Chapter 174
Idle waited for others to eat very happily, but Emily Brent, who left alone, became more and more annoyed. She felt that she was humiliated, humiliated by a creature that she despised and stepped on the soles of her feet. It was more unbearable to her than the humiliation from someone of her own class.

So she decided to teach Xianyu a lesson, let her understand who can be messed with and who can't be messed with.

In terms of revenge, she did not choose simple and vulgar violence, but chose to attack her heart.

She has investigated that Xianyu and the girls around her are also part of the participating team, and Xianyu is still the captain. Think about it, what would happen if her team was caught plagiarizing and stealing other people's results on the day of the competition?

At that time, not only will she be able to return all the humiliation she received today, but she will also discredit Xianyu from now on, and such a student will undoubtedly be expelled from the school and despised by everyone in the same field. I can't get along in this industry and become a jobless vagrant that everyone despises.

Thinking of what would happen soon after her leisure, Emily Brent felt extremely happy, and even the humiliation she received today was not so uncomfortable.

After picking up her mood, Emily Brent began to plan how to make the matter of stealing other people's research and development results practical in her spare time.

Maybe she can ask someone to copy the current research data of the idle team first, and then use this data to make a result similar to that of the idle team, and then ask people to testify that all the research materials of the idle team are based on Steal it.

The more Emily Brent thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was feasible. As for how to get the research materials of the idle team and how to get people to testify against idlers, it is not difficult.

There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. If there is, it must be because there is not enough money.

And she happens to be rich.

She also has a candidate, that is, the players of Idle Yu. Idle Yu is the most defenseless against them, so she can get all the information silently without being noticed by Idle Yu. Only then can she catch her off guard.

At that time, Xianyu will not only face the accusation of stealing, but also face the betrayal of the teammate she trusted wholeheartedly. Under the double blow, she believes that Xianyu will regret what she did to her today.

Three days later, Emily Brent received the detailed information of all members of the spare team. After reading the information, she chose Zhang Cheng.

The reason why he was selected was because his family conditions were the worst among all the players, and his whole body was full of poverty.

Poverty is the original sin these days. She understands the weakness of human nature. The poorer people are, the more they desire to be rich, and the more they can do anything for money. I believe that Zhang Cheng will not let her down.

Emily Brent was not stupid enough to go to see Zhang Cheng in person, she found someone else to come forward for her, and she just had to wait for the news.

The person who met Zhang Cheng was an ordinary middle-aged man, neatly dressed in a suit and tie.

"Zhang Cheng, right? Hello, my surname is Chen." Chen Peng introduced himself with a kind smile.

Zhang Cheng took a look at the people in the coffee shop, then sat down, "Hello, Zhang Cheng, I wonder what Mr. Chen wants from me?"

He didn't know this Mr. Chen, and he didn't know how this Mr. Chen got his contact information, and even asked him out specially. This scene made him unable to help but start to diverge his thoughts.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang is really straightforward." Chen Peng said with a smile, "That's right, I know that Mr. Zhang has joined one of the teams in this international competition, and my boss happens to be interested in the research and development of Mr. Zhang's team. The information is very interesting."

"So?" Zhang Cheng asked back with a frown.

The strange middle-aged man knows that he is a member of the participating team and is also very interested in their team's research and development materials. Zhang Cheng thought of the plan of ST that I had told them in the past, and he had reason to suspect that Mr. Chen in front of him might be St people.

In addition, even though he himself was shocked, he had to admit that under the leadership of Xian Yu, the space solar cells they are currently developing are about to set off a huge storm in this industry.

And this storm was completed in just two months. Once the storm forms, all of them will be successful except for the captain Idle.

"So my boss hopes that student Zhang can do us a small favor." Chen Peng took a sip of coffee and said unhurriedly.

"You want me to help you copy our research and development materials to you."

"Student Zhang Cheng is really smart."

Zhang Cheng smiled. It seems that he guessed right. Besides ST, who else would be so interested in their R&D materials.

"Why do you think I will help you?"

"As far as I know, Mr. Zhang's family conditions don't seem to be very good. Our boss admires Mr. Zhang very much. If Mr. Zhang can do this, you can get 100 million US dollars."

Chen Peng slowed down his tone and bewitched, "Think about it, even if Zhang's team gets No.1, it's just an equal share of 100 million, and if Zhang chooses to help our boss, he can enjoy the 100 by himself. Ten thousand."

Zhang Cheng showed doubts, "Why should I trust you? How do I know if you lied to me? If I give you the information at that time, what will you do if you go back on your word and don't pay me, or you guys sold me out?" It's not impossible. Besides, I'm a top student in Q University, and my future is limitless, so it doesn't seem worthwhile to ruin my future for the sake of a one-shot deal."

"Student Zhang's concerns are reasonable, so in order to show our sincerity, if Zhang agrees, we are willing to pay a deposit of 50 yuan first." Chen Peng rolled out a check as he spoke.

Looking at the amount on the check, Zhang Cheng struggled and hesitated.

"I need to think about it, please give me some time to think about it." In the end Zhang Cheng struggled and pushed the check back to Chen Peng.

Chen Peng showed a clear smile. After all, he is still a college student who has never even set foot in society, and he still has a conscience in his heart.But conscience can't be eaten, and under the corrosion of money, his conscience will gradually lose ground.

"I hope classmate Zhang can think about it quickly. After all, I don't know who you are. The temptation of 100 million, we can change someone to complete this matter at any time." After giving the sweet dates, Chen Peng gave a big stick in time, forcing Zhang Cheng to hurry up Think clearly.

After finishing speaking, Chen Peng put away the check and left the coffee shop gracefully, so he didn't see the mocking smile on Zhang Cheng's face. He wanted to buy out his future and research and development materials worth more than $100 million for $100 million. , dreams are more realistic than this.

After Chen Peng left, Zhang Cheng also returned to the laboratory. Everyone was busy with experiments. Although they were busy, the atmosphere was not tense. Instead, they were chatting and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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