doubled and went up.Afterwards, Mo Yunxi even took on a drama where she played the heroine.

After Mo Yunxi finished acting in this play, there was a new situation with Su Bai.

"Yunxi. I found out all the evidence you want. I went to the manufacturer back then and got information from him. He said that it was Xia Yi who poured the medicine into Tong Anchi's cup at that time. He saw it with his own eyes. .Now what are you going to do? Hand it over to the police?"

Listening to Su Bai's voice from the receiver, Mo Yunxi's eyes became darker and darker.Finally, she said something in a calm voice. "Of course not." Then, she went on. "Master Su, I'm going back to China next month. Can you help me find the phone numbers of the major directors and producers?"

"Yun Xi, what do you want to do?" Su Bai asked uneasy.

"I've been working in Los Angeles for a long time, and it just so happens that the filming of this film is over, so I can take a vacation. As for Xia Yi, I want to treat him in the same way."

Two days later, Mo Yunxi received an email from Su Bai in her mailbox, which contained phone numbers of major directors and producers.

Mo Yunxi called one by one, and revealed a little that he would have a long vacation after returning to China, and wanted to see if there was a good script.When the director and producer were overjoyed and thought that there was an opportunity to invite Mo Yunxi, an international superstar, to participate in his script, Mo Yunxi said this sentence slowly. "If I participate, there is only one condition. As long as Xia Yi doesn't act, I have no problem."

Mo Yunxi knew that even though Xia Yi was hidden by the royal family, he would still look for work in private.Probably like I did before, I will take on small roles everywhere, and I may even take on many dramas at a time.

In order to achieve a monopoly and block Xia Yi's future, Mo Yunxi is willing to lower his social status. "I'm only going back to China to rest, and I also hope to act all the scripts, so I don't have to leave the leading role to me, as long as I can come in and play a cameo."

Since Mo Yunxi himself asked for such, the directors naturally couldn't wait for it.Compared with Xia Yi, who is a small player, Mo Yunxi's big Buddha is what they want.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Yunxi sneered. "Xia Yi, what will you do when you also step into despair?"

Mo Yunxi's last phone call was to Xia Tong. "Director Xia."

"Yunxi. You don't need to say anything, I already know." Xia Tong said before Mo Yunxi could speak. "I've heard that you're going back to China next month, and you'll take on a lot of cameo roles." News spread very quickly in the director's circle.Mo Yun saw that Xia Tong already knew about it, so he didn't say any more.

"Director Xia, I want to ban Xia Yi. Maybe you think it's not good for me to do this, but I decided to do it."

"I know you did this for Xiao Anchi. I won't stop you. Take a good vacation when you come back. Just play their cameos. If you don't come here, I won't use Xia Yi."

When Mo Yunxi heard this, his nose suddenly felt a little sore. "Thank you, Director Xia."

"Actually, little Anchi is a very simple and easy-to-satisfy child. She will be very happy knowing that you treat her so well."

On the last day of filming, the director opened two bottles of champagne to celebrate directly after the filming was completed.Then he asked Mo Yunxi. "Xi, I'm already planning the next play, are you interested in continuing to be my heroine?"

"Okay, no problem." Mo Yunxi clinked glasses with the director. "However, when I come back from China, I have already applied to the company to go back to China for vacation."

The director nodded. "Oh, okay, anyway, it will take some time to prepare. Take a good rest. But does Ken know that you are going back to China?"

"I know." Mo Yunxi nodded.Without further explanation.It seems that in the eyes of these people, she and Ken are already openly in love.But in fact it is not.But this is only for them to know. The so-called darker and darker, Mo Yunxi didn't want to explain anything.

In July, Mo Yunxi's plane landed at the city's international airport.

The moment Mo Yunxi got off the plane, he set foot on his hometown again after two years of absence.

This time, Mo Yunxi's return to China was very popular.On the one hand, it had already spread in the director circle, and on the other hand, the agency in Los Angeles was worried about her coming back by herself.So I arranged for four or five assistants and two agents to come back together at the same time.

As for the coming and going vacation, these foreign working partners seemed more happy and excited than Mo Yun used to.

As soon as Mo Yunxi appeared at the airport, he was surrounded by reporters, media and fans who had heard the news long ago.

"The little leader is back! Our little leader is back!"

"My past, my past, my dear love!"

Fans screamed and chanted.The fans who were originally angry because Mo Yunxi went to a foreign country without a word two years ago, immediately changed 180 degrees after Mo Yunxi won an International Star Award.They all said that Mo Yunxi was trying to win glory for the country.

To this, Mo Yunxi just laughed it off.Whether it's boasting or slander, for her now, it can't affect her in the slightest.I don't know if it's because she has been in the entertainment circle for so long that she has already developed a good ability to remain calm.

"Yunxi, may I ask how long will you be on vacation this time?"

"As the first Chinese actress to win the Xing Ran Award, Yun Xi, how did you feel at that time?"

"It is said that this time you took a lot of domestic films before returning to China. Didn't you come back for vacation? Why do you need to arrange work?"

"Will any old friend of Yunxi come to pick him up when he comes back this time? Will Tianwang Lu come? Will Great God Su Bai arrive? Can Yunxi answer?"

The reporters asked questions one after another, and Mo Yunxi stopped in his tracks.Immediately, the flash lights lit up.She took off the sunglasses on her face, then looked at the reporters and replied. "For me, there is not much difference between filming and vacation. I like to find relaxation in work. The reason why I return to China is because I miss my motherland, this hometown, my old friends and fans. As for the time, I can't say for sure, maybe it's a month, maybe it's three months, it depends on when my agency will call me back. To be honest, I was very happy when I got this award, but Afterwards, I didn’t think about this issue anymore. As an actor, my duty is to act. Awards are a matter for the audience and the judges. Naturally, people like a good performance, and no one will go to a bad performance. Look. So I think the heart is very important.”

"So Yunxi, this time when you return to China, will no one come to pick you up?"

Mo Yunxi smiled. "Everyone is very busy, so we can get together when we are free. I don't want to affect their working hours and arrangements because of me."

"Yunxi!" Mo Yunxi's voice had just finished.A voice came in.

Then everyone followed the voice and looked over.He found Lu Jinnian standing not far away, walking towards her with a large bouquet of roses in his hand.Visually, there are as many as 99 flowers.Everyone quietly watched Lu Jinnian approach step by step, and then held the flowers in front of Mo Yunxi. "Welcome home, Yuxi."

Immediately afterwards, the flash continued to flash.

Mo Yunxi picked out a nice smile and took Lu Jinnian's flower. "Thank you, Senior Brother Lu." After a pause, Mo Yunxi changed his words. "You shouldn't be called Senior Brother anymore. Thank you, Lu Tianwang."

In an instant, Lu Jinnian's expression kept changing.

Because they have been standing for too long, the two managers next to Mo Yunxi, after receiving Mo Yunxi's eyes, spoke English in their mouths, blocked the crowd of reporters with their bodies, and opened a way for Mo Yunxi .

Then, such a scene appeared in the airport.Mo Yunxi walked in front holding a bouquet of bright red roses, two managers with foreign faces followed her dutifully, while five assistants kept receiving fans and giving them to Mo Yunxi. of various gifts.And now, the assistants finally knew what Mo Yun asked them to bring five empty boxes for.It's just that there are still many things that need to be carried in hand.Luckily the nanny van was just outside.Mo Yunxi had already got into the nanny car ahead of time, and the fans put their presents in the trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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