Chapter 108 Promise
Seeing that she was very hungry, Ji Mo hurriedly set out the food, and he didn't care about talking in his spare time, and devoted himself to the great cause of eating.

After eating and drinking enough, Yu Yu touched his finally full stomach and sighed contentedly: "I finally came back to life."

Ji Mo, who wanted to talk about her but couldn't bear it, sighed helplessly, and began to pack up the tableware, helping to clean up in his spare time.

"I've finished work here, let's go back and rest for a day, and we'll leave the day after tomorrow." After cleaning up, Lei Yu said to Ji Mo.

"Didn't you say there are still two days left?" Why did it suddenly finish so quickly?
Idle and proud face: "I accelerated the progress and finished it ahead of schedule."

Ji Mo applauded the top of her head and said, "It's awesome. This kind of compliment, which is full of coaxing, makes Lei Yu a little embarrassed.

Since they are going to the deep mountains and dense forests, some things have to be arranged in advance. After all, there is probably no signal in the deep mountains and dense forests. It will be bad if others can't contact them if something goes wrong.

There is nothing to arrange in her spare time, she is alone, and her roommates all know her summer itinerary, the only one who needs to be informed is Professor Qian.

Speaking of which, she hadn't visited Professor Qian for a while, and took Ji Mo to Professor Qian's house the next day in her spare time.

The person who opened the door was a strange man in his 30s. At first glance, I thought I was going in the wrong way. Then I looked at the house number and asked tentatively, "Is this Professor Qian's house?"

As soon as Qian Songting opened the door, he saw two handsome men and beautiful women standing in front of his house. He knew without thinking that they were looking for Professor Qian. Since Professor Qian was teaching at Q University, some students often came to him.

Hearing the beautiful girl's question again, it turned out that she was looking for his father, and hurriedly welcomed the two of them in.

"Sister Leisure!"

The first one to notice Xianyu was Qian Xuanxuan, his eyes lit up, and he threw himself into Xianyu's arms with a sprint.

When Qian Songting heard the name Xianyu, he knew who the girl in front of him was. Before that, Qian Xuanxuan always mentioned her in front of them, and went on a trip with her during the winter vacation.

"Idle time? Why are you here?" Professor Qian asked in surprise.

She was even more shocked when she saw Ji Mo beside her.

After staying in the Academy of Military Sciences for so long, I can always hear some rumors, but I don't know why this prince came to him with Xianyu.

"Minister Ji, is this...?" Professor Qian looked at Ji Mo and asked, with a worried look on his face.

I leisurely explained to Professor Qian calmly: "Professor Qian, this is my boyfriend Ji Mo, I will bring him to see you."

"Hello, Professor Qian." As soon as the idle words finished, Ji Mo bowed politely to say hello to Professor Qian, who was so surprised that Professor Qian didn't know how to react for a long time.

It was Qian Songting who saw that the situation was wrong, broke the slightly strange atmosphere with a loud voice, and called everyone to sit down, while he himself took the stunned Qian Xuanxuan to the kitchen to help his wife.

Just after they came in, Lu Jie went to the kitchen to make tea and cut fruit plates.Seeing her husband entering the kitchen with her son, she asked him angrily, "You are no longer entertaining guests with Dad in the living room, what are you doing in the kitchen!"

Qian Songting spread his hands together: "I see something wrong with the atmosphere, so come in to avoid it."

"You two... when did this happen?" Professor Qian asked leisurely with difficulty.

Although he was very angry at Xianyu's outlook on life that so-called love is a stumbling block in a woman's career, but when she really brought a boyfriend to him, he still didn't accept it well.

What's more, this boyfriend is actually Ji Mo!He is more unacceptable.

Lei Yu is his most promising student, his future is limitless, and the contribution he can make to the country in the future is also limitless.Now she is involved with Ji Mo, and she doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

The purpose of Lei Yu's visit to Professor Qian today is to let him get to know Ji Mo again, and to tell him that he is about to explore the deep mountains and dense forests, so that he will not be anxious when he can't contact her.

It's just that Professor Qian seems to be a little slow to react, and I don't know if the fact that Ji Mo is her boyfriend has hit Professor Qian.

Professor Qian has been an academic all his life, and he is sincere and upright. He can't control Ji Mo's presence now, so he said bluntly to Xianyu, "Do you know his identity?"

Seeing that Xianyu nodded calmly, he was in a hurry: "I know you still..."

The following words were not spoken, but everyone understood the meaning.

Ji Mo was not angry either. He shook Idle's hand and explained to Professor Qian: "I know what you are worried about. Xiao Yu has always regarded you as the closest elder, and it is the same for me. I can't change it, but you may know the family style of Ji's family, please believe that I will never hurt Xiaoyu!"

It was not only Professor Qian who was stunned by the loud and clear promise, but also Xianyu himself.

It was the first time I heard his promise, although there were no gorgeous words or vows, but it was this ordinary sentence that would not hurt her, which made her feel that her whole heart seemed to warm up.

Professor Qian sighed and sighed, everyone was brought in front of him, what else could he say, he was old.

"Let's go with you young people, just think about it yourself."

With such a mature and stable personality like Lei Yu, he would never fall in love with him. He can always take care of himself. No matter how bad he is, he still has his backing, so that his most promising student will not end miserable.

"Professor Qian, don't worry, I won't let myself get hurt." Yu Yu's gentle voice comforted the hard-hit Professor Qian.

After not being depressed for a long time, Professor Qian, who had calmed down, said to Xianyu again: "I said that you were not willing to let you come to my place for the summer vacation before. It turns out that you have a boyfriend and you don't want to leave."

Idle smile: "I came here today to tell you that tomorrow I will go on a trip with Ji Mo, and you may not be able to contact me by then. You are in a hurry, so I will let you know in advance."

"Traveling again? Can't contact any travelers?" Professor Qian asked suspiciously.

"Traveling, traveling all over the world, it is inevitable that there are some remote places without signal, and it is not easy to charge."

Didn't dare to tell Professor Qian the truth. Originally, Ji Moshi's boyfriend was enough for Professor Qian to worry about. Let him know that he was about to engage in dangerous activities such as field exploration, and he was designated to be criticized today. Failure to succeed is also a problem.

Fortunately, Professor Qian didn't think too much about it and believed her words.The main reason is that she was traveling with Ji Mo, and with Ji Mo taking care of her, he was really at ease.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the living room finally calmed down, Qian Songting appeared at the right time, followed by Lu Jie and Qian Xuanxuan.

"Come, come, eat some fruit." Lu Jie greeted Xianyu with some fruit enthusiastically.

"Sister Xianyu, these are my parents!" Qian Xuanxuan introduced to Xianyu in a childlike voice.

Lei Yu also greeted the two of them very politely, "Hi, uncle and aunt."

Afterwards, Ji Mo was full of sincerity, and Professor Qian became more and more satisfied.

"Xuanxuan always talks about you in front of us, thank you for taking care of Xuanxuan before." Lu Jie touched Qian Xuanxuan's head and said to Xianyu.

Before, they were a little worried about Xianyu, but now seeing that Xianyu is such a generous and neat girl, their hearts immediately settled down.

The main reason is that this girl is really beautiful, and her boyfriend is even more beautiful!It's pleasing to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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