Chapter 234 Disputes
Ji Mo's face turned so cold that he was afraid of soldiers like Zhou Bai, let alone a kid.

The little boy was startled by Ji Mo's cold tone and cold eyes, and when he came back to his senses, he burst into tears.

The little boy was tall and strong, and when he cried he was full of air, and his voice was so loud that it was really disturbing.

As soon as the boy cried, a woman who looked high and arrogant ran over from a distance.

"Baby son, what's the matter? Who made you cry, you tell mom, and mom will help you clean him up." The woman ran to the boy quickly, and said viciously while coaxing him not to cry.

Seeing his mother coming, the boy suddenly regained his confidence, pointed at Ji Mo Xianyu and Qian Xuanxuan, and began to complain, "Mom, they are the ones who bully me! Qian Xuanxuan's sister doesn't make Transformers for me, that man He's still pissing me off, get rid of them!"

It was only then that the woman noticed Ji Mo and Xianyu standing in the center of the child. She was amazed by Ji Mo at first glance, subconsciously corrected her posture, and tried her best to put on her best posture. When she was on leisure, her complexion became ugly again. She hates women who are prettier than her!

"It's you two who bullied my son?" She subconsciously ignored Qian Xuanxuan, a little girl who was not as tall or as strong as her son. At first glance, she seemed to be able to bully her son, so she Naturally, Ji Mo and Xianyu were questioned.

"My brother and sister didn't bully your son, obviously your son is crying." Qian Xuanxuan retorted with righteous indignation.

"It's your brother and sister who bullied me. Who told your sister not to make Transformers for me? Let's see how my mother will deal with your sister!" The fat black boy also choked.

Hearing this, the woman understood what was going on. She glanced at the Transformer beside Qian Xuanxuan. It was half a man tall and brightly colored. It looked really cool. No wonder it attracted so many children.

Since my son wants it, let's help him buy one. It's just a Transformer, and it's not like she can't afford it.

"Son, we don't care about theirs. Mom will buy you a bigger and better-looking one."

"Mom, I can't buy this one. This Transformer was made by Qian Xuanxuan's sister himself, and there is no one for sale outside!"

Not sold?The woman frowned, it was a bit difficult to handle, and then she said to Xianyu and Ji Mo: "How much do you pay for one? I pay double, and you make another one for my son."

The tone of the speech was quite natural, and I could understand why the boy was so unlikable, and he seemed to follow his mother.

The son of a dragon born into a dragon and a phoenix born into a phoenix mouse can make holes, and all mothers do this, so her son should look like her.

"Ma'am, buying and selling is all about what you like and I will. The current situation is that I don't want to take the time to make another one. I don't want to pay as many times as you pay." Lei Yu's face also turned cold. She couldn't be more gentle.

Women don't care about idle words, because they think the money is too little, "If you can't do twice, you can triple it, if you can't triple it, you can quadruple it. If you don't want to do it, just sell me this ready-made one!"

Now Xianyu's face is not only cold, but dark and dark. Does this woman not understand human words?
Lei Yu succinctly refused: "Our ready-made brother wants to play with himself, not for sale!"

"Why is he a kid playing with such a good toy? I don't even look at whether he deserves it! I don't think you are very rich in your clothes. I am willing to spend three times and four times the money to buy this Transformer. I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it, because you may not be able to earn so much money in a month." The woman blew on her newly-made manicure, her face full of disdain and contempt.

I heard the words in my spare time and took a look at their clothes. The casual style was plain and the colors were plain, so it looked more ordinary, but no matter how you looked at it, it had nothing to do with being poor, right?

Lei Yu: "I don't need you to worry about how much we earn a month, please get out of the way, you are in the way!"

It's rare for a woman to be humiliated like this, and in front of so many people, she suddenly becomes angry from embarrassment.


Seeing that they were going to leave, her son also snarled, "No, you are not allowed to go, Mom, you quickly clean them up, I don't care, I want his Transformers, you buy them back for me quickly!" !"

The woman was annoyed by her son, and she was angry again, so she immediately vented her anger on Jimo and Xianyu. She grabbed Xianyu's hand and said, "I haven't let you go yet, you are not allowed to go, I will I advise you to sell this Transformer to me if you are sensible, or I will make you look good!"

She grabbed Xianyu very quickly and with great strength, and she almost fell when she was unprepared. Fortunately, Ji Mo quickly supported her with his eyes and hands.

After holding Xianyu steady, Ji Mo strode up to the woman, pinched her hand that was pulling Xianyu and broke it hard, the woman immediately screamed, and her hand sent away Xianyu because of the pain.

After she sent her away, Ji Mo squeezed her hand and shook it vigorously, and the woman was immediately thrown to the ground.

This scene was too shocking, whether it was the parents watching the fun not far away or the children around here, they were all dumbfounded.

The woman was thrown to the ground and she still couldn't recover. When she realized that she was thrown to the ground, her face turned red with anger, and her hands were still in severe pain. If she couldn't move, she would have thought Broke himself.

The woman got up quickly, pointed at Jimo and Xianyu viciously with her non-painful finger: "You wait for me!" Then she took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Ji Mo's face was as cold as ice, and his voice did not fluctuate: "Do you want me to fold your hand?"

The woman immediately withdrew her hand quickly, took two steps back and never dared to approach Jimo again, and just stared at them viciously.

The call was quickly connected, and the woman cried as if she was changing faces in a Sichuan opera, and her voice was very different from the fierce voice just now, but became gentle and careless.

"Xianlou, come down here in the park, my son and I were beaten!" The aggrieved and crying voice reached the ear of the owner Xianlou on the other side of the phone through the phone.

When Xian Lou heard that she and her son had been beaten, she stood up in shock, "Isn't it the park, I'll be right over!" After speaking, he hung up the phone, put on his clothes and hurried out.

He is just such a son, if something bad happens to him, he will die!Now that my son has been beaten, that's fine!

Here, Xianyu and Ji Mo saw that the woman had taken two steps back, and they didn't dare to provoke them any more. They were about to lead Qian Xuanxuan away, but they heard the woman say Xianlou's name into the phone.

Xianyu paused, and Ji Mo also heard the name, and then stopped. The two looked at each other. Is it the Xianlou they were thinking of?

 Something was delayed today, so I didn't make it before 12 o'clock

  So full attendance is gone this heart is broken

  By the way... Since I don't have full attendance this month, I won't update it every day in the future. Let's wait for next month to write 4000 words a day.

(End of this chapter)

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