hot hand doctor

Chapter 18 Is this nailing?

Chapter 18 Is this nailing?
Seeing Li Shizhen's weird expression, Xiaofang immediately asked, "Any new discoveries?"

"No, just like what you told me just now, no injuries were found on the girl's body, and the cause of death is temporarily unknown. It's just that I know another girl in the photo." Li Shizhen looked at the photo and said, however, when he saw the photo When the two girls had long hair and shawls, their faces suddenly changed. During the autopsy just now, there was one thing I overlooked, and that was the head covered by the long hair!
So Li Shizhen asked Xiaofang to help, and turned the female corpse's body sideways.

Hearing this, Xiaofang took a deep breath, moving the corpse in the middle of the night, even if she was not afraid of anything, she still felt a little light under her feet at this moment.

However, in order to solve the case, to punish the murderer, to find a way for the director to unravel the witchcraft, to promote justice, and for the motherland and the people, this trivial matter is nothing!
So, Xiaofang gritted her teeth and reached out to move the female corpse's body.Since the female corpse was going to be turned over, Li Shizhen and Xiao Fang stood in the same direction, Li Shizhen pushed behind, and Xiao Fang moved in front.

Although she was wearing gloves, when Xiaofang's hands touched the corpse, a cold feeling flooded her body instantly.Just when Xiaofang was about to move, suddenly, the female corpse's eyes suddenly opened, the eyes were full of innocence, grievance, and hatred, and they just stared at Xiaofang's eyes!
Immediately, Xiaofang screamed 'ah' in fright, and immediately let go and hid to the side.

Seeing this, Li Shizhen was also taken aback, immediately let go of the corpse, walked up to Xiaofang and asked, "What's going on?"

"I saw her moving! She opened her eyes just now! She...look, her hands are moving!" Xiaofang said in a trembling voice, and her heart began to retreat. If I knew it was so scary, I wouldn't come tonight up.

Hearing this, Li Shizhen calmed down, patted Xiaofang on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, even if there are ghosts, as long as you have righteousness in your heart, only ghosts are afraid of people, and it's fine."

After finishing speaking, Li Shizhen also took a deep breath, walked to the female corpse, and saw that the eyes of the female corpse were open, and her fingers were trembling slightly.

However, Li Shizhen is not necessarily so scared. Once in class, the instructor took a frog as an experiment. At that time, the frog's head had been cut off, all the skin was peeled off, and all the internal organs were dug out. When it came out, it was a dead frog. However, when the spine of the frog was stimulated with a toothpick, the frog could still jump miraculously.This phenomenon is called the 'nervous response' phenomenon in the medical field.In the same way, if a person is dead, but stimulating his nerves in a special way, it is still possible to make the corpse move. Therefore, there are often some fraudulent corpses in morgues and crematoria.

Originally, the phenomenon of fraudulent corpses was just a common phenomenon in which the corpse moved a bit conditioned, but many novelists or directors always like to use this kind of theme to make some horror movies, so when ordinary people see a corpse move, they will always think that this ordinary The phenomenon is to think about the horror scene in the movie, but the result is that I scare myself.

Of course, there are still many things in this world that cannot be explained by science, such as acupuncture in Chinese medicine.Acupuncture points are a must to learn in Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. However, no matter whether you use high-tech equipment such as X-rays or color Doppler ultrasound, you can never find any acupoints.For example, witchcraft is simply unimaginable for ordinary people, let alone explained by scientific methods. However, many ethnic minorities and foreign tribes always have some inexplicable witchcraft.

Therefore, even though Li Shizhen visually judged that this was just a simple fraudulent phenomenon, he still had the attitude of "I would rather believe it" and walked up to the female corpse and said, "We just want to help you find the murderer. If you want to clear your grievances , just be more honest!"

I don't know if the female corpse really heard this sentence, or some other reason, anyway, after Li Shizhen finished saying this sentence, the female corpse really stopped, her opened eyes closed automatically, and her hands also moved. The trembling stopped.

At this time, Li Shizhen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he found a small amount of blood under the head of the female corpse!Seeing this, Li Shizhen immediately walked forward, lifted the head of the female corpse, and brushed away the long hair, only to see an iron nail nailed to the back of the female corpse's head, and the acupuncture point happened to be a deadly acupuncture point!

Since the color of the iron nails is very close to the color of the hair, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all!A dead body is rarely sent to a hospital for a CT brain scan.

I'm afraid, if Xiaofang hadn't let go of her hand in fright just now, causing the corpse's head to hit the edge of the cabinet violently, causing the nail to loosen and bleeding from the wound, I'm afraid it would have been really difficult to find the iron nail. nail!

"There is a new discovery! Xiaofang, come and have a look! There are iron nails on the deceased's head, and this location is a dead spot of the human body. If he is severely injured by a sharp weapon, he will definitely be fatal!" Li Shizhen said excitedly, After all, this is evidence of homicide, and the next thing is to find the murderer!

Hearing this, Xiaofang was still a little guilty, but she still listened to Li Shizhen's words and kept at least two meters away from the corpse. Looking at where Li Shizhen was pointing, she saw an iron nail on the head of the corpse. above.

"Nail, nail punishment, is this nail punishment?" When Xiaofang saw that it was a nail that was killed by a single blow, Xiaofang couldn't help repeating this sentence.

"I don't know much about nailing. I don't know if it's nailing, but at least it's the cause of the death."

"I'll tell the director right away, and ask him to come and have a look! You take off this nail, and I'll videotape it for you." As she spoke, Xiaofang picked up a DV player next to her.And Li Shizhen also took a pair of tweezers, and carefully took out the nail. The iron nail was about seven centimeters. It was very common, and was sold in grocery stores on the street.

After walking out of the morgue, Xiaofang seemed to be in a daze, as if she hadn't recovered from the fright just now, so Li Shizhen patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Why don't you go to my house, I'll make a cup of medicine Did the tea scare you?"

However, Xiaofang simply said "oh", and then followed Li Shizhen.However, due to her fear, the distance between Li Shizhen and Li Shizhen was very close, and sometimes they would touch each other unintentionally.

Li Shizhen and Xiaofang grew up playing together, so they didn't feel much about this kind of body touching occasionally. However, when a young man in a corner of the police station saw Xiaofang and Li Shizhen so close , the eyes suddenly became cold
(End of this chapter)

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