Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 139 Delaying Talent

Chapter 139 Delaying Talent
The sleep time that is already busy every day has been compressed, so there is no time to fall in love, they are not idle, they have an inhuman brain.

It's better to wait until they have dealt with their academic affairs before thinking about these small issues of love.

The current class is already extremely simple for them, and it is a waste for them to spend time on listening to the class.

So it became urgent to find an excuse to hand over the watch.

Zhou Mei wanted to call her mother several times to ask about the results of the company's meeting, but she was stopped by leisure. She couldn't eat hot tofu because of a company's decision. Wrong, but in the final analysis, Zhibo Technology is not what Zhou's mother said.

Fortunately, a listed company has very strong decision-making and action capabilities. After the first class in the afternoon, Zhou Mei received a message from Zhou's mother.

Zhou's mother told her that the company had passed the decision to invite Professor Qian as foreign aid to help with research and development.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the company has been delayed for half a year, and there is not much time left for them.After the meeting, the company immediately arranged for someone to contact Professor Qian for an interview. If the price was reasonable, it would mean that Professor Qian had left.

Zhou Mei relayed the news to them, and they were happy for a while.

The rest is beyond their decision. I just hope that Professor Qian is interested in Zhibo Technology's new project and can agree to Zhibo's invitation.

As for the price issue, they still knew Professor Qian's personality, he was definitely not a person who set prices on the ground.What's more, if you encounter a project or direction that he is fascinated by, he may be willing to let him join for free.

Encouraged by the good news, the following classes sounded less boring to everyone.

In the evening, Ji Mo didn't come to see her for dinner. He is now considered a celebrity in Q University. His photos have already spread to various groups in all major departments.

He began to regret his decision to be the deputy commander.His original idea was to use his power for personal gain and spend more time with his spare time.

Now that it's such a sensation, it's not easy for him to appear with Xianyu.He doesn't need to care about these things, anyway, he left after military training, but he can't spare, she still has to stay at Q University for a few years.

She always likes to keep a low profile. If she has attracted other people's attention to her and disturbed her life, the one who bears the consequences must be that he didn't run away.

Although this plan didn't work out, and instead hindered him from meeting with Xianyu, he didn't resign from the idle position as the deputy commander because of this, and he had to do some things as promised.

After two more days of class, Zhou Mei told them that her mother's company had already contacted Professor Qian, and the contract was signed.

Then it was up to the rest, she was responsible for finding Professor Qian for help.

Lei Yu didn't go directly to Professor Qian, but took the time to go to Lu Fanyun's company and took a box of his latest batch of liquid medicine.

Judging from the beautifully packaged gift box, Lu Fanyun should be taking a high-end route. It has not yet been sold on the market, and there are still some inspections to be completed by the Food and Drug Administration, but production and storage have already begun.

Lu Fanyun also gave this medicinal liquid an easy-to-understand and slightly charming name, called Yannian, yes, it is Yannian that prolongs life and prolongs life.This is a health care product for middle-aged and elderly people, and the name is actually quite appropriate.

Lei Yu wanted to buy this box of Yannian with money, but Lu Fanyun refused to accept it, and his appearance was very obsequious, so she had no choice but to give up.

It seems that since Lu Fanyun experimented with the effects of those two medicines, he has flattered her a lot, which made her teeth sore.

After taking the medicine and returning to school, she contacted Professor Qian.Xianyu felt that Professor Qian was quite free every day. She looked for him ten times, and Professor Qian was in the library eight times, and this time was no exception.

When Lei Yu went to the library to see Professor Qian, he realized that he was wrong. He was really busy today, but he was very busy. The small administrator's office was full of books.

Leisurely glanced at it, and it was all about new energy vehicles. She knew that Professor Qian was probably preparing for a new project of Zhibo Technology.

Professor Qian pushed the newly equipped glasses and said to Xianyu: "You, if you have nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, tell me, what's the matter?"

Lei Yu had always regarded Professor Qian as his elder, so he didn't show politeness to him at this time, and briefly explained his reason for coming.

"I said that there are so many professors in this field in China, why did Zhibo Technology find me? The relationship is the line of you guys."

Professor Qian was not angry at all. He was also very interested in this project, but the water in new energy vehicles is very deep. Even if he was interested, he didn't have such a large team to study it.

At this time, Zhibo just threw an olive branch over, and he accepted the invitation smoothly.

But this time Zhibo invited him alone, and many R&D and design companies kept secrets, so it was difficult for him to bring students with him, so he didn't inform Xianyu and Wang Meng.

Xian Yu smiled a little guilty, and took out her trump card, the Yannian she got back from Lu Fanyun.

"This is what I made before, and it will be sold on the market after a while. You can try it first." The developer is Cheng Wen, and she can only be regarded as the producer.

Professor Qian opened the gift box suspiciously. He had no idea whether to accept the gift or not. Xianyu regarded him as an elder, and Xianyu was no different from his granddaughter in his heart.

"What is this?" He took out a Yannian and asked Xianyu.

"Health care product!" She has always positioned it as a health care product anyway, and Cheng Wen used her position to classify this liquid medicine at the beginning.

Professor Qian looked at the instructions for use, then opened the glass tube and drank it.

As far as the effect of this medicine is concerned, it really has an immediate effect, otherwise Lu Fanyun wouldn't be able to curry favor with her like that.Professor Qian could obviously feel some subtle changes in his body after drinking the liquid medicine. He couldn't explain it in detail, but he did feel very comfortable and refreshed after drinking the liquid medicine.

He looked at Xianyu in shock: "You developed this?"

Lei Yu didn't know how to explain it, so he said ambiguously, "It's sort of it."

The developer is Cheng Wen. She is at best a reformer. She has replaced Yannian with many earth medicinal materials, making it more suitable for earth people to use.

Professor Qian didn't care about her words, and his eyes widened even wider. He couldn't help wondering, if Fang Jianming said to give him the spare time but he didn't agree, did he waste his spare time?Perhaps spare time is more suitable for biopharmaceutical majors?

But if he did it all over again, he would still make the same choice. Idle Biopharmaceuticals is very powerful, but she is also very smart in energy and power engineering. Such a good seed has gone into his hands. It is impossible to let it go, it is impossible in this life.

 Sorry, I admit my mistake, I'm a bit busy at work today, so the update is a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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