Chapter 110 Emergencies
"Be careful!" Ji Mo yelled in his mouth, and quickly supported Xianyu with his eyes and hands.

After Lei Yu stood still, he couldn't help nagging: "Didn't you say that you have rich experience in wild survival? Why did you accidentally trip over a stone like this! You still want me to allow you to go to the rainforest alone? "

I don't know how many times I have to sigh.

It has been a few days since the two of them entered Shiwanda Mountain, and these are the things Ji Mo said the most these days, hitting her against her idea of ​​exploring the rainforest alone in every way.

Although she didn't quite understand the relationship between being scratched by a tree branch or accidentally tripping over a stone and her experience of living in the wild.

But without exception, this has become an example used by Ji Mo to beat her.She was a little unconvinced at first, but she got used to it after listening to it.

In fact, the two of them are much happier than other wilderness survivors.At least they never have to worry about food, a jelly bean can last a long time when they are hungry.

Moreover, jelly beans are light and easy to carry, saving them a lot of space and weight.

The fact that even Ji Mo can eat jelly beans as a meal makes Lei Yu very curious.When he was convalescing, he could eat one a day to help him recover, but now that he is in good health, he can still bear the nutrition of jelly beans, and there is no shortage of supplements. She thinks it is quite miraculous.

However, thinking of the way Ji Mo talked with her about research when he was in the Academy of Military Sciences, and her evaluation of Ji Mo's failure to be a scientist, she felt that he might also be an extremely smart man who consumed a lot of brain power. It is actually quite normal for people who can resist the nutrition of jelly beans.

Coupled with his years of training, his physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and his physical exertion is much greater than that of ordinary people. Thinking about it this way, she felt more normal.

Ji Mo: "Are you tired, do you need a rest?"

"Didn't we just rest?"

In fact they only finished their break half an hour ago!There are indeed many advantages to coming out with Ji Mo, but it is not good for him to always worry that she will be tired.

After walking for a long time, she had to take her to rest. If she hadn't insisted, she felt that the rest time would be longer than their exploration time.If things go on like this, they will be able to explore in a few years.

Ji Mo was really worried that Xianyu would not be able to bear it, but Xianyu insisted that there was nothing he could do, "Then keep going."

Xian Yu nodded, and the two continued to proceed cautiously to the depths of the mountain, with Ji Mo in front and Xian Yu following.

Walking and walking, there seemed to be some movement in front, Jimo suddenly stopped and squatted down, and took a closer look.Although Xianyu who followed behind didn't know what happened, he also squatted down.

[There is someone in front], after checking, Ji Mo wrote these words on the phone with a heavy face and handed them to Xianyu.

At the beginning, Lei Yu didn't understand why someone in front of him, Ji Mo, reacted so seriously. Maybe he met another explorer, and it was fate to get to know him generously.

But after thinking about it, her face also became heavy.

The people you can meet in this deep mountain hinterland are not necessarily other explorers, but also poachers, tomb robbers, or other foreign criminals.

Watching Ji Mo put a gun in her hand and a gun in his hand.

I only learned how to use a gun the night before departure.At that time, Ji Mo came out with two guns, and she was startled. It was just an adventure, so don't be so frightened.

But Jimo explained that if you encounter wild animals, it will be much more convenient to have a gun.Lei Yu sounded reasonable, so he agreed.

He taught her how to shoot and disassemble, and she learned it in no time.The rest is the problem of accuracy, which requires years of practice.

But she just wanted to deal with the beasts at close range, so the accuracy shouldn't have much effect.

But now she has to use it against people, and she starts to get nervous.

Can't be so bad luck!

[Hide here, I'll go and have a look. ] Ji Mo typed out another line.

The first reaction after I finished reading it was to grab Ji Mo, [No, it's too dangerous! ]
Thinking of her face-slapping physique since she came to Earth, she inexplicably lost confidence in the movement ahead.

If it is really a criminal, it would be dangerous for Ji Mo to investigate the situation alone!
[Don't forget my identity] Another line of words was handed to the eyes.

Finally, Lei Yu slowly let go of Ji Mo.

Yes, he is a special soldier.It's fine if this kind of thing doesn't happen, but if it happens, how could he stand by and watch.

Whether it's because of his sense of responsibility as a soldier or because he's worried about her, it's impossible for him to sit here and wait for death.

She should have confidence in him.He is Jimo, he was promoted to the rank of major at a young age, how could he not have two brushes.As far as his muscles are all over her body, she should believe him.

[Everything should be done carefully, I am here waiting for your return. ] Lei Yu finished typing this short sentence with some trembling.

Ji Mo saw her trembling and the deep worry on her face, [Don't worry, I'll be back soon. ]
Lei Yu stuffed the phone on him, closed his eyes, and let go of him completely.
He squeezed her hand tightly to show comfort, and Jimo walked away quietly by himself.Lei Yu quietly huddled in the corner by himself, even his breathing slowed down a lot, and he didn't dare to make any noise, for fear of affecting Ji Mo.

At first, she didn't think there was anything scary about this huge forest, but after Ji Mo left, she felt that the forest became extraordinarily dark and dark.

She knew it was her own psychological effect, but she was used to being accompanied by Jimo along the way, and now she suddenly became alone, and she was still worried about Jimo's safety, and she couldn't control this subconscious psychological effect.

Slowly, her legs became numb from squatting, and the sky in the dense forest gradually darkened.She glanced at the watch in her hand and found that Ji Mo had been away for more than four hours, but there was still silence all around.

She couldn't stop thinking about it.

First of all, those movements must not have been made by other explorers, otherwise Ji Mo wouldn't have stayed away for so long.

If not an explorer, what would it be?Probably not poachers.Most poachers have shotguns. If there is a conflict, the movement of the shotgun is not small, and it is impossible for her not to hear it.

Could it be a grave robber?Tomb robbers like to patronize these deep mountains and old forests.In their words, this kind of deep mountain and old forest has good geomantic omen, and nine times out of ten there are big tombs.

But tomb robbers are also dangerous. Although guns are banned in China, it is not ruled out that these tomb robbers obtained some guns and ammunition through some illegal channels.

Of course, the last thing I want to think about is overseas illegal personnel.

Many countries outside the country do not have a ban on guns, and they are all criminals. Maybe they will be well-equipped with guns.In this case, Ji Mo's danger will be greatly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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