Chapter 213
Xianlou was a little annoyed by Zhang Li's categorical rejection. He was used to being arrogant and could not tolerate rejection from others, and now he was watched by Su Lian crying, feeling very irritable.

But when he thought of the huge profits after the event was completed, he calmed down again.

"It's because I didn't make it clear to you. I asked you to recognize her for a purpose..." Xianlou calmed down and slowly explained to Zhang Li the importance of the chip in Xianyu's hand.

It's a pity that Zhang Li couldn't understand his painstaking efforts, but instead said straightforwardly: "You are her father, and you have raised her for more than ten years. If you want her chip, just ask her to hand it over. Why do you want to recognize her back! "

Xianlou's patience was suddenly exhausted by Zhang Li's stupidity, and he once again regretted why he coveted Zhang Li's natal family's wealth and married such a stupid woman.

The problem is that it's okay to be stupid, but she is still stupid and doesn't know it.

She didn't even think about it. Back then they only left 5 yuan for Xianyu, drove her out of the house before the college entrance examination, and did such a heartless thing. Why did they just call Xianyu to hand over such an important chip? With those ten years of nurturing?
But let it go, even though he doesn't stay at home, he still knows the situation at home. How can there be any kindness? Zhang Li is so stupid that he looks like a psychopath. She is like a human being, it is a good thing that she has not been abused, Lei Yu is purely brought up by the servants.

If he hadn't really had little contact with this daughter and had no relationship with him, he would never have come back to look for Zhang Li, a stupid woman.

Reluctantly, there was no other suitable candidate for this matter except Zhang Li. Xian Lou suppressed and suppressed the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth to discuss the twists and turns with Zhang Li.

After the lecture, although Zhang Li still felt that Xianyu should take the initiative to hand over the chip to them, she knew that Xianyu would not hand over the chip as she wished, so she kept cursing Xianyu, what? White-eyed wolf, heartless and so on, scolding over and over again.

Xianlou's last trace of patience was exhausted, and he interrupted Zhang Li's cursing with a loud voice, "Shut up, just say whether you are going to find Xianyu!"

Zhang Li was taken aback by the sudden roar, she came back to her senses and hurriedly said to Xianlou with some flattery: "I am willing, of course I am willing, just wait, I will go find that white-eyed wolf tomorrow."

Xian Lou helplessly raised his forehead, "Don't open your mouth and roll your eyes, you wolf, you have to treat her better and try to impress her with your affection."

Zhang Li didn't take it seriously in her heart, she was a heartless white-eyed wolf, but she kept saying yes.

"Don't go tomorrow. The variety show she participated in will end in two days. You can go find her after the variety show is over." Xianlou thought that before the variety show ended, she probably wouldn't be free.

"Xiao Lian, you go with your mother when the time comes, and watch your mother." Xian Lou turned to Su Lian again and said, he still didn't quite believe in the ability of Zhang Li, a stupid woman, but fortunately she was born The daughter followed her, a bit smart.

Some time ago, his daughter also wrote a popular novel, and the response was very good.The thing that pleased him most was that this novel was approached by Sheng Xing, who wanted to buy the copyright to remake the TV series.

I also want to know how the novel written by his daughter could be sold to Sheng Xing, so the copyright of this novel finally fell into the hands of Lou Yu. He thought that Sheng Xing's president should be very angry.

Su Lian, who was figuring out the cause and effect, no longer shed tears and pretended to be wronged, and nodded in response, "Okay, Dad."

At the same time, there was another person who received the news, the male lead——Luo Ye.

He himself is the president of a technology company, so he is naturally the most well-informed about relevant news.

He didn't expect that the clingy little Qingmei who chased him and made him tiresome could be so capable now.

As soon as he researched the solar cell that broke through the prospects of the industry, he came up with a smart transformer, both of which made him covetously.

He reckoned that the solar cell in front should be owned by ST, so he didn't want to look for spare time in the past, but he didn't expect that the solar cell was not sold to ST in the end, but was shared by several domestic companies.

He missed the opportunity for the solar battery, and he will not miss this intelligent Transformer again.

"Contact Xianyu immediately after the variety show is over, and tell her that I want to see her." Luo Ye ordered to his secretary, without thinking about whether Xianyu would see him or not.

Even if he has met Xianyu's boyfriend before, even if Xianyu has made it clear that he doesn't like him, even if Xianyu has said nothing to him, he still has this confidence, as long as he knows it's him, Xianyu will definitely agree with him opinion on him.

He felt that Xianyu's previous reactions were nothing more than trying to get him to get angry with him. As long as he pretended to be sincere and admit his mistakes and treat her better, she would definitely hold all the things she cherished in front of him like before. .

Xianyu didn't know these people's daydream plans, knowing that Luo Ye still knew the original owner very well. what.

It's a pity that now this body is filled with her salty fish. She is now happily looking at Ji Mo who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she can't even remember who Luo Ye is.

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Xian Yu couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

"I'll be back when the mission is over." Ji Mo replied looking at Xianyu with a good look in his eyes. He hadn't seen her for more than half a month, but he didn't know that he missed her so much.

Seeing that there seemed to be a trace of fatigue in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, I hurriedly pulled him to sit down. She finished the live broadcast today, and when she returned to her room, she saw Jimo sitting in her room. She was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. .

"When did you come back? Why don't you take a good rest at home?" After Ji Mo sat down, Yu Yu remembered this.

"I came back yesterday, and I have rested." Jimo took her hand and whispered softly. He wanted to wait for her variety show to end, but he couldn't help but want to see her and hug her, so he just After resting at home for one night, I ran to the crew.

When he came, he was blocked outside, and he was let in only after looking for Sheng Jisen. This was the first time in his life that someone blocked him from entering a certain place.

Sheng Jisen trembled when he saw Ji Mo. He thought that Ji Mo came to clean him up.Unexpectedly, Ji Mo didn't even give him a look, and calling him here was purely treating him as a tool, and brushed his face all the way into the spare room.

He chewed the oncoming dog food a little bit, and he was afraid that Ji Mo would come to his senses and know the miscellaneous comments on the Internet, and feel that he didn't protect him well, so he gave him a hard time, so he was leading him away. After arriving, he decisively slipped out of sight.

(End of this chapter)

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