Chapter 160 Emin Aaron
In the end, Ji Mo did the dinner.Looking at the red marks on her hands, Ji Mo refused to let her cook.

When I returned to school in my spare time the next day, I felt that the atmosphere in the school seemed to be inexplicably agitated, and people coming and going kept talking.

She walked slowly to the dormitory, "Did something happen in school, it feels very lively."

Zhao Tian immediately turned around and said excitedly: "You are asking the right person. According to the information I have inquired about, a group of exchange students from Country Y came to the school recently, and one of the exchange students is the superstar Emin Aaron."

Zhou Mei and Liu Jia also heard some rumors about the exchange students, but they didn't know that one of the exchange students was actually the young and famous global superstar Emin Aaron. Hearing this news from Zhao Tian's mouth at the moment, they were all shocked. Feel a little shocked.

On the other hand, Xianyu was much calmer. She didn't know who this Emin Aaron was, so she couldn't be shocked.

"Who is Emin Aaron?" However, in order to satisfy Zhao Tian's mentality of waiting for someone to ask, she still asked politely.

Zhao Tian was waiting for them to ask her for more detailed information. After all, gossip is only interesting if someone asks it, but she didn't want her to ask such low-level questions as who Emin Aaron is, okay?
"Why don't you even know about Emin Aaron!" Although she was dissatisfied with the low-level question of leisure, she decided to popularize it.

"Emin Aaron, a pure native of country Y, his father is an earl, and it is rumored that he has royal blood. He is very talented in music. He became popular on the Internet because he sang a cover song when he was very young. He embarked on the road of writing lyrics, composing music and singing by himself, because of his handsome face that makes people scream, he is also dubbed by many fans as the singer's face."

Zhao Tian introduced Emin Aaron carefully, and finally looked at Xian Yu's expressionless face, and couldn't help sighing, she shouldn't expect Xian Yu to respond to these celebrity gossips of.

"So the restlessness in the school is because of that what Emin Aaron is coming as an exchange student?"

I am a little curious in my spare time. Since this Emin Aaron is so talented in music, he should be studying at the music school. Why did he come to Q University as an exchange student again?

Zhao Tian should know the answers to these doubts, so I asked Zhao Tian directly in my spare time.

But this time it was not Zhao Tian who answered, it was Liu Jia who answered her.

"I do know a little bit about this. This Emin Aaron is also a genius. His talent and skills not only light up music, but also light up physics. I heard that he is also a top student at J University in country y. This time I came to our Q University as an exchange student to see the physics level of our country."

Idle nodded, so that's the case. It seems that this Emin Aaron is indeed a genius, but these are none of her business, "I think the time is almost up, let's start the research on the new project tomorrow."

She said before that the direction of this theoretical research is new energy. She has thought about it carefully. There are many kinds of new energy, but she is more inclined to the development and utilization of solar energy.

Solar energy is more widely used than wind energy, tidal energy and other new energy sources, and good solar energy research can not only be applied to all aspects of life, but also can be applied to aerospace, which can be said to be both tall and down-to-earth.

The three of Zhou Mei nodded to show that they knew it. They didn't have any opinions on when to start, and it was the same if they started early or late.

"Well, this research mainly focuses on theory and materials, and the data during the experiment is especially important. You should make good records when the time comes to facilitate writing papers." Lei Yu urged.

Originally, this research was also for the service of the thesis. The thesis needs the support of experimental data, and the data is also the key to other people's reproduction experiments after the publication of the paper in the future, and there is no room for sloppyness.

Everyone is not a child anymore, and the importance of this is still known, and there is no need to remind them in spare time that they will also keep and record the experimental data.

Others in the school were still immersed in the upsurge of superstar Emin Aaron, but the remaining four quietly started a new round of project research and development.

Lei Yu thought that no one would pay attention to them, but he ignored his popularity as a god of learning.

The Q University is full of talents. During the undergraduate period, there are not many people who independently carry out research projects, but there are not many people. At least there are several in the School of Physics and the School of Mathematics.

Two days after the start of Xianyu's new project, someone came to his door, not just one, but three, all three were boys, and Xianyu didn't know them, but Zhou Mei and the three seemed to know each other, or maybe It can't be said that they know each other, but they have heard the other party's prestigious name, because the three of them only showed a look of surprise after the other party said their names.

Lei Yu invites the three people who came to the door into the conference room, and temporarily uses the conference room as a reception room.

"Hello, I'm Xianyu." She was considered the host, so she introduced herself first, although the other party should know her, otherwise she wouldn't have come to the door.

The three looked at each other and introduced themselves one by one.

"Hello, I'm Bai Lei from the Academy of Fine Arts."

"Hello, I'm Zhang Zisheng from the Number Academy."

"Hello, I'm Zhang Cheng of the material."

Lei Yu frowned slightly, she didn't know the three of them.And they are from different departments, why did they find her for no reason?
Just wondering, Zhou Mei and the three beside her exclaimed.

Lei Yu turned sideways, "Do you know each other?"

The six shook their heads together.

"Then why are you making such a big reaction?"

Zhou Mei shook her head, and said to Xianyu with a bit of resentment: "Don't tell you not to listen to the things outside the window for a day and only read the books of sages and sages, but you just don't listen to it. Now it's all right, you don't even have any basic knowledge. "

Question marks were all over Lei Yu's face, why didn't she have basic knowledge?
Zhao Tian couldn't bear to see her continue to lose face, so she leaned into her ear and said, "They are well-known bosses in the School of Physics, School of Mathematics, and School of Material Science, and they have the same status as you in our school, and they are the same as us. , are now sophomores."

Lei Yu suddenly realized, no wonder these three boys are all wearing thick glasses without exception, so they are all top students.

But why did these three top students come to her?They seem to have nothing to do with each other, and why is it that she feels a little embarrassed for no reason?

They are all the favored children of various colleges, but they know her, but she has never even heard of their name. Does this make her look arrogant?
I smiled leisurely, decided not to think about this embarrassing topic, and went straight to the point, "Is there something you want from me?"

Perhaps the top students have the capacity to be top students, or it may be that the beautiful women have preferential treatment, the three of them looked at Xianyu's slightly embarrassed smile, and generously did not care about it, and began to talk about the purpose of their trip to find her.

(End of this chapter)

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