Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 264 The Experiment Begins

Chapter 264 The Experiment Begins

After visiting the laboratory and returning to Yun's home, he immediately told Lu Peifeng that the laboratory was ready. Lu Peifeng was overjoyed, and the trace of regret for the share in his heart faded away.After all, the cost of the laboratory is not a small sum of money.

Now everything is done, and everything is ready, just waiting for these researchers to start working.

Lu Peifeng set the time for the sixth day of the lunar new year, which is the day after tomorrow. In his words, this day is auspicious, and the six and six will go smoothly. I hope their research and development will go smoothly to the end without any difficulties.

Accepting Lu Peifeng's auspicious words, Lei Yu was also very satisfied with the date, and gave her some time to prepare.

Once she enters the laboratory later, it is almost a fact that she is very busy. Before that, she has to sort out some chores, especially on the school side, and she is absent for a long time. I have an opinion.

For this point, she thinks it is better to leave it to Lu Peifeng to solve it, mainly because his identity is easy to talk about.Lu Peifeng agreed very readily, there is nothing wrong with such a trivial matter.

Secondly, she also had to explain to Ji Mo and Professor Zhou Meiqian that she couldn't become a missing person in the blink of an eye.

After she finished dealing with these, she went to the laboratory with Father Yun in good spirits on the morning of the sixth day of the sixth day.

The researchers of the whole team were set up by Lu Peifeng, she didn't intervene, but after he confirmed the people involved in the research and development, he gave her the list. There are many professors she is familiar with in the list, and several national academicians also joined up.

Father Yun was worried that she was nervous, and was trying to comfort her, but when he saw that Xianyu was very calm, with a gentle smile on his face, he immediately felt relieved.They are awesome!

Among other things, it's the first time everyone is meeting, and it is still necessary for the main personnel to hold a meeting.

"Hello to all the seniors here, I am idle. You may not have heard my name, but these are not important. What is important is that in the next period of time, I will be with you as a team leader. Cooperate in the research and development of virtual reality technology." Standing in the main position, Lei Yu calmly said to everyone.

The people who can sit in this conference room are all elderly veterans. Before agreeing to join the team, they already know who the team leader is, and naturally they have checked their spare information.

Many things cannot be found out, but some things on the bright side can still be found out. The little girl is less than 20 years old, and her achievements are indeed impressive.

But it is not enough to say that you want to sit on their heads and lead them.So it is necessary to be unconvinced and questioned.

But later Lu Peifeng vaguely revealed some other information to them.For example, the girl's father is also in the team, or her father is quite big, older than all of them present, or her father is actually Yun Zhu.

Well, my father has such a great background and is led by his own daughter, he didn't say anything, what else do they have to say?Wasn't part of the reason why they agreed to join this team in the first place was because of Yun Zhu's talent in the team?
Later, perhaps Lu Peifeng was worried that Lei Yu would not be able to convince the public, so he leaked the first-hand news.

Only then did they know that Xianyu and the Yun family accounted for [-]% of the investment in this research and development, and that the laboratory that was shocked when they first arrived was also owned by them.

Cannibals have short mouths and soft hands. Although they are old pedants, they still understand the unspoken rule that the investor is the father.

In this way, they are even less critical.As long as the girl doesn't point fingers at them casually and affect the research and development process, it's just a leader's title, and it will be over if you turn a blind eye.

Xianyu seems to be a roundworm in their stomachs. He can understand their concerns just by looking at everyone's faces, so he doesn't go around much, and explains bluntly: "Since it is a cooperative research and development, the most important thing is mutual benefit and win-win. We have to work hard to succeed in research and development, so we should have a certain amount of trust in each other."

"Of course, no matter how good you say it, it will take time to test it. We might as well let the bullets fly for a while to see the aftermath." As he spoke, he made a final conclusion, "I hope we can get along happily in the future!"

All the professors and academicians here have changed their views on her through these spare words.Among other things, at least they have self-confidence and calmness, and they are also very calm and stable. They don't judge them, and they don't seem to be difficult to get along with.

Yun Zhu sat down and watched his daughter talking with satisfaction, his inner satisfaction was indescribable.After I finished speaking, I took the lead and got up and shook hands with her, "Work hard together and have a happy cooperation."

With Yunzhu taking the lead, other people also cooperated with Xianyu one after another, hoping to have a happy cooperation in the future, and Xianyu accepted everyone's kindness with a smile.

The face-saving project was finished, and the meeting was adjourned directly in spare time.Everyone dispersed to familiarize themselves with the next working environment and experimental equipment.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and then Lei Yu fell into the intense research and development, and just as she expected before, the busy one is called a busy one.

Lu Peifeng has been assisting the laboratory in the early stage. Of course, he is not assisting in research and development, but in charge of the logistics and personnel transfer of the entire laboratory.

For example, arrange a life assistant for each of the busy spare time and the bosses, otherwise he is afraid that these bosses who can't get out once they get into the research will starve to death on the experimental bench.

This life assistant is not arranged casually. You don't need to know much about the experiment, but if you don't know anything about it, it's definitely not good. What if you interrupt the experiment of the bosses recklessly?
So he plans to select some of these assistants from various colleges and universities.Naturally, it is impossible for him to do it himself. The school recommendation is the most suitable and convenient way.

In fact, their research and development this time is quite dynamic, mainly because they have indeed brought together a lot of big shots in this field, so when they heard that the laboratory needed life assistants, all schools were quite active.

Although the choice is a life assistant instead of an experiment assistant, if it is selected from among the students, a life assistant is also suitable.The level of the experimental assistant is too high, no matter what, he has to be an excellent graduate student or doctor to be competent.

There are twenty or thirty big bosses in the laboratory, and each person is equipped with a life assistant, and these assistants have to pick twenty or thirty.

The school recommended them, and Lu Peifeng didn't just accept them all. He had to go through some procedures and arrange for someone to check the family background and life trajectory of these students.

Be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, if one or two of them get eaten by dogs, they will be making wedding dresses for others.

(End of this chapter)

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