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Chapter 148 Find the Difference

Chapter 148 Find the Difference
These entertainers may not know who the Brother Mo they are talking about, but they all know Lu Fanyun more or less.

Ji Mo has been in the army all year round and rarely shows up in public. Lu Fanyun is different. Since he and Lu Peichuan are the youngest, the Lu family has much less restraint on them.

Restraining one or two people to hang out, and being beautiful with luxury cars all day long has only improved in recent years.

"Thank you, Mr. Sheng." After Mr. Sun left, Yu Yu said to Sheng Jisen seriously.

She just remembered that when she signed the contract, she seemed to have heard from the person in charge that the president of Shengxing Film and Television was named Sheng, and this president of Shengxing Film and Television was the president of Shengxing Film and Television.

Mr. Sun just said that he was the investor of "Nv Ben Heroine" when he was talking nonsense. Now Sheng Jisen rejected his investment in a few words. The bottom line is to rescue her for Ji Mo's face. She should accept this kind of favor.

"Sister-in-law, you're being polite." After calming down, Sheng Jisen returned to his calm and elegant appearance.

"By the way, sister-in-law, let me introduce you. This is Sheng Jisen, the CEO of Sheng Xing." Lu Fanyun introduced Sheng Jisen for leisure.

"Hello, Xianyu." Xianyu nodded, it seemed that she had guessed correctly, he was indeed President Shengxing.

Sheng Jisen felt familiar when he heard Xianyu's name, "Xianyu...? Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Lu Fanyun patted Sheng Jisen's shoulder vigorously, he still felt that Sheng Jisen's routine was somewhat familiar.

Isn't it familiar? Not long ago, Liu Hengliang of his company also used this trick. One said that Lei Yu looked familiar, and the other said that the name was familiar.

"Why are you photographing me?" Sheng Jisen, who was hurt by Lu Fanyun's photograph, said to Lu Fanyun angrily.

Lu Fanyun hehehe ignored him, and instead asked Xianyu with great interest: "Sister-in-law, why did you appear here? Isn't this the scene of Sheng Xing's casting? You are here because you want to cross-border entertainment Become a star?"

As soon as Lu Fanyun said this, everyone in the hall looked at Xianyu, Sheng Jisen was curious, why did Ji Mo's girlfriend come to the entertainment circle?The other artists were thinking that with her identity, they still need to audition, and it would be fine to just choose a role by default.

Xian Yu shook his head lightly, "I'm not here to audition, I'm here to cast a role."

"Casting? I don't seem to understand..." Lu Fanyun felt that his brain was not enough.

Instead, Sheng Jisen suddenly realized: "I remembered, why do you think my sister-in-law's name is so familiar? My sister-in-law is the author of "Nv Ben Heroine", right?"

"Yes, Sheng Xing invited me to participate in the casting today. I just happened to be free these two days, so I came here."

Lu Fanyun was full of shit, as far as he knew, her spare undergraduate major seemed to be energy and power engineering, and she seemed to have minored in history, but recently she has been rooted in his company's laboratory Develop pharmaceuticals!
Now tell others that I also have the extra job of being an author!

At this moment, he had the same mentality as Zhou Mei and the three of them. It was really annoying to compare people to others. Is there anything in this world that you can't spare?
"Sister-in-law is... amazing!" Lu Fanyun exclaimed.

Sheng Jisen didn't understand what Lu Fanyun's sudden admiration was for, but it didn't prevent him from following Rainbow Fart.

"My sister-in-law is really good, and I am also a loyal reader of "The Female Lady". This book is addictive both in terms of writing and plot."

Xianyu didn't respond to the two of them's embarrassment, but the other people in the hall remembered the female artist surnamed Zhang who just made trouble for Xianyu, and the expressions on everyone's faces became a little subtle.

Think about why that female artist would only look for idle trouble?Maybe it's because their style lines collided, they are both gorgeous beauties, but their spare looks are a little bit better than hers.

When two people with such similar styles come to audition together, whoever looks better will certainly have an advantage, so the artist surnamed Zhang will find faults before the audition, hoping to force her to leave.

In the end, he accidentally kicked the iron board. Not only did he lose the chance to audition, he might even be blocked in the future.She probably didn't expect that Xianyu's background is so big.

In fact, even if Lu Fanyun and Sheng Jisen didn't show up today, the artist surnamed Zhang would have no chance. He is the author, and was invited by Sheng Xing to cast a role, but she mistakenly thought that he was a competitor, and she would offend him if she didn't care. It would be a ghost if the author could let her succeed in the audition.

"Miss Xian, so you are here."

The little assistant who had just received the spare four hurried over.Although she told Xianyu where they were cast, she was still worried, so she hurriedly changed her dirty clothes and ran here to see if Xianyu had arrived. If the casting is delayed, her job will be lost.

"Well, I'm already here." Lei Yu returned indifferently.

The assistant didn't have a good look at them before, so she naturally wouldn't put her face on someone's cold ass.

After the little assistant ran to Xian Yu's side, he noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere in the hall. In a blink of an eye, his own president was also here, standing against Xian Yu.

Reminiscent of her conjecture when she first received Xianyu, she couldn't help but wonder if Mr. Sheng found out that Xianyu wanted to put a few girls around her into the crew of "The Heroine", which annoyed Mr. Sheng .

In this way, won't President Sheng get angry at her as a little assistant for not doing a good job in her job, and let her friends in even if she takes care of her spare time?
Thinking of this, the little assistant hurriedly remedied: "Miss Xian, we only invited you to participate in the casting, your friends are not among the invited ones, they are not allowed to come here!"

The three of Zhou Mei looked incredulous, why didn't you tell me earlier if you couldn't come?Can't you tell them clearly at the door of the company?It was said at the time that they were waiting for Xianyu downstairs, and now they are going to be kicked out in front of so many artists in the hall, and they are still friends of the author, isn't this a slap in the face of Xianyu.

Xianyu couldn't help being annoyed, she said coolly, "You didn't say that I couldn't bring friends with me when you picked us up just now."

The little assistant was annoyed that this author was not only thick-skinned, but also difficult to deal with.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Xian, it was my negligence, please leave your friend now, don't delay the audition."

The little assistant took a sneak peek at the president's face while talking, but found that Sheng Jisen's face was getting uglier and uglier. Presumably, President Sheng was very annoyed at the author's nonsense.

The anger was concentrated on Xianyu, she should be safe.

Sheng Jisen's face was too dark to look at.He is really annoyed now. Not only is he annoyed, but he also wants to mention the little assistant and control the water in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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