Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 164 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 164 The Uninvited Guest

Xianyu thought that the competition had already been finalized in this way, and everything would be OK when Bai Lei and the other three reported the remaining three odd jobs to her, but he didn't expect that someone came to his door again, and he was still an unexpected visitor.

The spare time for Bai Lei and the others was three days, but on the second day, Liu Hao, the class monitor she had never had contact with, suddenly asked her to meet at a milk tea shop that she didn't have at school.

She thought it was something important, but when she got there, she found out that there was not only the squad leader sitting in the milk tea shop, but also a cute girl with big eyes who had met once.

This cute girl with big eyes is Yang Meng who had inexplicable hostility towards her when she started school.

She and this schoolgirl haven't met each other since the first meeting, let alone any intersection, so it's probably not a good thing to sit here now.

I glanced at the slightly disturbed face of the squad leader in my spare time, and sat down calmly, "Is the squad leader looking for me for something?"

When Liu Hao heard her going straight to the point, his face became a little uneasy again.

This is also the first time for him to meet with Xianyu in private. Leisurely seldom comes to class, and even when he comes to class, he listens carefully. Except for the occasional communication with Zhou Mei and a few girls, he basically doesn't speak. The boys here rarely talked to her.

On weekdays, Zhao Tian and the others can still laugh and joke with them in the class group, but they have never spoken in the group in leisure time.

Lei Yu is pretty, cool and glamorous, and her strength is strong enough. If there is less communication, she will become more unattainable. To be honest, the boys are a little afraid of her.

It was really impulsive that he took the initiative to find her today, and he regretted it the moment he saw Xianyu.

They have very few professional girls, and for a long time, boys have to be more tolerant of girls.

And Yang Meng, a rare cute beauty, has been in constant contact with the seniors since the beginning of school, and everyone is so familiar with them.

Everyone knows that it is not so easy to refuse this acquaintance's request for work, let alone this acquaintance is still a sweet and cute school girl.

Yang Meng had nothing else to do with him, except that she heard that there was a competition recently, and she wanted to participate, but she also knew that it would be difficult for her to enter any team with her strength when she just entered the school.

However, she found out that Xianyu had formed a team to participate in the competition. She thought that they were all professional seniors, and she had met them at the beginning of school. They were half acquaintances, so she wanted to ask Xianyu if she could open a back door for her. Let her also join the team.

How can he decide this matter, he was about to refuse Yang Meng's request, when Yang Meng said that she didn't intend to ask him to help talk about the matter, but just asked him to help make an appointment and introduce her, after all, she has no spare time Contact information.

Liu Hao thought to himself, he can still help with such a small matter as helping to make appointments. Moreover, such a cute girl looked at him with hope in her eyes, and he really couldn't bear to refuse.

So under the momentary hormonal agitation, he made an appointment on impulse.

The appointment was made, but he regretted it when he saw Xianyu's face with a faint and alienated smile.

It's obviously not a good relationship, he helped Yang Meng to ask her out, although on the surface he didn't do anything serious, but in fact he was able to help make a date, which soon represented him standing on Yang Meng's side, I hope she can think more about Yang Meng's request for his sake.

But he doesn't have any face in front of Xianyu, he is just a classmate in the same class, or the kind of classmate who knows little and has no communication.

However, no matter how uneasy you are in your heart, you still have to face reality after all.

"Then what, Junior Yang Meng has something to ask you for, and she doesn't have your contact information, so she asked me to ask you out."

Lei Yu chuckled, and then shifted his gaze to Yang Meng who was looking at her with complicated eyes.

Yang Meng's eyes are not only complicated at the moment, but also his psychology is very complicated.

When she first met Xianyu, she took this glamorous senior as an imaginary enemy.

It is said that the same sex repels the opposite sex attracts. She and this senior sister are both women. Although the style routes they take are quite different, their appearance levels are similar.No, to be precise, Lei Yu is better than her. Isn't there a saying that cuteness is worth nothing in front of sex appeal? From this point of view, Lei Yu is not only better than her, but also better than her by a lot.

Women are always hostile to beautiful people, not to mention that this beautiful woman still has strength.

But she also grew up in the flattery and praise of others since she was a child, and being admitted to Q University also proved her strength.

She thought she could do what Lei Yu could do, didn't she just hang out with Professor Qian after entering school? She felt from the bottom of her heart that if it was her, she could be the same as Lei Yu, even better than her Better.

But reality slapped her hard.

The knowledge in the university is completely different from that in high school. There is no one watching and urging her to study all day long, and there is no teacher waiting to answer questions all the time.

If you can understand, just listen, if you don’t understand, you can figure out your own way. It’s even rarer to procrastinate. The teacher finishes class on time. After class, if students don’t hurry up, they will only see the teacher’s back as he leaves.

Of course, she didn't give up in the face of this situation.

She thought that everyone started from the same place, and she was facing such a situation, so why not Xianyu.Since everyone is at the same level, she was lucky enough to be selected by Professor Qian, so why couldn't she.

How beautiful the imagination is, how skinny the reality is.

Not to mention following Professor Qian to do projects, she didn't even find Professor Qian's figure.

After trying every means to inquire, it was only then that Professor Qian joined Zhibo Technology to participate in research and development as soon as the school started. He usually only returns to school after teaching students, and leaves after the class. He is too busy.

Under such circumstances, she had no chance to show herself in front of Professor Qian and let him see her own strength.

After such a waste of time, more than two months have passed.In the past two months, she also inquired about Xianyu's movements, but of course she didn't inquire about anything. She only heard that both Xianyu and her roommate had handed in the exemption form, but there was no one in the school, so she didn't know Why did you go.

Later, Xianyu finally returned to school. She has been following Xianyu's developments, and of course she learned that she started a new project independently, and also knew that several seniors from the School of Physics, School of Mathematics and Materials sought her to organize team competition.

After knowing this, her brain became active.

Since the professor couldn't find a chance, why didn't she directly start with leisure.

As long as she enters the spare project team and competes with her, won't she be able to show her strength naturally?

And when two people are in the same team, it is clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker.At that time, when outsiders saw her crushing Xianyu, she would have the capital to recommend herself to the professor.

(End of this chapter)

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