Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 123 Signing a Contract

Chapter 123 Signing a Contract

The so-called win-win cooperation, of course, is that both parties must make some concessions to reach cooperation.Lei Yu does not rely on copyright fees to make a fortune, her focus is still in the field of scientific research, so she is not very distressed about giving up 20.00% of the copyright fees.

"Then let's see when you have time. The person in charge of Shengxing would like to ask you to talk about copyright fees and contract signing in detail."

I glanced at the time in my spare time, and it was only after ten o'clock, "It's still the same coffee shop at two o'clock in the afternoon today or ten o'clock in the morning tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and continued to read the book. After reading for a few minutes, Yuan Zhuo sent a message back, and the other party asked her to have an interview at two o'clock this afternoon.

Lei Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, why is the other party so anxious?
Shengxing is really anxious. They have been trying to enter the small screen for the past few years, but the small screen is still dominated by Louyu Film and Television. Many IP authors are more inclined to Louyu Film and Television.

This time they took a fancy to Leisurely's "Nv Ben Heroine", and Lou Yu also received news that they were in contact with this IP at the same time.Although they first obtained the intention of cooperation with the author, before the contract was signed, no one could guarantee whether the other party would go back on their word.

And what outsiders don't know is that Sheng Xing's president, Sheng Jisen, is not only the decision maker of Sheng Xing, but also a sharp-eyed producer, but in order to inherit the family business, he had to give up his dream of being a film and television producer.

Although the dream is given up, the vision is still there.

The few TV series that Shengxing Film and Television had successfully tested before were all selected by President Sheng himself.

And this time, "Women's Heroine" was also called by Mr. Sheng so that they must talk about it. Mr. Sheng has very high expectations for this IP.

This is also the reason why they can regress so politely to a newcomer over and over again.

After receiving the news, I got up and went to the study. Ji Mo was working in the study, and he also had a backlog of business affairs that he did not deal with.

"Please come in."

Ji Mo looked up at Xianyu who knocked on the door and came in, "What's wrong?"

Idle Yu was not in a hurry to get down to business, but instead started to tease, "Isn't it like three autumns after a day? We haven't seen each other for two hours, and I miss you so much."

Ji Mocan got up with a smile, and approached Xianyu step by step, and Xianyu quickly stepped back and waved his hands back and forth: "Just kidding, just kidding, I'm looking for you for business."

"Didn't you be very courageous just now?" Ji Mo stopped, embracing his hands quietly and authentically.

Xianyu smiled awkwardly and refused to answer, she seemed to see two large characters written on one side of her face: Congxin!
"Ahem, what, just now Yuan Zhuo contacted me and said that Sheng Xing invited me to discuss the contract at two o'clock in the afternoon, so I'll tell you."

Glancing at the documents piled up on Ji Mo's desk, he said, "You don't have to accompany me, I'll ask the driver to take me there."

The driver's license hasn't been sent yet, so she can only ask the driver of Ji's family to deliver it, otherwise, she wants to drive there by herself, and try the performance of the new car by the way.

Ji Mo refused without thinking, "No, I'll accompany you."

Pointing at the pile of documents with idle fingers: "You have so much work, you should deal with business affairs first, and nothing will happen to me."

Ji Mo looked at the pile of documents along her fingers, his sharp eyebrows clustered together, and he pushed him back behind the desk in his spare time, "Don't worry, I'll be fine, besides, I still have a watch."

Lei Yu waved his watch in front of his eyes.

Seeing the wristwatch, Ji Mo was really relieved. Currently, this wristwatch is being trial-promoted in City B, and the major public security systems have been equipped with corresponding operating procedures.

"I'll ask Lin Zhi to help you find a lawyer, and I'll ask the driver to take you with the lawyer in the afternoon." Ji Mo said while shaking his spare hand.

I didn't refuse this spare time, and a professional lawyer is still needed for such a contract.

"Okay, then keep busy, I'm going back to read." After finishing speaking, Lei Yu resolutely pulled his hand and left the study.

Ji Mo: "..."

Be ruthless.

Lin Zhi was very efficient, and the lawyer arrived just after Xianyu had lunch. Lu Yun knew that Xianyu was going to sign the contract, and asked her to tell her the name of the novel she wrote, and she wanted to read it too.

I'm a little embarrassed, it's okay for strangers to read what I wrote, because I don't know it anyway.When the acquaintances around her went to see it, she felt a little strange.

Suppressing the shame in his heart, Lei Yu told Lu Yun his name and went out.

In the same coffee shop, in the same box, Yuan Zhuo and the person in charge of Sheng Xing still took a leisurely step to sit in the box.

The person in charge of Sheng Xing is a woman about 40 years old. She looks very refreshing in a capable lady's suit, which makes people feel good.

After the two sides introduced each other, they went directly to the topic.

There are two kinds of copyright fees given by Sheng Xing, one is a guaranteed base plus a share, and the other is a pure share, it depends on which one I choose.

After thinking about it for a while, I chose the method of pure sharing.

She is also curious about how far her work can go. With the pure sharing method, the profit she can get is directly linked to the broadcast effect of the work. The more people watch it, the more profit she can get.

The person in charge of Sheng Xing prepared two contracts. No matter which share method I choose, she can give the corresponding contract to I.

The lawyer brought by Lei Yu took the initiative to take over the contract and read it carefully.

This lawyer is a professional lawyer in film and television IP that Lin Zhi specially sought out, and he has a lot of research on issues such as copyright fees.

After he saw the share ratio, he directly said to Xianyu: "The share price is about 20.00% lower than the market price, and there are no other problems."

"Then there's no problem. The 20.00% lower is what I agreed in advance." The 20.00% lower than the market price is a setback made by Lei Yu himself.

Now that the parties agreed, the lawyer naturally had nothing to say, and handed the contract to Xian Yu for her to sign.

Lei Yu signed her name stroke by stroke, and after signing, she said to Sheng Xing in charge: "I will continue to pay attention to the remake of "Nv Ben Heroine" in the future, I hope you can respect the original work as written in the contract, Otherwise, I will ask the lawyer to contact Shengxing Film and Television to legally defend my rights."

Don't blame her for her bad words. Ugly words must be said first. Since a contract has been signed, she naturally hopes that the other party will abide by the contract.

After all, it was a work that she had typed out word by word. If the other party couldn't respect it, she wouldn't be polite.

The person in charge of Sheng Xing promised sincerely on the face, but his heart turned upside down.

Is the author not very clear about his position? !How rude!It is wrong for her to be a screenwriter, and she has to pay attention to the filming of the work. She is always ready to ask a lawyer to contact Shengxing Film and Television.

Oh, who does she think she is?Celebrities?It's just a fledgling writer who is fortunate enough to write this popular work.

I also want to tell Shengxing Film and Television, is she a vegetarian when she is the legal department of Shengxing Film and Television?
To put it bluntly, there are not many other things in the entertainment industry, but there are many lawsuits. When it comes to lawsuits, which film and television company's legal department is not a leader in the industry, and would be afraid of her as a small author?
(End of this chapter)

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