Farm Gate Business Tycoon

Chapter 180 Old Madam Gu's Big Splash

Chapter 180 Old Madam Gu's Big Splash (2)
"Bastard!" Mrs. Gu has always been partial to Li Zhaodi, and when she saw that Ma Yunshang was robbing Bai's grandson's wife like this, she immediately said angrily. "I'm not dead yet. Is it your turn to talk here? If you interrupt me indiscriminately, believe it or not, I will let the second child divorce you when he comes back!"

Hearing this, Ma Yunshang took a breath of anger, with tears in her eyes, she slammed open the door curtain and walked out.

"Second sister-in-law!" Gu Qingmei was afraid that Ma Yunshang would be wronged, so she couldn't vent her anger in her heart, so she turned around to get sick, and hurriedly chased her out, wanting to explain to second sister-in-law.

"It's reversed! It's reversed!" Mrs. Gu patted her thigh with her hand, glaring fiercely at Mrs. Gu Liu who didn't dare to sit on the kang because she came in, but stood on the ground. "Is this how you usually discipline the younger generation? No wonder one or two of them are so disobedient and unfilial. I can understand it, but it's just the kindness of the eldest daughter-in-law who is treated like a donkey by your two good daughters-in-law. Let me tell you, as long as I live One day, the eldest of your family is not allowed to divorce his wife. Otherwise, I will go to the Yamen to sue you for disobedience. Also, even if I die, your eldest is not allowed to divorce his wife, second child, do you hear?"

Gu Yunbai, who had been squatting in the corner smoking a pipe, stood up, and agreed in a muffled voice: "Got it, mother, don't worry, I will listen to you."

Seeing that the second son forgot his mother without marrying a wife, Mrs. Gu was very pleased with the education she gave her son, patted Li Zhaodi's hand and said: "Mother Shaowu, don't worry, no one in this family dares to divorce you! "

Turning her face away, she looked at Gu Liushi again, "I didn't want to say some things, but I can't if I don't say them, your second girl is married, so don't let her stay at home all the time. It makes people laugh. Also, it’s time for your Meizi to discuss marriage. Last time, Shaowu’s mother kindly found a rich family for your Meizi. If you don’t want to do it, then find a poor man this time. Come home, I'll let Yun Zhi's wife pick and choose, if there is a suitable poor boy, just marry her."

When Gu Liushi heard her bring up Gu Qingmei's marriage again, she instinctively frowned, "Mother, you should not interfere with Meizi's marriage."

When Mrs. Gu saw that her daughter-in-law dared to reject her proposal, she immediately roared, "I'm her grandmother, can I even take charge of her marriage?"

Gu Liushi was about to refute her, but she heard Gu Yunbai say: "Whatever Mother says, you are not allowed to argue with Mother!"

Gu Liushi had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

Seeing that she had shut up, Mrs. Gu said triumphantly, "Mother Shaowu, let's have dinner with grandma today, the second daughter-in-law, send us a few more dishes later!"

When she left with Li Zhaodi and Li Zhaodi's three children, Gu Liushi managed to cheer up, went out, and came to the main room. She looked at Qushi shyly, "My niece and daughter-in-law, I'm so sorry to let you see a joke." gone."

"Where is it? Every family has hard-to-recite scriptures. Auntie, don't take it too seriously. The elders are getting old, so you have to let her do it." Although Qu said it nicely, she didn't take it seriously in her heart.

What old lady Gu said just now made her feel uncomfortable.

Gu Liu said a few words to her in embarrassment, and then greeted everyone to eat.

Gu Qingmei chased Ma Yunshang to the West Wing, and saw Ma Yunshang sitting on the edge of the kang, she was weeping sullenly with her hands on her mouth, she couldn't help feeling sour. The most filial person in this family is the second sister-in-law. Grandma made things difficult and insulted like this, she couldn't help feeling a little unworthy for the second sister-in-law.

Gu Qingyun also ran in. She had always been on good terms with Ma Yunshang, and now seeing Ma Yunshang being scolded by her grandmother for her and her younger sister's affairs, she felt uncomfortable.

"Second sister-in-law, don't cry, grandma is a fool with no calculations in her heart, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Gu Qingmei sighed softly, "Second sister-in-law, you should stop living at home."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyun thought she wanted to drive Ma Yunshang out, so she couldn't help but glared at her fiercely, and spat: "What nonsense are you talking about? Second sister-in-law is sorry for you, you have to drive her out!"

"Second sister, you misunderstood me, that's what happened." Gu Qingmei explained.

"I opened a shop in the city, which sells handbags, and a house, which is used to accommodate those needleworkers and embroiderers. I have long said that after it opens, I will ask my second sister-in-law to help me take care of those Needle lady and embroiderer. In the end, something happened to you. The second sister-in-law was worried about you, so she went to the capital with me. Now that the house is in such a mess, and grandma doesn't want to see you, in my opinion, you might as well go with the second sister-in-law , go to the city and take care of those needlewomen and embroiderers for me. After the new year, I will go to the capital to open another shop selling handbags. I leave things to you. What do you think?"

After hearing her explanation, Gu Qingyun knew that she didn't want to drive Ma Yunshang away, so she turned her anger into joy, and said, "I know what you say, Second Sister-in-law, according to me, this is a good idea, save me Facing sister-in-law and grandmother at home."

"Then you two pack up, tomorrow morning, I'll ask my second cousin to take you two into the city, and bring Da Nier and the others with me."

After lunch, because the sun was high at noon, no one went to work, and they all waited until the heat on the ground disappeared before going to build the house, so everyone took a break.

The Su family sisters took this opportunity to tell their parents that Gu Qingmei wanted to hire the two of them as bodyguards.

After hearing this, Mrs. Qu couldn't help sighing, and looked at the two beautiful daughters lovingly, "You two were originally young ladies who wore gold and silver. Our family used to live a life that was not as good as that of an official's family. , anyway, there is an escort agency at home, which can provide food and clothing for the two of you, but who knows that such a disaster will happen, and the two of you have to endure hardships and come out to do things."

"Mother, the troubles at home are actually caused by me. I have caused the family to suffer. Now the family situation is not the same as before. Qing'er and I go out to do something. It is also right to make money to support the two elders." Su Yue looked at the hook coldly. Thinking about my mother's sadness, I couldn't help but blame myself.

"And I think Aunt Mei of the Gu family is quite calculating. I heard that she earned the money to build the house of the Gu family, and she also earned the money for the marriage of Uncle Gu. She is a capable person. And before we Performing in the capital city, she gave us a tael of silver so we could go here and join Uncle Gu. Even if it's not for making money, but for repaying the favor, we should agree to her."

"Since the two of you want to do things with her, go ahead. Mother won't stop you, but there is only one thing. Yue Leng, you are a straight-hearted person. You always talk and do things without thinking, and you have caused troubles since you were young. In the future, I will follow you." By Miss Gu's side, you are not allowed to be so impulsive anymore, don't do things that make people laugh."

Qu Shi has observed her words these days, and also thinks that Gu Qingmei is capable. Except for old lady Gu and Li Zhaodi who are not stingy, anyone who is reasonable can get along well with her, and she also feels that her daughter works with her. No matter how you can mess up your future.

(End of this chapter)

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