Chapter 113
Speaking of medicine, in fact, they found a few wild ginseng plants along the way, which made her very envious.

It's a pity that those wild ginseng are too young to be worth picking, so she just reluctantly gave up.

There are also some other rare plants, which are too rare for her to touch. After all, it takes three years to move, so she really can't afford to provoke them.

What pleased her was that those rare plants had no medicinal value, and they were not even of high ornamental value, so she didn't feel sad if they couldn't be touched.

"Why, did you find anything good?" Jimo asked looking at Xianyu who was lying on his lap and was concentrating on turning over the tablet.

In fact, he was quite interested in the detector made by Lei Yu.The palm-sized instrument, with a light swipe at a plant, can display the detailed information of the plant on the connected iPad.

Lei Yu has scanned many plants these days, and she doesn't seem to find anything new.

"We are here to explore nature, not to hunt for treasures, so we can find good things casually." Lei Yu moved the tablet and looked at Ji Mo's chin.

Not to mention, from this angle, his jaw is still curved and looks good.After thinking about it, this person's looks are inherently attractive to all beings, and it is reasonable to be good-looking in 360 degrees without dead ends.

"I think we are similar to treasure hunting. Didn't we find an ancient tomb today."

Leisurely: "..."

It made sense, and she couldn't refute it.

Isn't the antique in the ancient tomb a treasure? If you just take it out and go out, it might be invaluable.

"Then why don't you pick up two of them?" Lei Yu asked angrily.

Ji Mo was immediately amused by her, pinched her nose and snorted lightly: "Money fan."

Xianyu shook his head and shook his hand away, didn't bother to talk to him anymore, continued looking at the tablet in his hand, cleaning up the discoveries of these days, and fell asleep unknowingly after looking at it for a long time.

Jimo looked at her tired face distressedly, gently took the tablet away from her hand, put her upright, and carefully covered her with a thin blanket, and then hugged her and fell asleep together.

The next day they woke up to the sound of birds singing. After a night of rest, both of them felt much better. After going to the stream to wash, Xianyu felt that he was revived with blood.

"Let's go, let's move on!" After helping to pack the tent, Xian Yu urged repeatedly.

Ji Mo held her helplessly, and then walked ahead to open the way.

a month later.

"Wait a minute, Second Battalion Commander! Look what I found!" Lei Yu excitedly called to Jimo.

At this time, the two of them were no longer the glamor they had when they first entered the mountain. Although the clothes on their bodies were clean, they were already wrinkled.

Ji Mo was once again helpless at her address, and looked along where her finger was, and found that it was a wild ginseng plant that was not young.Looking at its leaves, this is probably the oldest wild ginseng they have seen since they entered the mountain.

Thinking of her heartbroken expression when she missed those young wild ginseng plants when she first entered the mountain, and now she finally came across one that could be picked, no wonder she was so excited.

"Give me the tool quickly, I want to transplant it!" Lei Yu couldn't wait to ask Jimo for the tool.

After taking the small shovel handed over by him, he dug hard.

After a while, the wild ginseng gradually revealed its true face, and I became more and more cautious, for fear that I would shovel the wild ginseng off by myself.

Jimo looked at her amusedly and felt sorry for her tiredness, so he simply pulled her away, put on his gloves and gently dug out the wild ginseng.

I had already prepared and took out a small brush to carefully clean the soil attached to the wild ginseng. The more I cleaned it, the more excited I became.

Ji Mo knew exactly what she was excited about, because he was excited too!
There is no other reason, this wild ginseng is really perfect.Judging by its thickness, root length, and reed bowl and ring pattern, this wild ginseng is at least a hundred years old!

Although with Ji's family's status and financial resources, they can't afford to buy old wild ginseng.However, due to over-harvesting, the old wild ginseng on the market is priceless.Even if they want to buy, they can't buy a few plants.

Moreover, this wild ginseng was discovered and excavated by the two of them by themselves, and it has its own halo, which is enough to make them excited.

"Oh, fortunately, we found it when we were about to go down the mountain." After the excitement, Xianyu sighed happily.

If they found this wild ginseng on the way up the mountain, she would have to be embarrassed to pick wild ginseng and go back because of the journey.

It's all right now, they will be going down the mountain in a few days, just in time to bring this wild ginseng back.

Carefully put the wild ginseng into the large back basket that Ji Mo temporarily made. There were already many plants in the back basket. Even though it was covered with soil, it still seemed not very energetic.

After digging this wild ginseng, Xianyu felt that his field exploration this time was close to perfection.

Just as he was about to pull Ji Mo down the mountain at a faster pace, he was caught by the stream not far away.

He was not so sluggish when he saw wild ginseng just now, and looked at the stream curiously in his spare time, his eyes searching around.

In fact, there is no need to search at all, and I am sluggish.

I saw an extremely gorgeous orchid growing in the crevices of the cliffs of the stream, swaying in the wind, which cannot be ignored.

The two stared blankly for a while before remembering to step forward to observe closely.

After walking in and taking a closer look, even the mind was overwhelmed by this beautiful orchid.

The upright branches and leaves are accompanied by gorgeous light yellow stripes, and the compact plant looks like a gentleman standing upright.

The short round, thick petals like plum petals are slightly stretched out.Judging from the petals, this should be a plum-petal orchid, but most of the plum-petal orchids are emerald green in color, and the flower color of this plum-petal orchid is indeed a gorgeous ocher red.

You don't need to smell it carefully, you can smell the refreshing fragrance. This fragrance is more elegant and noble than any perfume, and it is even more refreshing with a hint of coldness.

"Where's your detector?" Ji Mo asked.

This is not a common orchid variety, maybe it is a new product.

"Ah? Oh, here, here you are." Lei Yu frantically handed the detector to Ji Mo.

Then Ji Mo took the detector and scanned around the orchid in all directions, while leisurely looking at the analysis on the tablet.

After a few seconds of analysis, a large word "No" came into view on the tablet.

The two of them are already familiar with this situation. Once they find a new unrecorded species along the way, the word "No" will be displayed on the tablet, which proves that there is no such plant in the database of spare copies.

The database of spare copies contains all the plants that have appeared in the world today, as long as there are records, there are in the database.

Orchids are very prone to mutation, and there are so many undiscovered orchid varieties in the world, so this time they are not only delighted to discover a new variety, but also delighted in the beauty of this orchid.

"I really want to take it back..." Xian Yu said greedily, while firmly holding Jimo's hand, to prevent himself from being impulsive and unable to resist.

Ji Mo looked at her reaction amusedly, took out his mobile phone and took a few photos carefully, then dragged her away.

If he looked at it a few more times, he was afraid that he couldn't help but make a move.

The state prohibits picking wild and rare orchids without a license, and they cannot break the law knowing the law.

(End of this chapter)

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