Chapter 102
Without embarrassing her for too long, Ji Mo introduced to everyone: "My girlfriend, I'm idle."

Although the rest of the people were already prepared when they heard Lu Fanyun call them sister-in-law, but after listening to this year's introduction seriously, they still felt the impact.

After the last farewell, they went back and checked, but they didn't dare to be blatant, and they were afraid of offending Jimo, so they didn't find much.

Now that Ji Mo has brought the rightful lord in front of them, everyone has to take a serious look at the rumored woman that Prince Ji couldn't ask for.

After looking at it, I didn't find anything special.It looks pretty, and the temperament is enough.But there are many beautiful and temperamental women, why is it that she is the one who is held in the palm of Prince Ji?
Everyone has doubts in their hearts, but they are all calm on the face, not daring to reveal their inner thoughts at all, Ji Mo's woman can't tolerate them to judge.

After Ji Mo introduced Xianyu, he had no intention of talking anymore, and pulled her to sit on the sofa.

He specially told these people to bring his girlfriend, so in addition to wine, juice was also served in the box, so he poured the juice and handed it to Xianyu.

The operation was proficient and natural, as if it had been done many times, and everyone who watched was dumbfounded.

These operations have indeed been done many times, and I am used to his meticulous care.He handed it over to her and she drank it.

She is used to it, but others are not.When did Prince Ji take care of someone?Today they have learned a lot.

While gaining knowledge, I also became more aware of a fact.

That means Ji Mo is serious.This woman's proper princess did not run away.

After understanding this fact, everyone's attitude towards Xianyu became more cautious and respectful, and they all took the initiative to introduce themselves to Xianyu.After the introduction, I didn't stay long, and each of them made a bunch of jokes.

All of you here are people who want to take over the family business, who is not the best of the best, and the girlfriends they bring are naturally well-known daughters with matching family backgrounds, and these famous daughters have also heard of Ji Mo.

Now seeing Ji Mo serving a woman so tenderly, it would be a lie to say that he is not jealous.

This is Jimo!Ordinary people feel that they are lucky to have him take pity on them, but the aloof Jimo is willing to leave the mundane world for a woman and become a considerate and gentle mortal.

The charm of Ji Mo, who has become an ordinary man, has not diminished but increased, making him even more coveted.

After all, it turned out that everyone couldn't get it. Now that one person got it, the others couldn't help but want to grab it.

Of course, they just thought about it. In the past, they could still compete, but now they are the girlfriends of Brother Jimo, and all this has nothing to do with them.

Without emotional conflicts of interest, women can still get along very well.After a while, someone took the initiative to come forward to chat with Lei Yu.

"Hi, I'm Tang Nanwen, and I'm Luo Lang's girlfriend." She pointed to a man not far away who was shoulder to shoulder with Lu Fanyun and the others.

"Hello, I'm Xianyu." Xianyu put down the juice in his hand and talked to her politely.

Ji Mo watched quietly from the side without interrupting.Even so, Tang Nanwen also felt a lot of pressure.

Seemingly aware of Tang Nanwen's pressure, he turned back to Ji Mo and said, "Don't you have something to talk to Lu Fanyun? Go quickly."

She had already noticed that the Ji Mo she saw was different from the Ji Mo others saw.

In front of her, Ji Mo is as gentle as he can be, and occasionally a little shameless.

But in front of others, Ji Mo seems to be more like the rumored Prince Ji, unattainable and unattainable.

But it doesn't affect her much, she just needs to know what kind of Ji Mo she knows.

Ji Mo, who was regarded as an eyesore by his girlfriend, resigned to his fate and went to Lu Fanyun's side.

Tang Nanwen, who watched him leave, couldn't close her mouth in surprise.

Although they were prepared that Prince Ji had already fallen into the mortal world, they did not expect that Prince Ji would be so docile after he fell into the mortal world.

He left when his girlfriend asked him to leave, which seemed to be no different from other boyfriends, even more obedient.

It didn't take long for Ding Wen to clean up the expression on her face before Xian Yu looked over, as if the surprised person just now wasn't her.

"How old are you this year? Have you graduated?" Tangshan Nanwen asked curiously.

As soon as Lei Yu came in, she noticed it. After all, she was Ji Mo's girlfriend, so she couldn't not pay attention.

This attention made her curious.Although Lei Yu is tall and tall, his appearance is exquisite and glamorous, and his temperament is even more calm and steady.But in terms of age, no matter how you look at it, she is younger than her.

"I'm nineteen, and I'm in my sophomore year." Lei Yu replied calmly.

Nineteen years old, there is nothing wrong with him, and he will be a sophomore in the next semester, there is nothing wrong with it.

She has thought about the question of age many times herself. It stands to reason that Fang was eighteen when she met Ji Mo, and Ji Mo was already 26. There is a full eight-year age difference between the two. How did he fall in love with her?Does this count as an old cow eating young grass?
But she only dared to think in her heart, she dared not ask, she was afraid that Jimo would destroy her humanitarianism.

Tang Nanwen had such an expression, it seemed that she guessed right.It's just that she didn't expect that Prince Ji would like such young people.

It seems that those famous ladies in city b were busy in vain before.

"I'm 21 this year, and I'm about to be a senior, two years older than you."

Leisurely: "..."

Thanks, I'll count.

"By the way, which school do you belong to? Maybe we are the same school."

"Q big." Lei Yu replied.She thinks it should not be such a coincidence, anyone she meets is an alumnus.

It's a pity that the sky didn't come true, and Ding Wen excitedly grabbed her hand and said, "This is too coincidental! I'm also from Q University, which department are you from, junior!"

"I'm from the Department of Thermal Engineering." After Yu Yu answered, he fell into deep thought.

When she first heard the name Tang Nanwen, she felt a slight sense of familiarity, until she said that she was also a big Q, and the sense of familiarity became even stronger.

Thinking about it carefully, there was indeed a person in my memory whose name was very similar to Tang Nanwen's. It was Tang Nansheng, the third-year senior who Professor Qian had hired to help her read the contract.Should have graduated by now.

These two people's names are too similar, and they are both of the same age, so they can't be brother and sister, right?
"Well, I'm from the Department of Literature, so you can come to me if you have anything to do in the future!" After Ji Mo left, Ding Wen became more relaxed, revealing her lively and talkative nature.

Lei Yu doesn't dislike such a temperament, on the contrary, he quite likes it.

"Do you still have an older brother?" Lei Yu asked tentatively.

Tang Nanwen looked at Xianyu in shock, "How do you know I have an older brother? Do you know him?"

It's no wonder Tang Nanwen was shocked, it was because she knew her brother's nature too well.

The son inherited his father's career, and Tang Nansheng inherited their father's law profession and studied in the law department of Q University.

A sharp mouth is not only good for legal studies, but also for picking up girls.It may not be possible to repeat the rhetoric for three days and three nights.

(End of this chapter)

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